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Create hierarchies

Applies to: SQL Server 2019 and later Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services Fabric/Power BI Premium

In this lesson, you create hierarchies. Hierarchies are groups of columns arranged in levels. For example, a Geography hierarchy might have sublevels for Country, State, County, and City. Hierarchies can appear separate from other columns in a reporting client field list, making them easier for users to navigate and include in a report. To learn more, see Hierarchies

To create hierarchies, use the model designer in Diagram View. Creating and managing hierarchies is not supported in Data View.

Estimated time to complete this lesson: 20 minutes


This article is part of a tabular modeling tutorial, which should be completed in order. Before performing the tasks in this lesson, you should have completed the previous lesson: Lesson 8: Create perspectives.

Create new hierarchies

To create a Category hierarchy in the DimProduct table

  1. In the model designer (diagram view), right-click the DimProduct table > Create Hierarchy. A new hierarchy appears at the bottom of the table window. Rename the hierarchy Category.

  2. Click and drag the ProductCategoryName column to the new Category hierarchy.

  3. In the Category hierarchy, right-click ProductCategoryName > Rename, and then type Category.


    Renaming a column in a hierarchy does not rename that column in the table. A column in a hierarchy is just a representation of the column in the table.

  4. Click and drag the ProductSubcategoryName column to the Category hierarchy. Rename it Subcategory.

  5. Right-click the ModelName column > Add to hierarchy, and then select Category. Rename it Model.

  6. Finally, add EnglishProductName to the Category hierarchy. Rename it Product.

    Screenshot of DimProduct > Category showing the columns are named Model and Product.

To create hierarchies in the DimDate table

  1. In the DimDate table, create a hierarchy named Calendar. Include the following columns in-order:

    • CalendarYear
    • CalendarSemester
    • CalendarQuarter
    • MonthCalendar
    • DayNumberOfMonth
  2. In the DimDate table, create a Fiscal hierarchy. Include the following columns in-order:

    • FiscalYear
    • FiscalSemester
    • FiscalQuarter
    • MonthCalendar
    • DayNumberOfMonth
  3. Finally, in the DimDate table, create a ProductionCalendar hierarchy. Include the following columns in-order:

    • CalendarYear
    • WeekNumberOfYear
    • DayNumberOfWeek

Next step

Lesson 10: Create partitions