자녀 보호 WMI 공급자 스키마
자녀 보호 WMI 공급자는 instance 및 방법 공급자입니다. 새 클래스 인스턴스 인스턴스화, 기존 instance 속성 읽기 또는 수정 및 메서드 호출은 Wpcsprov.mof 파일에 의해 제어됩니다.
다음 구문은 Namespace.mof의 구문입니다.
#pragma autorecover
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2")
instance of __Namespace
Name = "Applications";
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\Applications")
//* Windows Parental Controls Namespace
instance of __NAMESPACE
Name = "WindowsParentalControls";
다음 구문은 Ratings.mof의 구문입니다.
//* MOF describing Ratings Systems
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\Applications\\WindowsParentalControls")
//* Class: WpcRating
//* Derived from:
[Description("A rating within a ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcRating
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Rating ID"): ToInstance ToSubClass, key, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string ID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Long Name for this Rating"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string LongName;
[Description("ID of the Ratings System this rating belongs to"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, key, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string SystemID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Short Name for this Rating"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string ShortName;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Description of this rating"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Description;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Has this rating been deprecated"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string IsDeprecated = "false";
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Link to updated rating"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string UpdatedRating;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Relative level index of this rating"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Level;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Recommended minimum age"): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 MinAge = 0;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Path to the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconPath;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource ID of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconResourceID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource Type of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconType;
//* Class: WpcRatingsDescriptor
//* Derived from:
[Description("Optional textual descriptor for a rating system"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcRatingsDescriptor
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("ID for descriptor"): ToInstance ToSubClass, key, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string ID;
[key, Description("GUID representing the ratings system the descriptor belongs to"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string SystemID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Name of the descriptor"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string Name;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Description of the descriptor"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Description;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Has the description been deprecated"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean IsDeprecated = FALSE;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Link to updated descriptor"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string UpdatedDescriptor;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Path to the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconPath;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource ID of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconResourceID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource Type of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string IconType;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Extended properties for this descriptor"): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Properties;
//* Class: WpcRatingsSystem
//* Derived from:
[Description("Third Party Ratings System"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WPCSprov"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcRatingsSystem
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("GUID identifying the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string ID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Type of the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Type;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Long name for the system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string LongName;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Short name for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string ShortName;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Description of the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Not_null: ToInstance ToSubClass] string Description;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Web address for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string WebAddress;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Path to the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string LogoPath;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource ID of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string LogoResourceID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Resource type of the logo for the ratings system"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string LogoResourceType;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Version of this data"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Version;
다음 구문은 WpcSettings.mof의 구문입니다.
// WPC Class definitions
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2\\Applications\\WindowsParentalControls")
//* Class: WpcSystemSettings
//* Derived from:
[Singleton: DisableOverride ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Stores system-wide Wpc settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance]
class WpcSystemSettings
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Link to the current games rating system in force for the computer"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string CurrentGamesRatingSystem;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("HTTP app filter exemption list"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string HTTPExemptionList[];
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Windows HTTP app filter exemption list"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string WinHTTPExemptionList[];
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("HTTP URL filter exemption list"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string URLExemptionList[];
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Windows HTTP URL filter exemption list"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string WinURLExemptionList[];
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Number of days until a balloon reminder for checking the logs"): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 LogViewReminderInterval;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Last time the admin checked the log viewer"): ToInstance ToSubClass] DateTime LastLogView;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("ID of current web filter"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string FilterID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Name of current web filter"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string FilterName;
[Description("Creates settings for a new User SID"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Implemented: ToInstance ToSubClass, Static: ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 AddUser([Description("SID to create settings for"): ToInstance ToSubClass, IN] string strSID);
[Description("Removes settings for a user account"): ToInstance ToSubClass, Implemented: ToInstance ToSubClass, Static: ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 RemoveUser([Description("SID of the account to delete settings for"): ToInstance ToSubClass, IN] string strSID);
//* Class: WpcUserSettings
//* Derived from:
[Description("Per-account Windows Parental Controls Settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass, provider("WpcSprov"): ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance]
class WpcUserSettings
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SID of the user account owning these settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Is WPC enabled for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean WpcEnabled;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Is logging enabled for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean LoggingRequired;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Are hourly restrictions enabled for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean HourlyRestrictions;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Are override requests enabled for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean OverrideRequests;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Logon Hours mask for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 LogonHours[7];
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Are application restrictions enabled for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean AppRestrictions;
//* Class: WpcExtension
//* Derived from:
[Description("Windows Parental Controls Extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass, provider("WpcSprov"): ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance]
class WpcExtension
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("GUID ID for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string ID;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SiloID for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass, MinValue(0): ToInstance ToSubClass, MaxValue(6): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Subsystem;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Image resource path for the icon for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string ImagePath;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Image resource path for the disabled icon for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string DisabledImagePath;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Path to the extension executable"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Path;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Display name for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] string Name;
[write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Subtitle for the extension"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] string SubTitle;
//* Class: WpcGameOverride
//* Derived from:
[Description("Entry in game silo override list for Windows Parental Controls"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcGameOverride
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Application ID identifying the game"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string AppID;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SID of the account owning this entry"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[Description("Whether the entry is allowed or denied"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, MinValue(0): ToInstance ToSubClass, MaxValue(2): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Allowed;
//* Class: WpcAppOverride
//* Derived from:
[Description("Entry in user silo application override list for Windows Parental Controls"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcAppOverride
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Rule ID for this entry"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string RuleID;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SID of the account owning this entry"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Path to the overridden app"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Path;
//* Class: WpcGamesSettings
//* Derived from:
[Description("Games silo settings for Windows Parental Controls"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcGamesSettings
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SID of the account owning these settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Whether games are permitted"): ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean Blocked;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("GUID of the rating system these settings are for"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SystemID;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Whether to allow unrated games"): ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean AllowUnrated;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("ID of the maximum rating allowed under the current system"): ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] string MaxAllowed;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Collection of denied descriptors"): ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] string DeniedDescriptors[];
//* Class: WpcURLOverride
//* Derived from:
[Description("Entry in web silo URL override list for Windows Parental Controls"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcURLOverride
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("URL to be affected"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string URL;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("SID of the account owning this entry"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[Description("Whether the entry is allowed or denied"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, MinValue(0): ToInstance ToSubClass, MaxValue(2): ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 Allowed;
//* Class: WpcCustomEvent
//* Derived from:
[Description("The registered custom events to be used in the log viewer"): ToInstance ToSubClass, dynamic: DisableOverride ToInstance, provider("WpcSProv"): ToInstance ToSubClass]
class WpcCustomEvent
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Publisher of the event"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Publisher;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Application making the event"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Application;
[key, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Event name to use"): ToInstance ToSubClass] string Event;
[read: ToInstance ToSubClass, Description("Collection of headers"): ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] string Headers[];
//* Class: WpcWebSettings
//* Derived from:
[Description("Per-account Windows Parental Controls Web Settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass, provider("WpcSprov"): ToInstance, dynamic: ToInstance]
class WpcWebSettings
[key, Description("SID of the user account owning these settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass] string SID;
[Description("Is filter on for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean FilterOn;
[Description("Filter level for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass, MinValue(0): ToInstance ToSubClass, MaxValue(5): ToInstance ToSubClass] Uint32 FilterLevel;
[Description("Are file downloads blocked for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean FileDownloadsBlocked;
[Description("Are unrated sites blocked for this user"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] boolean BlockUnrated;
[Description("Blocked Category list"): ToInstance ToSubClass, read: ToInstance ToSubClass, write: ToInstance ToSubClass] uint32 BlockedCategoryList[];
[Description("Games Clamper for Windows Parental Controls Media Settings"): ToInstance ToSubClass,
provider("WpcClamperProv"): ToInstance,
dynamic: ToInstance]
class WpcClamper
Description("Creates settings for a new User SID"): ToInstance ToSubClass,
Implemented: ToInstance ToSubClass,
Static: ToInstance ToSubClass
uint32 LockDownGameInstance([Description("Instance ID to lock down"): ToInstance ToSubClass, IN] string guidInstanceID);
Description("Removes settings for any admin users"): ToInstance ToSubClass,
Implemented: ToInstance ToSubClass,
Static: ToInstance ToSubClass
uint32 CleanupUsers();
// End of WPC Class Definitions
다음 구문은 WpcProvider.mof의 구문입니다.
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\CIMV2\\Applications\\WindowsParentalControls")
class Win32_ProviderEx : __Win32Provider
[Description ( "Hosting Model, provides compatibility with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Do not override." ) , Override("HostingModel")]
string HostingModel = "NetworkServiceHost";
string SecurityDescriptor;
UInt32 version = 1;
} ;
instance of Win32_ProviderEx as $WpcSProv
Name = "WpcSProv" ; //Name is the key property for __Provider objects.
//vendor|provider|version is the suggested format
//to prevent name collisions.
ClsId = "{355DFFAA-3B9F-435c-B428-5D44290BC5F2}" ; //provider GUID
DefaultMachineName = NULL; //NULL for local computer
ClientLoadableCLSID = NULL; //reserved
ImpersonationLevel = 0; //reserved
InitializationReentrancy = 0; //Set of flags that provide information about serialization:
//0 = all initialization of this provider must be serialized
//1 = all initializations of this provider in the same namespace must be serialized
//2 = no initialization serialization is necessary
InitializeAsAdminFirst = FALSE; //Request to be fully initialized as "Admin" before
//initializations begin for users
PerLocaleInitialization = FALSE; //Indicates whether the provider is initialized for each
//locale if a user connects to the same namespace more
//than once using different locales.
PerUserInitialization = FALSE; //Indicates whether the provider is initialized once for each actual
//Windows 2000 NTLM user making requests of the provider.
//If set to FALSE, the provider is initialized once for all users
Pure = TRUE; //A pure provider exists only to service requests from
//applications and WMI. Most providers are pure providers
//Non-pure providers transition to the role of client after they have
//finished servicing requests.
UnloadTimeout = NULL; //Currently ignored
//Use __CacheControl class in the root namespace to control provider unloading
//A string in the DMTF date/time format that specifies how long WMI
//allows the provider to remain idle before it is unloaded.
} ;
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
Provider = $WpcSProv;
SupportsPut = "TRUE";
SupportsGet = "TRUE";
SupportsDelete = "TRUE";
SupportsEnumeration = "TRUE";
instance of __MethodProviderRegistration
Provider = $WpcSProv;
instance of __Win32Provider as $WpcClamperProv
Name = "WpcClamperProv" ;
ClsId = "{355DFFAA-3B9F-435c-B428-5D44290BC5F2}" ;
HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost" ;
instance of __MethodProviderRegistration
Provider = $WpcClamperProv;