MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics WMI 클래스
MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics WMI 클래스는 연결 통계를 노출합니다. 이 클래스는 Iscsiprf.mof에서 다음과 같이 정의됩니다.
class MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics : Win32_PerfRawData {
[read,key] String InstanceName;
[read] boolean Active;
[read, WmiDataId(1), WmiVersion(1),
"\n //Text-based identifier for this Initiator that
is globally unique.\n"
" //The Initiator Name is independent of the location
of the initiator.\n"),
string iSCSIName;
[read, WmiDataId(2), WmiVersion(1), Description("The iSCSI
connection ID for this connection instance."): amended]
uint16 CID; //session wide namespace
[read, WmiDataId(3), Description("A uniquely generated
session ID used only internally. Do not mix this with
ISID or SSID"): amended,
"\n //A uniquely generated session ID used only
internally. Do not mix this with ISID or SSID\n"),
uint64 USID;
[WmiDataId(4), DisplayName("Adapter Id") : amended,
DisplayInHex, description("Id that is globally unique to
each instance of each adapter. Using the address of the
Adapter Extension is a good idea.") : amended]
uint64 UniqueAdapterId;
[WmiDataId(5), DisplayName("Bytes Sent"): amended,
PerfDefault, CounterType(0x10410400),
// 32bit per sec display
DefaultScale(0), PerfDetail(100), read,
Description("Count of # of bytes sent over this
connection"): amended]
uint64 BytesSent;
[WmiDataId(6), DisplayName("Bytes Received"): amended,
PerfDefault, CounterType(0x10410400),
// 32bit per sec display
DefaultScale(0), PerfDetail(100), read,
Description("Count of # of bytes received over this
connection"): amended]
uint64 BytesReceived;
[WmiDataId(7), DisplayName("PDUs Sent"): amended,
PerfDefault, CounterType(0x10410400),
// 32bit per sec display
DefaultScale(0), PerfDetail(100), read,
Description("Count of # of PDU Commands Sent over this
connection"): amended]
uint64 PDUCommandsSent;
[WmiDataId(8), DisplayName("PDUs Received"): amended,
PerfDefault, CounterType(0x10410400),
// 32bit per sec display
DefaultScale(0), PerfDetail(100), read,
Description("Count of # of PDUResponses received over
this connection"): amended]
uint64 PDUResponsesReceived;
WMI 도구 모음이 이전 클래스 정의를 컴파일하면 MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics 데이터 구조가 생성됩니다.
초기자는 다음 대상 instance 이름으로 MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics WMI 클래스를 등록해야 합니다.
첫 번째 숫자 기호(#)는 MSiSCSI_ConnectionStatistics 구조체의 USID 멤버에 있는 값이고 두 번째 숫자 기호(#)는 이 클래스의 CID 멤버에 있는 값입니다.