다음을 통해 공유

샘플 코드(카메라 프로필 V2)

다음 섹션에는 새 API 표면을 사용하는 방법을 보여 주는 샘플 코드가 포함되어 있습니다. 각 섹션에서는 샘플 코드에 대한 시나리오를 설명합니다.

샘플 1

IHV/OEM 제공 디바이스 MFT는 기본 센서 및 ISP에서 지원하는 카메라 프로필 집합을 제공해야 합니다. 디바이스 MFT의 IMFDeviceTransform::InitializeTransform() 메서드 중에 게시됩니다.

제공된 카메라 프로필은 연결된 변환의 IMFAttributes 저장소에 설정해야 합니다(파이프라인이 완전히 구성되면 파이프라인 쿼리를 저장하는 저장소임).

이 샘플은 IHV가 프로필을 사용하도록 설정한 단일 참조 드라이버 패키지를 제공하는 경우에 일반적이지만 OEM은 카메라 모듈을 다른 센서 모듈과 페어링하도록 선택할 수 있습니다. 이러한 경우 센서에 동일한 기능이 없을 수 있으므로 프로필의 런타임 업데이트가 필요합니다. 이 작업은 DMFT에서 수행됩니다.

    _In_ IMFAttributes *pAttributes 
    ComPtr<IMFTransform>                spTransform;
    ComPtr<IMFAttributes>               spAttributes;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection>  spProfileCollection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile>            spProfile;

    if (nullptr == pAttributes)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Get the connected KSCONTROL interface, this is the 
    // IMFTransform of the up stream transform--which will
    // be the devproxy if only one DMFT is present, or
    // will be forwarded by the platform DMFT if that is
    // in between the IHV/OEM DMFT and devproxy.
    // In either case, the IHV/OEM DMFT won't need to know
    // the topology.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spTransform->GetAttributes(&spAttributes));

    // Create an empty profile collection...
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfileCollection(&spProfileCollection));

    // In this example:
    // Pin0 - Preview pin.
    // Pin1 - Capture/Record pin.
    // Pin2 - Photo pin.
    // Pin3 - IR pin.
    // Legacy profile is mandatory.  This is to ensure non-profile
    // aware applications can still function, but with degraded
    // feature sets.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_Legacy, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // High Frame Rate profile will only allow preview & record/capture pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"((RES==;FRT>=60,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // HighQualityPhoto profile will only allow preview and photo pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighQualityPhoto, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // Face auth only allows 720p@30fps from preview and any from IR pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==1280,720;FRT==30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // Se the profile collection to the attribute store of the IMFTransform.

    // ... Rest of the InitializeTransform logic...

샘플 2

이 시나리오에서는 IHV/OEM이 여러 물리적 디바이스의 미디어 흐름을 합성하는 SGT(센서 그룹 변환)를 제공했다고 가정합니다. 또한 IHV는 각 물리적 디바이스(다른 공급업체에서 제공)에 대해 카메라 드라이버에 대한 단일 참조 구현을 제공했다고 가정하지만 OEM(또는 다른 IHV)은 카메라 드라이버를 다른 센서 및/또는 ISP와 페어링하도록 선택했습니다.

이로 인해 참조 구현에서 선언된 일부 기능이 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다. SGT는 기본 하드웨어의 기능을 보다 정확하게 설명하기 위해 제공된 프로필을 업데이트/제거합니다.

아래 샘플은 IMFSensorTransformFactory::InitializeFactory 메서드의 구현입니다. 이는 카메라 하위 시스템에 대한 드라이버 패키지를 생성하는 IHV/OEM에 의해 구현됩니다.

    _In_ DWORD dwMaxTransformCount, 
    _In_ IMFCollection* sensorDevices, 
    _In_opt_ IMFAttributes* pAttributes 
    DWORD sensorDeviceCount = 0;
    ComPtr<IUnknown> unknown;

    if (nullptr == sensorDevices)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // For this example, the IHV/OEM added a SGT to a multi-camera
    // setup.  And the SGT is responsible for updating the profile
    // information available from each of the physical cameras, and
    // leave it's own profile as "blank".  This has the net effect
    // of having the SGT support any profile the physical devices
    // expose.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElementCount(&sensorDeviceCount));
    for (DWORD idx = 0; idx < sensorDeviceCount; idx++)
        ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
        ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
        SENSORPROFILEID sensorProfileId;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElement(idx, 
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (unknown.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

        // Let's assume that for this ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // photo sequence but our reference driver published a single
        // photo sequence profile whose ID is hardcoded to a static
        // variable s_PhotoSequenceProfileId.
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfile(&s_PhotoSequenceProfileId));

        // Let's also assume this is a low cost ISP/sensor so our driver
        // cannot support Video HDR (VHDR) control for high frame rate
        // recording and our reference implementation published multiple
        // high frame rate recording profile.
        // Also for this combination of ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // Face Auth (IR doesn't support alternate illumination option).
        // So we need to remove all Face Auth from our collection.
        for (DWORD profileIdx = 0; 
                   profileIdx < profileCollection->GetProfileCount();)
            ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->GetProfile(profileIdx, 

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->GetProfileId(&profileId));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->AddBlockedControl(L"VHDR"));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfileByIndex(profileIdx));

    // ... Rest of the InitializeFactory logic...

샘플 3

특정 디바이스에 대해 선택한 프로필에 따라 IMFSensorStream 정보를 사용하여 해당 디바이스에서 지원/지원되지 않는 프로필의 미디어 유형을 결정합니다.

이 샘플은 Win32 API를 직접 사용할 때 클라이언트 공간에서 프로필을 사용하는 방법을 설명하기 위해 제공됩니다. WinRT API는 CameraProfile API를 통해 사용할 때 이미 이 논리를 구현합니다.

    _In_z_ LPCWSTR deviceSymbolicName,
    _In_ UINT32 pinId,
    _In_ SENSORPROFILEID* profileId,
    _COM_Outptr_ IMFCollection** mediaTypeCollection
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    ComPtr<IMFCollection> collection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorGroup> sensorGroup;
    ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorStream> sensorStream;
    DWORD deviceCount = 0;
    DWORD streamCount = 0;
    DWORD mediaTypeCount = 0;

    // Validate in params.
    if (nullptr == deviceSymbolicName || nullptr == profileId)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    if (pinId == (UINT32)-1)
    if (nullptr == mediaTypeCollection)
        return E_POINTER;
    *mediaTypeCollection = nullptr;

    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateCollection(collection.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // Create the SensorGroup for our device name.  This device name
    // can be a single physical device name or it can be a multi-device
    // group of devices.  In either case, MFCreateSensorGroup will create
    // a non-activated snapshot of the device(s).
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorGroup(deviceSymbolicName, &sensorGroup));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // Now check if they have a profile collection.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

    if (profileCollection->GetProfileCount() != 0)
        // If they published profiles, but we can't find the specific
        // profile, it means this camera doesn't support that scenario
        // so we should return an empty collection of media types to
        // indicate no support.
        if (FAILED(profileCollection->FindProfile(profileId, 
            *mediaTypeCollection = collection.Detach();
            return S_OK;

    // If profiles are not supported, then ALL media types are
    // supported.  And we can indicate that by keeping the
    // profile null.  So we have to walk the sensor stream
    // but that means we have to find the sensor stream for
    // the pinId.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup->GetSensorDeviceCount(&deviceCount));
    for (DWORD deviceIdx = 0; deviceIdx < deviceCount && 
                              sensorStream.Get() == nullptr; deviceIdx++)
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup->GetSensorDevice(deviceIdx, 

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevice->GetStreamAttributesCount(MFSensorStreamType_Output, 
        for (DWORD streamIdx = 0; streamIdx < streamCount; streamIdx++)
            RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevice->GetStreamAttributes(

            if (MFGetAttributesUINT32(streamAttributes, 
                                      (UINT32) -1) == pinId)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (streamAttributes.As(sensorStream.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // If we didn't find a sensorStream for the PinId, then we
    // were given bad data....
    if (sensorStream.Get() == nullptr)
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorStream->GetMediaTypeCount(&mediaTypeCount));
    for (DWORD mediaTypeIdx = 0; mediaTypeIdx < mediaTypeCount; mediaTypeIdx++)
        ComPtr<IMFMediaType> mediaType;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorStream->GetMediaType(mediaTypeIdx, 
        if (profile.Get() != nullptr)
            BOOL supported = FALSE;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->IsMediaTypeSupported(pinId, 
            if (supported)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (collection->AddElement(mediaType.Get()));
            RETURN_IF_FAILED (collection->AddElement(mediaType.Get()));

    *mediaTypeCollection = collection.Detach();

    return S_OK;

카메라 프로필 V2 개발자 사양