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Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers Namespace

Provides APIs for implementing a widget provider for Windows Widgets.



Provides data for the Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers.IWidgetProvider.OnActionInvoked callback, which is raised when an action is invoked on a widget, such as the user clicking on a button.


Provides data for the OnAnalyticsInfoReported) event which is raised when the widget host reports analytics data associated with a user interaction with a widget.


Provides information about the configuration of a widget within the widget host.


Provides data for the Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers.IWidgetProvider.OnWidgetContextChanged callback.


Provides data for the OnCustomizationRequested) event which is raised when the user has requested widget customization through the widget host UI.


Provides data for the OnErrorInfoReported) event which is raised when the widget host reports a widget error.


Contains status information for a widget, including the visual template, data template, custom state, the last update time, and context information from the widget host.


Provides methods for querying, updating, and deleting widgets.


Provides data for the IWidgetProviderMessage.OnMessageReceived event which is raised when the widget's content posts a message using the window.chrome.webview.postMessage JavaScript method.


Represents a resource request received through an implementation of IWidgetResourceProvider.OnResourceRequested.


Provides data for the IWidgetResourceProvider.OnResourceRequested event which is raised when the widget's content requests a resource that matches the web request filter string for a widget in the WebRequestFilter attribute of the Definition element in the provider's package manifest file. For more information, see Widget provider package manifest XML format.


Represents a response to a resource request received through an implementation of IWidgetResourceProvider.OnResourceRequested.


Provides data for calls to Microsoft.Windows.Widgets.Providers.WidgetManager.UpdateWidget.



The interface that is implemented by the WidgetManager class, which provides methods for querying, updating and deleting widgets.


An interface that is implemented by the WidgetManager class, extending the functionality introduced with the IWidgetManager interface.


This interface is implemented by Windows Widget providers to receive callbacks from the widget host for widget lifetime events.


This interface is implemented by Windows widget providers to receive callbacks from the widget host for widget customization events.


This optional interface can be implemented by Windows widget providers to receive callbacks from the widget host for widget analytics events.


This interface is implemented by Windows widget providers to receive callbacks from the widget host for widget errors.


This optional interface can be implemented by a widget provider to receive string messages from the widget's web content that has been posted using the window.chrome.webview.postMessage JavaScript method.


This optional interface can be implemented by a widget provider to monitor, provide, or alter resources that are requested by the widget web content.


IWidgetProvider is the interface that must be implemented by widget providers in order to receive callback notifications for widget lifecycle events. This interface must be implemented as an Out-of-process COM Server.

The WidgetManager class provides methods for updating, querying, and deleting widgets.