microsoftml.rx_neural_network: 신경망
microsoftml.rx_neural_network(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], method: ['binary', 'multiClass',
'regression'] = 'binary', num_hidden_nodes: int = 100,
num_iterations: int = 100,
optimizer: [<function adadelta_optimizer at 0x0000007156EAC048>,
<function sgd_optimizer at 0x0000007156E9FB70>] = {'Name': 'SgdOptimizer',
'Settings': {}}, net_definition: str = None,
init_wts_diameter: float = 0.1, max_norm: float = 0,
acceleration: [<function avx_math at 0x0000007156E9FEA0>,
<function clr_math at 0x0000007156EAC158>,
<function gpu_math at 0x0000007156EAC1E0>,
<function mkl_math at 0x0000007156EAC268>,
<function sse_math at 0x0000007156EAC2F0>] = {'Name': 'AvxMath',
'Settings': {}}, mini_batch_size: int = 1, normalize: ['No',
'Warn', 'Auto', 'Yes'] = 'Auto', ml_transforms: list = None,
ml_transform_vars: list = None, row_selection: str = None,
transforms: dict = None, transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)
회귀 모델링과 이진 및 다중 클래스 분류에 대한 신경망입니다.
세부 정보
신경망은 인간의 두뇌에서 영감을 얻은 일종의 예측 모델입니다. 신경망은 가중치가 적용된 방향성 그래프로 나타낼 수 있습니다. 그래프의 각 노드를 뉴런이라고 합니다. 그래프의 뉴런은 계층으로 정렬되며, 한 계층의 뉴런은 가중치가 적용된 에지(가중치는 0 또는 양수일 수 있음)를 통해 다음 계층의 뉴런에 연결됩니다. 첫 번째 계층을 입력 계층이라고 하며, 입력 계층의 각 뉴런은 기능 중 하나에 해당합니다. 함수의 마지막 계층을 출력 계층이라고 합니다. 따라서 이진 신경망에는 각 클래스에 대해 하나씩 두 개의 출력 뉴런이 포함되며, 해당 값은 각 클래스에 속할 확률을 나타냅니다. 나머지 계층은 숨겨진 계층이라고 합니다. 숨겨진 계층 및 출력 계층에서 뉴런 값은 이전 계층에서 뉴런 값의 가중치 합을 계산하고 해당 가중치 합에 활성화 함수를 적용하여 설정합니다. 신경망 모델은 해당 그래프의 구조(즉, 숨겨진 계층의 수와 각 숨겨진 계층의 뉴런 수), 활성화 함수 선택, 그래프 에지의 가중치로 정의됩니다. 신경망 알고리즘은 학습 데이터를 기반으로 에지에 대한 최적의 가중치를 학습하려고 합니다.
신경망은 이미지 인식과 같은 복잡한 문제의 모델링과 딥 러닝에서 사용되는 기술로 널리 알려져 있으며 회귀 문제에도 쉽게 적용할 수 있습니다. 적응 가중치를 사용하고 입력의 비선형 함수 근사치를 계산할 수 있는 모든 클래스의 통계 모델을 신경망이라고 할 수 있습니다. 신경망 회귀는 기존의 회귀 모델로 해결할 수 없는 문제에 특히 적합합니다.
revoscalepy.rx_formula에 설명된 수식입니다.
상호 작용 용어 및 F()
는 현재 microsoftml에서 지원되지 않습니다.
.xdf 파일 또는 데이터 프레임 개체를 지정하는 데이터 원본 개체 또는 문자열입니다.
Fast Tree 형식을 나타내는 문자열입니다.
기본 이진 분류 신경망의 경우
입니다.다중 클래스 분류 신경망의 경우
입니다.회귀 신경망의 경우
신경망에서 숨겨진 노드의 기본 개수입니다. 기본값은 100입니다.
전체 학습 세트의 반복 횟수입니다. 기본값은 100입니다.
또는 adaptive
최적화 알고리즘을 지정하는 목록입니다. 이 목록은 sgd_optimizer
또는 adadelta_optimizer
를 사용하여 만들 수 있습니다.
기본값은 sgd
신경망 구조의 Net# 정의입니다. Net# 언어에 대한 자세한 내용은 참조 가이드를 참조하세요.
초기 학습 가중치에 대해 값을 가져오는 범위를 지정하는 초기 가중치 지름을 설정합니다. 가중치는 이 범위 내에서 임의로 초기화됩니다. 기본값은 0.1입니다.
각 숨겨진 단위에서 들어오는 가중치 벡터의 표준을 제한하는 상한을 지정합니다. 학습으로 제한 없는 가중치가 생성되는 경우 및 최대 규모의 신경망에서 매우 중요할 수 있습니다.
사용할 하드웨어 가속 유형을 지정합니다. 가능한 값은 “sse_math” 및 “gpu_math”입니다. GPU 가속의 경우 1보다 큰 miniBatchSize를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. GPU 가속을 사용하려면 추가 수동 설정 단계가 필요합니다.
NVidia CUDA 도구 키트 6.5(CUDA 도구 키트)를 다운로드하여 설치합니다.
NVidia cuDNN v2 라이브러리(cudnn 라이브러리)를 다운로드하여 설치합니다.
import microsoftml, os
,os.path.join(microsoftml.__path__[0], "mxLibs")
을 호출하여 microsoftml 패키지의 libs 디렉터리를 찾습니다.cublas64_65.dll, cudart64_65.dll 및 cusparse64_65.dll을 CUDA 도구 키트 6.5에서 microsoftml 패키지의 libs 디렉터리에 복사합니다.
cudnn64_65.dll을 cuDNN v2 라이브러리에서 microsoftml 패키지의 libs 디렉터리에 복사합니다.
미니 일괄 처리 크기를 설정합니다. 권장되는 값은 1에서 256 사이입니다. 이 매개 변수는 가속이 GPU인 경우에만 사용됩니다. 이 매개 변수를 더 큰 값으로 설정하면 학습 속도가 향상되지만 정확도에는 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 기본값은 1입니다.
사용되는 자동 정규화 유형을 지정합니다.
: 정규화가 필요한 경우 자동으로 수행됩니다. 기본 옵션입니다."No"
: 정규화가 수행되지 않습니다."Yes"
: 정규화가 수행됩니다."Auto"
: 정규화가 필요한 경우 경고 메시지가 표시되지만 정규화는 수행되지 않습니다.
정규화는 서로 다른 데이터 범위를 표준 배율로 다시 스케일링합니다. 기능 스케일링은 데이터 요소 간 거리가 비례하도록 보장하며, 경사 하강법과 같은 다양한 최적화 방법이 훨씬 더 빠르게 수렴되도록 합니다. 정규화가 수행되면 MaxMin
노멀라이저가 사용됩니다. 간격 [a, b]의 값을 정규화합니다. 이때 -1 <= a <= 0
, 0 <= b <= 1
, b - a = 1
입니다. 이 노멀라이저는 0에서 0으로 매핑하여 희박도를 유지합니다.
학습 전에 데이터에서 수행할 MicrosoftML 변환 목록을 지정하거나 수행할 변환이 없는 경우 None을 지정합니다. 지원되는 변환은 featurize_text
, categorical
, categorical_hash
를 참조하세요.
이러한 변환은 지정된 Python 변환 후에 수행됩니다.
기본값은 없음입니다.
에 사용할 변수 이름의 문자 벡터를 지정하거나 사용할 변수가 없는 경우 None을 지정합니다.
기본값은 없음입니다.
지원되지 않음. 데이터 세트의 논리 변수 이름(따옴표) 또는 데이터 세트의 변수를 사용하는 논리 식으로 모델에서 사용할 데이터 세트의 행(관찰)을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
row_selection = "old"
변수의 값이True
인 관찰만 사용합니다.row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10)
변수의 값이 20에서 65 사이이고income
값이 10보다 큰 관찰만 사용합니다.
행 선택은 데이터 변환을 처리한 후 수행됩니다(인수 transforms
또는 transform_function
참조). 모든 식과 마찬가지로 expression
함수를 사용하여 함수 호출 외부에서 row_selection
을 정의할 수 있습니다.
지원되지 않음. 변수 변환의 첫 번째 반올림을 나타내는 양식의 식입니다. 모든 식과 마찬가지로 expression
함수를 사용하여 함수 호출 외부에서 transforms
(또는 row_selection
)를 정의할 수 있습니다.
지원되지 않음.
, transform_function
, row_selection
에서 참조할 수 있는 개체를 포함하는 명명된 목록입니다.
변수 변환 함수입니다.
변환 함수에 필요한 입력 데이터 세트 변수의 문자 벡터입니다.
지원되지 않음. 사용 가능하게 하고 변수 변환 함수에서 사용하도록 미리 로드할 추가 Python 패키지(RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages")
에 지정된 패키지 외부)를 지정하는 문자 벡터입니다.
예를 들어 transforms
및 transform_function
인수를 통해 revoscalepy 함수에 명시적으로 정의되거나 formula
또는 row_selection
인수를 통해 암시적으로 정의됩니다.
인수는 None일 수도 있으며, 이는 RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages")
외부의 패키지가 미리 로드되지 않음을 나타냅니다.
지원되지 않음. 내부적으로 개발되어 변수 데이터 변환에 사용되는 모든 환경의 부모 역할을 하는 사용자 정의 환경입니다.
transform_environment = None
인 경우 부모 revoscalepy.baseenv가 있는 새 “해시” 환경이 대신 사용됩니다.
데이터 원본에서 읽은 데이터의 각 청크에 대해 읽을 블록 수를 지정합니다.
행 처리 진행률에 대한 보고 수준을 지정하는 정수 값입니다.
: 진행률을 보고하지 않습니다.1
: 처리된 행 수가 출력되고 업데이트됩니다.2
: 처리된 행 및 타이밍이 보고됩니다.3
: 처리된 행 및 모든 타이밍이 보고됩니다.
원하는 출력의 양을 지정하는 정수 값입니다.
이면 계산 중에 자세한 정보가 출력되지 않습니다.
에서 4
사이의 정수 값은 더 많은 양의 정보를 제공합니다.
유효한 revoscalepy.RxComputeContext로 지정되었으며 계산이 실행되는 컨텍스트를 설정합니다. 현재 로컬 및 revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer 컴퓨팅 컨텍스트가 지원됩니다.
앙상블을 위한 제어 매개 변수입니다.
학습된 모델이 있는 NeuralNetwork
이 알고리즘은 단일 스레드이며 전체 데이터 세트를 메모리에 로드하려고 시도하지 않습니다.
추가 정보
, sgd_optimizer
, avx_math
, clr_math
, gpu_math
, mkl_math
, sse_math
, rx_predict
참고 자료
이진 분류 예제
Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset
infert = get_dataset("infert")
import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)
forest_model = rx_neural_network(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",
# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.
score_ds = rx_predict(forest_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])
# Print the first five rows
print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math
***** Net definition *****
input Data [5];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 5
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 701 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.742343
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=0.680245(-8.37%), 119.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=0.637843(-6.23%), 122.52M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=0.635404(-0.38%), 122.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=0.634980(-0.07%), 73.36M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=0.635287(0.05%), 128.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=0.634572(-0.11%), 131.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=0.634827(0.04%), 124.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=0.635359(0.08%), 123.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=0.635244(-0.02%), 119.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=0.634712(-0.08%), 127.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=0.635105(0.06%), 122.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=0.635226(0.02%), 98.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=0.634977(-0.04%), 127.88M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=0.634347(-0.10%), 123.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=0.634891(0.09%), 124.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=0.635116(0.04%), 123.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=0.633770(-0.21%), 122.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=0.634992(0.19%), 128.79M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=0.634385(-0.10%), 122.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=0.634752(0.06%), 127.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=0.635043(0.05%), 123.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=0.634845(-0.03%), 121.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=0.634850(0.00%), 125.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=0.634617(-0.04%), 122.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=0.634675(0.01%), 125.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=0.634911(0.04%), 122.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=0.634311(-0.09%), 121.90M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=0.634798(0.08%), 123.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=0.634674(-0.02%), 127.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=0.634546(-0.02%), 100.96M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=0.634859(0.05%), 124.40M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=0.634747(-0.02%), 128.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=0.634842(0.02%), 125.82M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=0.634703(-0.02%), 77.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=0.634804(0.02%), 122.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=0.634690(-0.02%), 112.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=0.634654(-0.01%), 119.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=0.634885(0.04%), 137.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=0.634723(-0.03%), 113.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=0.634714(0.00%), 127.50M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=0.634794(0.01%), 129.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=0.633835(-0.15%), 133.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=0.634401(0.09%), 128.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=0.634575(0.03%), 123.42M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=0.634673(0.02%), 123.78M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=0.634692(0.00%), 119.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=0.634476(-0.03%), 122.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=0.634583(0.02%), 97.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=0.634706(0.02%), 121.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=0.634564(-0.02%), 120.58M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=0.634118(-0.07%), 120.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=0.634699(0.09%), 127.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=0.634123(-0.09%), 110.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=0.634390(0.04%), 123.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=0.634461(0.01%), 113.66M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=0.634415(-0.01%), 118.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=0.634453(0.01%), 114.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=0.634478(0.00%), 104.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=0.634010(-0.07%), 124.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=0.633901(-0.02%), 118.93M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=0.634088(0.03%), 40.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=0.634046(-0.01%), 94.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=0.634233(0.03%), 27.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=0.634596(0.06%), 123.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=0.634185(-0.06%), 125.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=0.634469(0.04%), 119.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=0.634333(-0.02%), 124.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=0.634203(-0.02%), 112.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=0.633854(-0.05%), 118.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=0.634319(0.07%), 123.59M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=0.634423(0.02%), 122.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=0.634388(-0.01%), 126.15M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=0.634230(-0.02%), 126.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=0.634011(-0.03%), 128.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=0.634294(0.04%), 127.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=0.634372(0.01%), 123.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=0.632020(-0.37%), 122.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=0.633770(0.28%), 119.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=0.633504(-0.04%), 124.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=0.634154(0.10%), 125.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=0.633491(-0.10%), 120.83M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=0.634212(0.11%), 128.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=0.634138(-0.01%), 73.58M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=0.634244(0.02%), 124.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=0.634065(-0.03%), 96.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=0.634174(0.02%), 124.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=0.633966(-0.03%), 125.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=0.633989(0.00%), 130.31M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=0.633767(-0.04%), 115.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=0.633831(0.01%), 122.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=0.633219(-0.10%), 114.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=0.633589(0.06%), 93.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=0.634086(0.08%), 123.31M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=0.634075(0.00%), 120.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=0.634071(0.00%), 122.49M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=0.633523(-0.09%), 116.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=0.634103(0.09%), 128.85M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=0.633836(-0.04%), 123.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=0.633772(-0.01%), 128.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=0.633684(-0.01%), 123.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.631268
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2454094
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0082325
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0297006
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 True False -0.689636 0.334114
1 True False -0.710219 0.329551
2 True False -0.712912 0.328956
3 False False -0.700765 0.331643
4 True False -0.689783 0.334081
다중 클래스 분류 예제
MultiClass Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset
iris = get_dataset("iris")
import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
irisdf = iris.as_df()
irisdf["Species"] = irisdf["Species"].astype("category")
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(irisdf, irisdf.Species)
model = rx_neural_network(
formula=" Species ~ Sepal_Length + Sepal_Width + Petal_Length + Petal_Width ",
# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.
score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["Species", "Score"])
# Print the first five rows
print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math
***** Net definition *****
input Data [4];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [3] softmax { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 4
Output count: 3
Output Function: SoftMax
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 803 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 1.949606
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=1.937924(-0.60%), 98.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=1.921153(-0.87%), 96.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=1.920000(-0.06%), 95.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=1.917267(-0.14%), 81.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=1.917611(0.02%), 102.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=1.918476(0.05%), 106.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=1.916096(-0.12%), 97.85M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=1.919486(0.18%), 77.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=1.916452(-0.16%), 95.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=1.916024(-0.02%), 102.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=1.917155(0.06%), 99.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=1.918543(0.07%), 99.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=1.919120(0.03%), 85.38M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=1.917713(-0.07%), 103.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=1.917675(0.00%), 98.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=1.917982(0.02%), 99.10M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=1.916254(-0.09%), 103.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=1.915691(-0.03%), 102.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=1.914844(-0.04%), 86.64M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=1.919268(0.23%), 94.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=1.918748(-0.03%), 108.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=1.917997(-0.04%), 96.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=1.914987(-0.16%), 82.84M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=1.916550(0.08%), 99.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=1.915401(-0.06%), 96.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=1.916092(0.04%), 101.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=1.916381(0.02%), 98.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=1.917414(0.05%), 102.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=1.917316(-0.01%), 100.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=1.916507(-0.04%), 82.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=1.915786(-0.04%), 98.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=1.917581(0.09%), 101.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=1.913680(-0.20%), 79.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=1.917264(0.19%), 102.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=1.917377(0.01%), 100.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=1.912060(-0.28%), 70.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=1.917009(0.26%), 80.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=1.916216(-0.04%), 94.56M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=1.916362(0.01%), 28.22M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=1.910658(-0.30%), 100.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=1.916375(0.30%), 85.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=1.916257(-0.01%), 102.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=1.914505(-0.09%), 99.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=1.914638(0.01%), 103.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=1.915141(0.03%), 107.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=1.915119(0.00%), 99.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=1.915379(0.01%), 107.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=1.912565(-0.15%), 104.78M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=1.915466(0.15%), 110.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=1.914038(-0.07%), 98.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=1.915015(0.05%), 96.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=1.913771(-0.06%), 89.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=1.911621(-0.11%), 72.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=1.914969(0.18%), 111.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=1.913894(-0.06%), 98.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=1.914871(0.05%), 95.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=1.912898(-0.10%), 80.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=1.913334(0.02%), 103.71M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=1.913362(0.00%), 99.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=1.913915(0.03%), 106.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=1.913310(-0.03%), 112.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=1.913395(0.00%), 50.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=1.912814(-0.03%), 58.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=1.911468(-0.07%), 72.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=1.912313(0.04%), 86.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=1.913320(0.05%), 114.39M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=1.912914(-0.02%), 105.97M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=1.909881(-0.16%), 105.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=1.911649(0.09%), 105.23M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=1.911192(-0.02%), 110.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=1.912480(0.07%), 106.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=1.909881(-0.14%), 97.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=1.911678(0.09%), 109.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=1.911137(-0.03%), 91.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=1.910706(-0.02%), 99.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=1.910869(0.01%), 84.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=1.911643(0.04%), 105.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=1.911438(-0.01%), 110.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=1.909590(-0.10%), 84.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=1.911181(0.08%), 92.30M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=1.910534(-0.03%), 110.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=1.909340(-0.06%), 54.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=1.908275(-0.06%), 104.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=1.910364(0.11%), 107.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=1.910286(0.00%), 102.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=1.909155(-0.06%), 79.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=1.909384(0.01%), 102.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=1.907751(-0.09%), 105.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=1.910164(0.13%), 102.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=1.907935(-0.12%), 105.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=1.909510(0.08%), 99.97M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=1.907405(-0.11%), 100.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=1.905757(-0.09%), 113.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=1.909167(0.18%), 107.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=1.907593(-0.08%), 106.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=1.908358(0.04%), 111.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=1.906484(-0.10%), 95.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=1.908239(0.09%), 105.89M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=1.908508(0.01%), 103.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=1.904747(-0.20%), 106.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 1.896338
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1620840
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0096627
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 38, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0312987
Finished writing 38 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
Species Score.0 Score.1 Score.2
0 versicolor 0.350161 0.339557 0.310282
1 setosa 0.358506 0.336593 0.304901
2 virginica 0.346957 0.340573 0.312470
3 virginica 0.346685 0.340748 0.312567
4 virginica 0.348469 0.340113 0.311417
회귀 예제
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset
attitude = get_dataset("attitude")
import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
attitudedf = attitude.as_df()
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(attitudedf)
model = rx_neural_network(
formula="rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance",
# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.
score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,
# Print the first five rows
print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math
***** Net definition *****
input Data [6];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] linear { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 6
Output count: 1
Output Function: Linear
Loss Function: SquaredLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 801 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 4458.793673
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=1624.747024(-63.56%), 27.30M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=139.267390(-91.43%), 30.50M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=116.382316(-16.43%), 29.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=114.947244(-1.23%), 32.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=112.886818(-1.79%), 32.96M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=112.406547(-0.43%), 30.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=110.502757(-1.69%), 30.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=111.499645(0.90%), 31.20M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=111.895816(0.36%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=110.171443(-1.54%), 34.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=106.975524(-2.90%), 22.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=107.708220(0.68%), 7.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=105.345097(-2.19%), 28.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=109.937833(4.36%), 31.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=106.672340(-2.97%), 30.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=108.474555(1.69%), 32.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=109.449054(0.90%), 31.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=105.911830(-3.23%), 34.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=106.045172(0.13%), 33.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=108.360427(2.18%), 33.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=106.506436(-1.71%), 33.77M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=99.167335(-6.89%), 32.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=108.115797(9.02%), 25.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=106.292283(-1.69%), 31.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=99.397875(-6.49%), 31.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=104.805299(5.44%), 31.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=101.385085(-3.26%), 22.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=100.064656(-1.30%), 35.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=100.519013(0.45%), 32.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=99.273143(-1.24%), 35.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=100.465649(1.20%), 33.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=102.402320(1.93%), 33.79M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=97.517196(-4.77%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=102.597511(5.21%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=96.187788(-6.25%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=101.533507(5.56%), 21.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=99.339624(-2.16%), 21.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=98.049306(-1.30%), 15.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=97.508282(-0.55%), 23.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=99.894288(2.45%), 27.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=95.190566(-4.71%), 32.47M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=91.234977(-4.16%), 31.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=98.824414(8.32%), 32.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=96.759533(-2.09%), 22.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=95.275106(-1.53%), 32.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=95.749031(0.50%), 26.49M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=96.267879(0.54%), 31.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=97.383752(1.16%), 31.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=96.605199(-0.80%), 32.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=96.927400(0.33%), 32.42M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=96.288491(-0.66%), 28.89M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=92.751171(-3.67%), 33.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=88.655001(-4.42%), 34.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=90.923513(2.56%), 32.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=91.627261(0.77%), 25.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=91.132907(-0.54%), 30.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=95.294092(4.57%), 33.13M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=90.219024(-5.33%), 31.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=92.727605(2.78%), 30.71M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=86.910488(-6.27%), 33.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=92.350984(6.26%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=93.208298(0.93%), 31.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=90.784723(-2.60%), 21.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=88.685225(-2.31%), 33.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=91.668555(3.36%), 30.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=82.607568(-9.88%), 29.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=88.787842(7.48%), 32.98M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=88.793186(0.01%), 34.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=88.918795(0.14%), 14.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=87.121434(-2.02%), 33.02M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=86.865602(-0.29%), 34.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=87.261979(0.46%), 32.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=87.812460(0.63%), 31.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=87.818462(0.01%), 32.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=87.085672(-0.83%), 34.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=85.773668(-1.51%), 35.39M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=85.338703(-0.51%), 34.59M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=79.370105(-6.99%), 30.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=83.026209(4.61%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=89.776417(8.13%), 33.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=85.447100(-4.82%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=83.991969(-1.70%), 22.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=85.065064(1.28%), 30.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=83.762008(-1.53%), 31.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=84.217726(0.54%), 34.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=82.395181(-2.16%), 34.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=82.979145(0.71%), 22.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=83.656685(0.82%), 28.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=81.132468(-3.02%), 32.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=81.311106(0.22%), 30.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=81.953897(0.79%), 31.98M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=79.018074(-3.58%), 33.13M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=78.220412(-1.01%), 31.47M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=80.833884(3.34%), 25.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=81.550135(0.89%), 32.64M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=77.785628(-4.62%), 32.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=76.438158(-1.73%), 34.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=79.471621(3.97%), 33.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=76.038475(-4.32%), 33.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=75.349164(-0.91%), 32.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 75.768932
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1178557
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0088299
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 8, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0293893
Finished writing 8 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
rating Score
0 82.0 70.120613
1 64.0 66.344688
2 68.0 68.862373
3 58.0 68.241341
4 63.0 67.196869