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Install the Azure CLI extension for Azure Deployment Environments

In addition to the Azure admin portal and the developer portal, you can use the Azure Deployment Environments CLI extension to create resources. Azure Deployment Environments and Microsoft Dev Box use the same Azure CLI extension, which is called devcenter.

Install the devcenter extension

You first need to install the Azure CLI, and then install the devcenter extension.

  1. Download and install the Azure CLI.

  2. Install the devcenter extension by using the following command.

    az extension add --name devcenter
  3. Check that the devcenter extension was installed.

    az extension list

Update the devcenter extension

If you already have the devcenter extension installed, you can update it.

az extension update --name devcenter

Remove the devcenter extension

To remove the extension, use the following command.

az extension remove --name devcenter

Get started with the devcenter extension

You might find the following commands useful while you work with the devcenter extension.

  1. Sign in to the Azure CLI with your account.

    az login
  2. Set your default subscription to the subscription where you're creating your specific Deployment Environments resources.

    az account set --subscription <subscriptionId>
  3. Set a default resource group so that you don't need to specify the resource group for each command.

    az configure --defaults group=<resourceGroupName>
  4. Get help for a command.

    az devcenter admin --help

For complete command listings, see the Microsoft Dev Box and Azure Deployment Environments Azure CLI documentation.