축 예제(VBScript)
이 활성 서버 페이지는 MDX 쿼리 문자열의 OLAP 데이터를 표시하고 결과 셀 집합을 HTML 테이블 구조에 씁니다.
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'*** Active Server Page displays OLAP data from default
'*** MDX Query string and writes resulting cell set to HTML table
'*** structure.
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<BODY bgcolor=Ivory>
<FONT FACE=Verdana>
Dim cat,cst,i,j,strSource,csw,intDC0,intDC1,intPC0,intPC1
'*** Set Connection Objects for Multidimensional Catalog and Cellset
Set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.Catalog")
Set cst = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.CellSet")
'*** Use default settings of a known OLAP Server
'*** for Server Name for Connection Set Server Name Session Object
'*** to default value
'*** Must set OLAPServerName to OLAP Server that is
'*** present on network
OLAPServerName = "Please set to present OLAP Server"
cat.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=" & OLAPServerName & _
";Initial Catalog=FoodMart;Provider=msolap;"
'*** Use default MDX Query string of a known query that works
'*** with default server Set MDXQuery Session Object to default value
strSource = strSource & "SELECT "
strSource = strSource & "{[Measures].members} ON COLUMNS,"
strSource = strSource & _
"NON EMPTY [Store].[Store City].members ON ROWS"
strSource = strSource & " FROM Sales"
'*** Set Cell Set Source property to strSource to be passed on cell set '*** open method
cst.Source = strSource
'*** Set Cell Sets Active connection to use the current Catalogs Active
'*** connection
Set cst.ActiveConnection = cat.ActiveConnection
'*** Using Open method, Open cell set
'*** Set Dimension Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intDC0, intDC1
'*** Set Position Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intPC0, intPC1
intDC0 = cst.Axes(0).DimensionCount-1
intDC1 = cst.Axes(1).DimensionCount-1
intPC0 = cst.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
intPC1 = cst.Axes(1).Positions.Count - 1
'*** Create HTML Table structure to hold MDX Query return Record set
Response.Write "<Table width=100% border=1>"
'*** Loop to create Column header
For h=0 to intDC0
Response.Write "<TR>"
'*** Loop to create spaces in front of Column headers
'*** to align with Row header
For c=0 to intDC1
Response.Write "<TD></TD>"
'*** Iterate through Axes(0) Positions writing member captions to table
'*** header
For i = 0 To intPC0
Response.Write "<TH>"
Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
Response.Write cst.Axes(0).Positions(i).Members(h).Caption
Response.Write "</FONT>"
Response.Write "</TH>"
Response.Write "</TR>"
'*** Use Array values for row header formatting to provide
'*** spaces under beginning row header titles
For j = 0 To intPC1
Response.Write "<TR>"
For h=0 to intDC1
Response.Write "<TD><B>"
Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
Response.Write cst.Axes(1).Positions(j).Members(h).Caption
Response.Write "</FONT>"
Response.Write "</B></TD>"
For k = 0 To intPC0
Response.Write "<TD align=right bgcolor="
Response.Write csw
Response.Write ">"
Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
Response.Write cst(k, j).FormattedValue
Response.Write "</FONT>"
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "</TR>"
Response.Write "</Table>"