AddAdExtensions Service Operation - Campaign Management
Adds one or more ad extensions to an account's ad extension library.
Request Elements
The AddAdExtensionsRequest object defines the body and header elements of the service operation request. The elements must be in the same order as shown in the Request SOAP.
Unless otherwise noted below, all request elements are required.
Request Body Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
AccountId | The identifier of the account to add the extensions to. | long |
AdExtensions | The list of ad extensions of any type to add to the account. You can specify a maximum of 100 extensions per call. | AdExtension array |
Request Header Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
AuthenticationToken | The OAuth access token that represents the credentials of a user who has permissions to Microsoft Advertising accounts. For more information see Authentication with OAuth. |
string |
CustomerAccountId | The identifier of the ad account that owns or is associated with the entities in the request. This header element must have the same value as the AccountId body element when both are required. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it. For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs. |
string |
CustomerId | The identifier of the manager account (customer) the user is accessing or operating from. A user can have access to multiple manager accounts. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it. For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs. |
string |
DeveloperToken | The developer token used to access the Bing Ads API. For more information see Get a Developer Token. |
string |
Password | This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. | string |
UserName | This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. | string |
Response Elements
The AddAdExtensionsResponse object defines the body and header elements of the service operation response. The elements are returned in the same order as shown in the Response SOAP.
Response Body Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
AdExtensionIdentities | The identities of the extensions that were added. The list corresponds directly to the list of extensions specified in the request. | AdExtensionIdentity array |
NestedPartialErrors | An array of BatchErrorCollection objects that contain details for any ad extensions that were not successfully added. The top level error within each BatchErrorCollection object corresponds to potential ad extension errors. The nested list of BatchError objects would include any errors specific to the list items within an ad extension (if applicable). The list of errors do not correspond directly to the list of items in the request. The list can be empty if there were no errors, or can include one or more error objects corresponding to each unsuccessful list item in the request. |
BatchErrorCollection array |
Response Header Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
TrackingId | The identifier of the log entry that contains the details of the API call. | string |
Request SOAP
This template was generated by a tool to show the order of the body and header elements for the SOAP request. For supported types that you can use with this service operation, see the Request Body Elements reference above.
<s:Envelope xmlns:i="" xmlns:s="">
<s:Header xmlns="">
<Action mustUnderstand="1">AddAdExtensions</Action>
<AuthenticationToken i:nil="false">ValueHere</AuthenticationToken>
<CustomerAccountId i:nil="false">ValueHere</CustomerAccountId>
<CustomerId i:nil="false">ValueHere</CustomerId>
<DeveloperToken i:nil="false">ValueHere</DeveloperToken>
<AddAdExtensionsRequest xmlns="">
<AdExtensions i:nil="false">
<AdExtension i:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
<DevicePreference i:nil="false">ValueHere</DevicePreference>
<ForwardCompatibilityMap xmlns:e183="" i:nil="false">
<e183:key i:nil="false">ValueHere</e183:key>
<e183:value i:nil="false">ValueHere</e183:value>
<Id i:nil="false">ValueHere</Id>
<Scheduling i:nil="false">
<DayTimeRanges i:nil="false">
<EndDate i:nil="false">
<StartDate i:nil="false">
<UseSearcherTimeZone i:nil="false">ValueHere</UseSearcherTimeZone>
<Status i:nil="false">ValueHere</Status>
<Type i:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
<Version i:nil="false">ValueHere</Version>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to LocationAdExtension-->
<Address i:nil="false">
<CityName i:nil="false">ValueHere</CityName>
<CountryCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</CountryCode>
<PostalCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</PostalCode>
<ProvinceCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</ProvinceCode>
<ProvinceName i:nil="false">ValueHere</ProvinceName>
<StreetAddress i:nil="false">ValueHere</StreetAddress>
<StreetAddress2 i:nil="false">ValueHere</StreetAddress2>
<CompanyName i:nil="false">ValueHere</CompanyName>
<GeoCodeStatus i:nil="false">ValueHere</GeoCodeStatus>
<GeoPoint i:nil="false">
<PhoneNumber i:nil="false">ValueHere</PhoneNumber>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to CallAdExtension-->
<CountryCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</CountryCode>
<IsCallOnly i:nil="false">ValueHere</IsCallOnly>
<IsCallTrackingEnabled i:nil="false">ValueHere</IsCallTrackingEnabled>
<PhoneNumber i:nil="false">ValueHere</PhoneNumber>
<RequireTollFreeTrackingNumber i:nil="false">ValueHere</RequireTollFreeTrackingNumber>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ImageAdExtension-->
<AlternativeText i:nil="false">ValueHere</AlternativeText>
<Description i:nil="false">ValueHere</Description>
<DestinationUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</DestinationUrl>
<DisplayText i:nil="false">ValueHere</DisplayText>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<ImageMediaIds i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Images i:nil="false">
<Asset i:nil="false" i:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
<Id i:nil="false">ValueHere</Id>
<Name i:nil="false">ValueHere</Name>
<Type i:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
<!--This field is applicable if the derived type attribute is set to TextAsset-->
<Text i:nil="false">ValueHere</Text>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ImageAsset-->
<CropHeight i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
<CropWidth i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
<CropX i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
<CropY i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
<SubType i:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
<TargetHeight i:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
<TargetWidth i:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to VideoAsset-->
<SubType i:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
<ThumbnailImage i:nil="false">
<CropHeight i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropHeight>
<CropWidth i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropWidth>
<CropX i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropX>
<CropY i:nil="false">ValueHere</CropY>
<SubType i:nil="false">ValueHere</SubType>
<TargetHeight i:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetHeight>
<TargetWidth i:nil="false">ValueHere</TargetWidth>
<AssetPerformanceLabel i:nil="false">ValueHere</AssetPerformanceLabel>
<EditorialStatus i:nil="false">ValueHere</EditorialStatus>
<PinnedField i:nil="false">ValueHere</PinnedField>
<Layouts i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<SourceType i:nil="false">ValueHere</SourceType>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to AppAdExtension-->
<AppPlatform i:nil="false">ValueHere</AppPlatform>
<AppStoreId i:nil="false">ValueHere</AppStoreId>
<DestinationUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</DestinationUrl>
<DisplayText i:nil="false">ValueHere</DisplayText>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ReviewAdExtension-->
<Source i:nil="false">ValueHere</Source>
<Text i:nil="false">ValueHere</Text>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<!--This field is applicable if the derived type attribute is set to CalloutAdExtension-->
<Text i:nil="false">ValueHere</Text>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to SitelinkAdExtension-->
<Description1 i:nil="false">ValueHere</Description1>
<Description2 i:nil="false">ValueHere</Description2>
<DestinationUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</DestinationUrl>
<DisplayText i:nil="false">ValueHere</DisplayText>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to ActionAdExtension-->
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Language i:nil="false">ValueHere</Language>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to StructuredSnippetAdExtension-->
<Header i:nil="false">ValueHere</Header>
<Values i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to PriceAdExtension-->
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<Language i:nil="false">ValueHere</Language>
<TableRows i:nil="false">
<CurrencyCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</CurrencyCode>
<Description i:nil="false">ValueHere</Description>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Header i:nil="false">ValueHere</Header>
<TermsAndConditions i:nil="false">ValueHere</TermsAndConditions>
<TermsAndConditionsUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</TermsAndConditionsUrl>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to PromotionAdExtension-->
<CurrencyCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</CurrencyCode>
<DiscountModifier i:nil="false">ValueHere</DiscountModifier>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Language i:nil="false">ValueHere</Language>
<MoneyAmountOff i:nil="false">ValueHere</MoneyAmountOff>
<OrdersOverAmount i:nil="false">ValueHere</OrdersOverAmount>
<PercentOff i:nil="false">ValueHere</PercentOff>
<PromotionCode i:nil="false">ValueHere</PromotionCode>
<PromotionEndDate i:nil="false">
<PromotionItem i:nil="false">ValueHere</PromotionItem>
<PromotionOccasion i:nil="false">ValueHere</PromotionOccasion>
<PromotionStartDate i:nil="false">
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to FilterLinkAdExtension-->
<AdExtensionHeaderType i:nil="false">ValueHere</AdExtensionHeaderType>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Language i:nil="false">ValueHere</Language>
<Texts i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to FlyerAdExtension-->
<Description i:nil="false">ValueHere</Description>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FlyerName i:nil="false">ValueHere</FlyerName>
<ImageMediaIds i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<ImageMediaUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<StoreId i:nil="false">ValueHere</StoreId>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to VideoAdExtension-->
<ActionText i:nil="false">ValueHere</ActionText>
<AlternativeText i:nil="false">ValueHere</AlternativeText>
<DisplayText i:nil="false">ValueHere</DisplayText>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<Name i:nil="false">ValueHere</Name>
<ThumbnailId i:nil="false">ValueHere</ThumbnailId>
<ThumbnailUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</ThumbnailUrl>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<VideoId i:nil="false">ValueHere</VideoId>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to DisclaimerAdExtension-->
<DisclaimerLayout i:nil="false">ValueHere</DisclaimerLayout>
<FinalAppUrls i:nil="false">
<OsType i:nil="false">ValueHere</OsType>
<Url i:nil="false">ValueHere</Url>
<FinalMobileUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<FinalUrlSuffix i:nil="false">ValueHere</FinalUrlSuffix>
<FinalUrls i:nil="false" xmlns:a1="">
<LineText i:nil="false">ValueHere</LineText>
<Name i:nil="false">ValueHere</Name>
<PopupText i:nil="false">ValueHere</PopupText>
<Title i:nil="false">ValueHere</Title>
<TrackingUrlTemplate i:nil="false">ValueHere</TrackingUrlTemplate>
<UrlCustomParameters i:nil="false">
<Parameters i:nil="false">
<Key i:nil="false">ValueHere</Key>
<Value i:nil="false">ValueHere</Value>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to LogoAdExtension-->
<BusinessLogo i:nil="false">ValueHere</BusinessLogo>
<BusinessLogoUrl i:nil="false">ValueHere</BusinessLogoUrl>
<BusinessName i:nil="false">ValueHere</BusinessName>
<DomainName i:nil="false">ValueHere</DomainName>
Response SOAP
This template was generated by a tool to show the order of the body and header elements for the SOAP response.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Header xmlns="">
<TrackingId d3p1:nil="false" xmlns:d3p1="">ValueHere</TrackingId>
<AddAdExtensionsResponse xmlns="">
<AdExtensionIdentities d4p1:nil="false" xmlns:d4p1="">
<Version d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Version>
<NestedPartialErrors d4p1:nil="false" xmlns:d4p1="">
<BatchErrorCollection d4p1:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
<BatchErrors d4p1:nil="false">
<BatchError d4p1:type="-- derived type specified here with the appropriate prefix --">
<Details d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Details>
<ErrorCode d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</ErrorCode>
<FieldPath d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</FieldPath>
<ForwardCompatibilityMap xmlns:e184="" d4p1:nil="false">
<e184:key d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</e184:key>
<e184:value d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</e184:value>
<Message d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Message>
<Type d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to EditorialError-->
<Appealable d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Appealable>
<DisapprovedText d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</DisapprovedText>
<Location d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Location>
<PublisherCountry d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</PublisherCountry>
<Code d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Code>
<Details d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Details>
<ErrorCode d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</ErrorCode>
<FieldPath d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</FieldPath>
<ForwardCompatibilityMap xmlns:e185="" d4p1:nil="false">
<e185:key d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</e185:key>
<e185:value d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</e185:value>
<Message d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Message>
<Type d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Type>
<!--These fields are applicable if the derived type attribute is set to EditorialErrorCollection-->
<Appealable d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Appealable>
<DisapprovedText d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</DisapprovedText>
<Location d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</Location>
<PublisherCountry d4p1:nil="false">ValueHere</PublisherCountry>
Code Syntax
The example syntax can be used with Bing Ads SDKs. See Bing Ads API Code Examples for more examples.
public async Task<AddAdExtensionsResponse> AddAdExtensionsAsync(
long accountId,
IList<AdExtension> adExtensions)
var request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest
AccountId = accountId,
AdExtensions = adExtensions
return (await CampaignManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.AddAdExtensionsAsync(r), request));
static AddAdExtensionsResponse addAdExtensions(
java.lang.Long accountId,
ArrayOfAdExtension adExtensions) throws RemoteException, Exception
AddAdExtensionsRequest request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest();
return CampaignManagementService.getService().addAdExtensions(request);
static function AddAdExtensions(
$GLOBALS['Proxy'] = $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy'];
$request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest();
$request->AccountId = $accountId;
$request->AdExtensions = $adExtensions;
return $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy']->GetService()->AddAdExtensions($request);
Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13
Request Url
Request Elements
The AddAdExtensionsRequest object defines the body and header elements of the service operation request.
Unless otherwise noted below, all request elements are required.
Request Body Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
AccountId | The identifier of the account to add the extensions to. | long |
AdExtensions | The list of ad extensions of any type to add to the account. You can specify a maximum of 100 extensions per call. | AdExtension array |
Request Header Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
Authorization | The OAuth access token that represents the credentials of a user who has permissions to Microsoft Advertising accounts. Please ensure that the token is prefixed with "Bearer ", this is necessary for proper authentication. For more information see Authentication with OAuth. |
string |
CustomerAccountId | The identifier of the ad account that owns or is associated with the entities in the request. This header element must have the same value as the AccountId body element when both are required. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it. For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs. |
string |
CustomerId | The identifier of the manager account (customer) the user is accessing or operating from. A user can have access to multiple manager accounts. This element is required for most service operations, and as a best practice you should always set it. For more information see Get Your Account and Customer IDs. |
string |
DeveloperToken | The developer token used to access the Bing Ads API. For more information see Get a Developer Token. |
string |
Password | This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. | string |
UserName | This element is reserved for internal use and will be removed from a future version of the API. You must use the AuthenticationToken element to set user credentials. | string |
Response Elements
The AddAdExtensionsResponse object defines the body and header elements of the service operation response. The elements are returned in the same order as shown in the Response JSON.
Response Body Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
AdExtensionIdentities | The identities of the extensions that were added. The list corresponds directly to the list of extensions specified in the request. | AdExtensionIdentity array |
NestedPartialErrors | An array of BatchErrorCollection objects that contain details for any ad extensions that were not successfully added. The top level error within each BatchErrorCollection object corresponds to potential ad extension errors. The nested list of BatchError objects would include any errors specific to the list items within an ad extension (if applicable). The list of errors do not correspond directly to the list of items in the request. The list can be empty if there were no errors, or can include one or more error objects corresponding to each unsuccessful list item in the request. |
BatchErrorCollection array |
Response Header Elements
Element | Description | Data Type |
TrackingId | The identifier of the log entry that contains the details of the API call. | string |
Request JSON
This template was generated by a tool to show the body and header elements for the JSON request. For supported types that you can use with this service operation, see the Request Body Elements reference above.
Below is an example that is applicable if the type of AdExtension is ActionAdExtension.
"AccountId": "LongValueHere",
"AdExtensions": [
"DevicePreference": "LongValueHere",
"ForwardCompatibilityMap": [
"key": "ValueHere",
"value": "ValueHere"
"Id": "LongValueHere",
"Scheduling": {
"DayTimeRanges": [
"Day": "ValueHere",
"EndHour": IntValueHere,
"EndMinute": "ValueHere",
"StartHour": IntValueHere,
"StartMinute": "ValueHere"
"EndDate": {
"Day": IntValueHere,
"Month": IntValueHere,
"Year": IntValueHere
"StartDate": {
"Day": IntValueHere,
"Month": IntValueHere,
"Year": IntValueHere
"UseSearcherTimeZone": "ValueHere"
"Status": "ValueHere",
"Type": "ActionAdExtension",
"Version": IntValueHere,
"ActionType": "ValueHere",
"FinalMobileUrls": [
"FinalUrls": [
"FinalUrlSuffix": "ValueHere",
"Language": "ValueHere",
"TrackingUrlTemplate": "ValueHere",
"UrlCustomParameters": {
"Parameters": [
"Key": "ValueHere",
"Value": "ValueHere"
Response JSON
This template was generated by a tool to show the body and header elements for the JSON response.
Below is an example that is applicable if the type of BatchErrorCollection is EditorialErrorCollection, BatchError is EditorialError.
"AdExtensionIdentities": [
"Id": "LongValueHere",
"Version": IntValueHere
"NestedPartialErrors": [
"BatchErrors": [
"Code": IntValueHere,
"Details": "ValueHere",
"ErrorCode": "ValueHere",
"FieldPath": "ValueHere",
"ForwardCompatibilityMap": [
"key": "ValueHere",
"value": "ValueHere"
"Index": IntValueHere,
"Message": "ValueHere",
"Type": "EditorialError",
"Appealable": "ValueHere",
"DisapprovedText": "ValueHere",
"Location": "ValueHere",
"PublisherCountry": "ValueHere",
"ReasonCode": IntValueHere
"Code": IntValueHere,
"Details": "ValueHere",
"ErrorCode": "ValueHere",
"FieldPath": "ValueHere",
"ForwardCompatibilityMap": [
"key": "ValueHere",
"value": "ValueHere"
"Index": IntValueHere,
"Message": "ValueHere",
"Type": "EditorialErrorCollection",
"Appealable": "ValueHere",
"DisapprovedText": "ValueHere",
"Location": "ValueHere",
"PublisherCountry": "ValueHere",
"ReasonCode": IntValueHere
Code Syntax
To call REST API through SDKs, you need to upgrade SDK to a certain version and configure the system parameters.The example syntax can be used with Bing Ads SDKs. See Bing Ads API Code Examples for more examples.
public async Task<AddAdExtensionsResponse> AddAdExtensionsAsync(
long accountId,
IList<AdExtension> adExtensions)
var request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest
AccountId = accountId,
AdExtensions = adExtensions
return (await CampaignManagementService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.AddAdExtensionsAsync(r), request));
static AddAdExtensionsResponse addAdExtensions(
java.lang.Long accountId,
ArrayOfAdExtension adExtensions) throws RemoteException, Exception
AddAdExtensionsRequest request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest();
return CampaignManagementService.getService().addAdExtensions(request);
static function AddAdExtensions(
$GLOBALS['Proxy'] = $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy'];
$request = new AddAdExtensionsRequest();
$request->AccountId = $accountId;
$request->AdExtensions = $adExtensions;
return $GLOBALS['CampaignManagementProxy']->GetService()->AddAdExtensions($request);