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Submit your Awesome HV app for an MS-HUG innovation award!

Each year, our uber-healthcare group at Microsoft runs an awards program on behalf of the Microsoft Healthcare Users Group (HUG, get it?). It’s a great opportunity to showcase the work that is being done all around the Microsoft ecosystem, including not just HealthVault but Azure, Windows 8, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, Lync and all the other cool stuff the company offers.

I couldn’t begin to catalog all the HealthVault-based innovations I’ve seen this year that deserve inclusion --- so instead I’m putting out a broad call. Submit your work! Winners will be announced at a ceremony at HIMSS, receive a bunch of great PR and are featured in Microsoft marketing activity … so it can be well worth your while.

Past HealthVault-connected winners have included our friends at Get Real Health and most recently in 2011 a great virtual colonoscopy solution built by Vectorform and Mass General Hospital.

Read more about the awards on Steve’s blog here, or jump right to information on submitting. Hope we’ll see you in New Orleans!