
다음을 통해 공유

Customize the widget header area

In the latest release, apps that implement Windows widgets can customize the header that is displayed for their widget in the Widgets Board, overriding the default presentation. Header customization is implemented in the Adaptive Card payload you pass to the OS from your widget provider, so the steps are the same regardless of the language your widget provider is implemented in. For a walkthrough of creating a widget provider, see Implement a widget provider in a C# Windows App or Implement a widget provider in a win32 app (C++/WinRT).

The default header

By default, the widget header shows the display name and the icon specified in the app manifest file. The display name is specified with the DisplayName attribute of the Definition element and the icon is specified with an Icon element under ThemeResources. For more information about the widget app manifest file format, see Widget provider package manifest XML format.

The following example shows a portion of the Adaptive Card JSON payload for a widget that uses the default presentation. In the sections below, examples will be provided that modify this template to override the default header.

    "type": "AdaptiveCard", 
    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", 
    "version": "1.6", 
    "body": [

Override the display name string

You can override the value specified in the DisplayName element in the app manifest by adding a header field to with the new display name in the JSON payload before sending it to the widget host.

The following example demonstrates overriding the display name string.

    "type": "AdaptiveCard", 
    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", 
    "version": "1.6", 
    "body": [
    ] ,
    "header": "Redmond Weather"

Override the display name string and icon

To override both the display name string and the icon specified in the app manifest, add a header object with fields for text and iconUrl.

The following example demonstrates overriding the display name string and icon.

    "type": "AdaptiveCard", 
    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", 
    "version": "1.6", 
    "body": [
    ] ,
    "header": { 
         "text": "Redmond weather", 
         "iconUrl": "https://contoso.com/weatherimage.png" 

Set the header to be empty

Some widget providers may want to allow their full UX to expand into the header region of the widget, even though this area of the widget isn't actionable. For this scenario, you can set the header to be empty by setting the header feel to null. Note that the UX in the header is not clickable by the user.

The following example demonstrates setting an empty header.

    "type": "AdaptiveCard", 
    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", 
    "version": "1.6", 
    "body": [
    ] ,
    "header": null