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콘텐츠 키 만들기 예제

콘텐츠 키는 Windows Media DRM 가져오기에 대한 미디어 샘플을 암호화하는 데 사용됩니다. 다음 코드 예제에서는 콘텐츠 키 구조를 만들고 초기화하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

HRESULT CreateContentKey( WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY **ppContentKey, DWORD *pcbContentKey)
    // TODO: Set this value to the desired number of bytes for the content key data. 
    const DWORD IV_DATA_SIZE = 16;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // The content key.
    const BYTE rgbContentKey[] = {
        0x67, 0x39, 0x83, 0xb9,
        0x52, 0xa8, 0xe3
    const DWORD CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE = sizeof(rgbContentKey);

    // Compute the total size of the content key structure
    DWORD cbContentKey = sizeof( WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY ) +

    // Make sure we have a valid 
    if( NULL == ppContentKey )
        hr = E_POINTER;
        goto EXIT;

    // Allocate the content key, locally first
    pContentKey = (WMDRM_IMPORT_CONTENT_KEY *)new BYTE[ cbContentKey ];
    // Check the allocation was successful 
    if( NULL == pContentKey )
        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        goto EXIT;

    // Ininitalize the key
    ZeroMemory( pContentKey, cbContentKey );
    pContentKey->dwVersion = 0;
    pContentKey->cbStructSize = cbContentKey;

    // Set the initialization vector key type 
    pContentKey->dwIVKeyType = WMDRM_KEYTYPE_RC4;
    pContentKey->cbIVKey = IV_DATA_SIZE;
    // Generate a random initialization vector. Note that this random number
    //  generator is not very good. It is only intended to be demonstrative
    //  and it is not recommended for use in commercial strength code.
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    BYTE* pKeyData = pContentKey->rgbKeyData;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < IV_DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        *pKeyData++ = (BYTE)(rand() & 0xFF); 
    // Set the content key type.
    pContentKey->dwContentKeyType = WMDRM_KEYTYPE_COCKTAIL;
    pContentKey->cbContentKey = CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE;

    // Fill out the content key. 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < CONTENT_KEY_DATA_SIZE; ++i)
        *pKeyData++ = rgbContentKey[i]; 

    // If all has been successful, set the parameters
    *ppContentKey = pContentKey;
    pContentKey = NULL;
    *pcbContentKey = cbContentKey;

    SAFE_ARRAY_DELETE( pContentKey );
    return hr;

DRM 가져오기 예제