

You can use the Innovate methodology to understand customer needs and rapidly build innovations that improve how your customers interact with your products.

Before you establish your innovation approach. Ensure that your team can make the following important commitments:

Before you determine technical solutions, identify how new innovations can drive business value. Determine the customer need that you want the solution to address and how the solution benefits your business.

Address misalignment

At this stage, you might have misalignment between customer needs and business opportunities, motivations and outcomes, or among team members or departments. Alignment in these areas helps create a cohesive, focused, productive environment that drives success. Consider and implement approaches to address any misalignment.

After you define and align your solution, you can integrate it into your application. You can build your first minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a version of a product that has just enough features for early customers to use. The customers provide feedback for future product development. Determine how you want to manage customer feedback, such as a centralized repository to record and act on feedback. The goal of every MVP is to test your solution and to receive feedback directly from the customer. In each iteration and with each release, you improve the solution toward your scale-ready solution that represents multiple disciplines of invention.

Measure success

To measure the success of your solution, you should define business metrics. Business metrics are quantifiable metrics that you can use to track and assess a specific business goal. Generally, your business metrics align with the motivations and objectives that you defined in the Strategy methodology. Your strategic metrics might align with one or more of the following areas:

  • AI
  • Compliance
  • Data
  • Security
  • Sustainability

The end of every iteration provides an opportunity to learn from the build and measure cycles.

Develop digital inventions

Digital inventions are the products of technological innovation that solve customers' needs and provide innovative solutions. The process of developing digital inventions involves the following steps:

  • Democratize data: Get data into the right hands to drive innovation. Collect, centralize, govern, and share data so that your teams can use the data to form and test hypotheses.

  • Develop applications: Design applications that meet MVP definitions and engage users.

  • Use continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines: Use automation to accelerate feedback loops and empower adoption.

  • Incorporate device interactions and ambient intelligence tools: Extend your primary solution to other platforms, and create digital experiences that seamlessly interact with customers.

  • Use predictive modeling: Use statistics and known results to process and create models that can predict future outcomes.