[EN] Make demos!
I must admit that I learnt programming because I wanted to develop games (when I grow adult). Reality showed that in ERP and database systems business I'm better candidate to be a developer and now it's a completely different story.
But the truth is that if I only have time to play hard with my computer just to have fun I always turn back to graphics programming (periodically).
I cannot say I'm good with that but demoscene spirit I grew up with is always constant regardless of another birthday and inc(age) function call. :>
So now I've found some time to check .NET possibilities in subject.
I had two options: Managed DirectX which as far as I know is discontinued from future development because of second option which is XNA <- currently mainstream for managed .NET coding with cool R-TIME graphics bottom-based on DirectX either.
I wanted to use XNA because lot of good PR has been made in subject but as a developer with already established Visual Studio.NET Proffesional Edition I don't want to garbage my system with another version of VS.Net (XNA add-ons support only VC#.Net Express Ed.).
My conclusion -> it's creators problem not mine. When XNA starts supporting other versions of Visual Studio and XNA will function like WPF/WF/WCF add-ins for .NET Framework 3.0 in VS.Net 2005 I'll buy it.
Right now I cannot but still that will of make something cute in 3d space is so addicting that I really wanted to test myself again.
So anyway, I picked Managed DirectX with C# in .NET 2.0 :)
Current stage of my framework you can find there: https://www.dbiesiada.com/projects/Demoengine/default.aspx
Still it's only crappy framework for audiovisual demos (like demoscene prods you can find on pouet.net) but I'm all the time working on it. Currently I'm fighting to get a clue how those damn pixel shaders work.
But I'll do fine I presume. My deadline is August to make a real demo on top of this code.
Idea is to make it, then to publish sources with tutorials how to use this framework for your own demos.
Later I hope we together conclude if C#/.NET Framework and GFX APIs are good enough to make cool DEMOS.
I think yes, so initially I gently ask you either: make demos!
I think it's the best way to show that your computing skills are not only geeky sometimes but can output in something really cool :)
January 21, 2008
Michał udowodnił mi parę dni temu, że nie można wiedzieć wszystkiego i warto jak najszerzej korzystaćAnonymous
January 21, 2008
Michał udowodnił mi parę dni temu, że nie można wiedzieć wszystkiego i warto jak najszerzej korzystać