증분 인코딩의 예
다음 섹션에서는 형식 인코딩에 증분 스타일 직렬화 핸들을 사용하는 방법의 예를 제공합니다.
/* This is an acf file. MooType is defined in the idl file */
[ explicit_handle
interface regress
typedef [ encode,decode ] MooType;
다음 발췌문은 관련 애플리케이션 조각을 나타냅니다.
if (MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate (State, AllocFn, WriteFn,
&Handle) == RPC_S_OK)
/* The serialize works from the beginning of the buffer because
the handle is in the initial state. The Moo_Encode does the
- sizes *pMooObject for marshalling,
- calls AllocFn with the size obtained,
- marshalls into the buffer returned by Alloc, and
- calls WriteFn with the filled buffer
Moo_Encode ( Handle, pMooObject );
if (MesIncrementalHandleReset (Handle, NULL, NULL, NULL, ReadFn,
/*The ReadFn is needed to reset the handle. The arguments
that are NULL do not change. You can also call
MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate (State, ReadFn, &Handle);
The Moo_Decode does the following:
- calls Read with the appropriate size of data to read and
receives a buffer with the data
- unmarshalls the object from the buffer into *pMooObject
Moo_Decode ( Handle, pMooObject );
MesHandleFree ( Handle );