다음을 통해 공유


BC_BLUETOOTH_VERIFIER_FAULT 버그 검사 값은 0x00000BFE. 이는 드라이버가 위반을 발생했음을 나타냅니다.


이 문서는 프로그래머용입니다. 컴퓨터를 사용하는 동안 파란색 화면 오류 코드를 받은 고객인 경우 블루 스크린 오류 문제 해결을 참조하세요.


매개 변수 Description

Bluetooth 검증 도구 오류의 하위 형식입니다.

0x1 : An attempt was made to submit a Bluetooth Request Block that is already in use 2 - Brb pointer 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x2 : An attempt was made to free a Bluetooth Request Block that is in use 2 - Brb pointer 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x3 : An attempt was made to allocate or initialize an invalid BRB type 2 - Brb pointer 3 - pdo extension (if available) 4 - Reserved 0x4 : Invalid Bluetooth Request Block pointer was submitted 2 - Brb pointer 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x5 : A Bluetooth Request Block with an invalid size was submitted 2 - Brb pointer 3 - Actual Size 4 - Expected Size 0x6 : The IOCTL_BTH_GET_DEVICE_INFO was called with invalid parameters 2 - Reserved 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x7 : BRB_L2CA_UNREGISTER_SERVER was submitted with an invalid server handle 2 - Server handle 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x8 : BRB_L2CA_CLOSE_CHANNEL was submitted with an invalid channel handle 2 - Brb pointer 3 - Channel handle 4 - Reserved 0x9 : BRB_SCO_UNREGISTER_SERVER was submitted with an invalid server handle 2 - Server handle 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved
2 매개 변수 1 참조
3 매개 변수 1 참조
4 매개 변수 1 참조


!analyze 디버그 확장은 버그 검사 대한 정보를 표시하며 근본 원인을 확인하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 매개 변수 1은 위반 유형을 설명합니다. 호출 스택을 확인하여 잘못된 작업 드라이버를 확인합니다.