Add inputs, variables, and conditions
For your Event Contacts agent, you need to expand the number of countries/regions that have contacts. Instead of listing all countries/regions in the message node, you want to ask the user which country/region they need contact information for. To accomplish this task, you'll use inputs, variables, and conditions.
Inputs - The user's response in the Ask a question node.
Variables - Store the Inputs to use in later conversation nodes.
Conditions - Define the branching logic based on variables.
For your agent, you need to delete the current message node because it will be replaced. Select the options ellipsis (...) for the message node and then select Delete.
Add inputs and variables with the question node
To add inputs and variables with the question node, follow these steps:
Use the mouse to hover over the upper half of the line that connects the Trigger Phrases to the Message node. Select the Add node plus + icon that appears and then select Ask a question from the selection popup that appears when you select the plus icon.
Fill out the question node with the following information:
Ask a question - Enter the phrase:
I can help with event contacts. Please tell me which country/region the event is scheduled for.
Identify - Select Multiple choice options. The Identify field is where you indicate what type of response the agent is listening for. Other responses that you can select include a number or a string. You can even have the agent detect entities such as state names, phone numbers, or street addresses. To learn more about the different available options, see the links in the Summary unit at the end of this module.
Options for user - Enter USA, Canada, France, and Spain by selecting + New option between each word. (See number 1 in the image below.)
Notice how the question box appears to move to the right of the authoring canvas as your options increase, and the child conditions populate the canvas below the question pane. To recenter your canvas, you can left click and drag your canvas screen, you can scroll, or you can use the screen view controls on the lower left of the canvas. These controls include buttons to increase/decrease magnification, recenter the view, or even bring up a clickable mini map to help you navigate on your agent canvas. (See number 2 in the image below.)
Return to the question node, and we'll set the Save response as value, currently shown as variable Var (text). Select the edit icon next to Var (text) and a Variable properties panel appears on the right side of your screen. Replace the Name value of "Var" with "VarCountry" and close the panel. Notice how your new variable name "VarCountry" populates the Condition nodes below the Question node.
Copilot Studio provides two variables by default: bot.UserDisplayName, which provides the user's name, and bot.UserID, which provides the user's sign in name. By using bot.UserDisplayName, the agent can call the user by name to personalize the experience. You can also use bot.UserID to create a condition node to take actions based on which user whom the agent is interacting with.
To have the Event Contacts agent greet the user by name, add a new message node at the agent's beginning. Move your canvas so that you can view the Trigger Phrases node and add a node just below that. For the new node, select Show a message. Then in the message input field select the {X} insert variable drop-down menu and select bot.UserDisplayName.
- You can further personalize it by adding "Hi " (with a space before the name) in front of it. Save your topic by selecting the Save button from the Copilot Studio ribbon.
Condition node
For each multiple-choice option in the question node, Microsoft Copilot Studio creates a new condition node. You need to configure each condition node to provide the next appropriate response in the conversation.
For your Event Contacts agent, you need to respond with the event contact for the country/region. For example, if the user selects USA, then the agent should respond with Lynne Robbins' contact information. For the first entry, in this case USA, Copilot Studio doesn't automatically create a new Condition node, but each subsequent condition will create a new Condition node.
Country/Region | Name | |
USA | Lynne Robbins | |
Canada | Lidia Holloway | |
France | Miriam Graham | |
Spain | Christie Cline | |
For each condition node, add a new message node after the condition that
provides the correct contact and email address. For example, "The event
coordinator for France is Miriam Graham at
It's possible to add another condition node for USA, but for now, use the All other conditions for the message regarding the USA contact.
For all four message nodes, you want to use the same End of Conversation system topic. Your agent already has this topic defined under the All other conditions node. To link other nodes to this one, perform the following steps:
After one of the message nodes, select the Add node plus + symbol. Notice how a little circle appears on the top of the box. If you hover over it, the circle shows a pink-colored fill.
Left click and hold, then drag the pink circle to the top of the End node under your default condition message. When you have it in the right place, a pink halo appears above the node. Drop the connector from the message node there. Notice how both message nodes now connect to the End node.
Do the same with the other two Message nodes to connect them to the End node.
- To test the agent, select Save. Select the Test your agent option if the agent testing pane isn't visible.
You've now learned how to incorporate default variables and how to define a variable by using an input condition. With these tools, you can continue to grow your agent.