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최신 기능, 보안 업데이트, 기술 지원을 이용하려면 Microsoft Edge로 업그레이드하세요.
What are action policies?
Action policies are internal business controls that you can create to enforce business rules that you outline for your business.
Action policies are external business controls that you create to enforce business rules that you outline for your business.
Action policies are business controls around only sales orders.
Action policies are business controls around only purchase orders.
Where in the system can you turn on the auto create intercompany orders and direct delivery parameters?
In the value-mapping policies
In the sales order action policies
On the sales order header
On the purchase order header
In the purchase order initiated intercompany process, what document does the purchase order in the purchasing company create in the customer's company?
Sales order
Intercompany sales order
Sales agreement
None of the above
You must answer all questions before checking your work.
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