
다음을 통해 공유

policies reference

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

Represents the admin policies that can apply to a user's application.

For more on web links, see Web links.

Name Description
rel The resource that this link points to. In JSON, this is the outer container.
href The location of this resource on the server, and the target of an HTTP operation.

Resource description

Policies include information such as whether emoticons are allowed in messages or photos are enabled for contacts in the user's organization. Note that policies are set by the admin; they cannot be changed by the user.


Name Description
allowDeviceContactsSync This mobile policy parameter allows mobile apps to sync device contacts.
audioOnlyOnWifi The audioOnlyOnWifi policy.
callLogArchiving Whether the admin has enabled client-side call logging by default.If disabled, the user should not be given the choice to enable call logging.
customerExperienceImprovementProgram Whether Skype for Business mobile users can participate and publish data to Microsoft's Customer Experience Improvement Program.If customerExperienceImprovementProgram is enabled, the user can participate and publish data to Microsoft's Customer Experience Improvement Program. Note that this should not require a change in application behavior.
emergencyDialMask An alternate number for emergency services.If emergencyDialMask is set to 555 and the emergencyDialString is set to 911, entering 555 will cause 911 to be dialed. Note that entering 911 will also cause 911 to be dialed in this scenario.
emergencyDialString The emergency services number that will be dialed if the number in emergencyDialMask is entered.If emergencyDialMask is set to 555 and the emergencyDialString is set to 911, entering 555 will cause 911 to be dialed. Note that entering 911 will also cause 911 to be dialed in this scenario.
emergencyNumbers A string of semicolon (;) separated emergency dial string and dialmask(s) combinations.If client supports this field then this takes preecedence over theemergencyDialString and value specified in EmergencyDialString isignored
emergencyServiceDisclaimer Text entered by the administrator for the client to display anemergency services disclaimer if it could not fetch a location fromthe Location Information Service.This could happen in two cases:a. LisInternal Url is not availableb. Location could not be retrieved from LISNote: This will be honored only if the Location Required is set todisclaimer
emoticons Whether the admin has enabled emoticons for the messaging modality.If disabled, emoticons will be turned into their text equivalents before delivery.
encryptAppData This mobile policy parameter allows mobile apps to encrypt data.
clientExchangeConnectivity This mobile policy parameter allows the mobile user to connect to Exchange from their mobile device.When ExchangeConnectivity is disabled, mobile users will not have the option to connect to Exchange from their client on the mobile device.The default value is True, meaning that mobile users cannot connect to Exchange from their client on the mobile device.Disabled
exchangeUnifiedMessaging Whether the user is enabled for Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging.If exchangeUnifiedMessaging is enabled, the user's contacts and voicemail are stored in Exchange rather than in Skype for Business. Note that this should not require a change in application behavior.
helpEnvironment The helpenvironment parameter is an opaque string that the client may use to deterermine which help to displaySet to Office365g for Gallatin. Not set otherwise.Office365g
htmlMessaging Whether the admin has enabled HTML messages for the messaging modality.If enabled, the application can choose to pass HTML to sendMessage.
locationRefreshInterval Specifies the time interval in hours on expiry of which client shouldrefresh the location information from LIS
locationRequired Location required, for possible values refer the enum type
logging Whether the admin has enabled client-side logging by default.If enabled, the user should not be given the choice to disable logging.If disabled, the user should be given the choice to enable logging.
loggingLevel The level of client-side logging that the admin expects.
messageArchiving Whether the admin has enabled the archival of client-side message transcripts by default.If disabled, the user should not be given the choice to enable message transcript archival.
messagingUrls Whether the admin has enabled clickable URLs for the messaging modality.
multiViewJoin The multiViewJoin policy.
onlineFeedbackUrl The onlineFeedbackURL policy.
photos Whether photos are enabled for all contacts in this organization.
saveCallLogs This mobile policy parameter allows saving the call logs on mobile device.When SavingCallLogs is disabled, call logs will not be saved locally on the mobile device.The default value is True, meaning that call logs can be saved locally on mobile device.Disabled
saveCredentials This mobile policy parameter allows the mobile user to save their credentials locally on the mobile device.If savingCredentials is disabled, the user will not have the option to save his credentials locally on the mobile device.The default value is Enabled, meaning that user is allowed to save his credentialsEnabled
saveMessagingHistory This mobile policy parameter allows saving the history of IM exchanged from the mobile device.If savingInstantMessagingHistory is disabled, IM history will not be saved locally on the mobile device.The default value is True, meaning that IM history can be saved locally on mobile device.Disabled
sendFeedbackUrl The sendFeedbackURL policy.
sharingOnlyOnWifi The sharingOnlyOnWifi policy.
softwareQualityMetrics Whether the admin has enabled software quality metrics.Software quality metrics are anonymous metrics used by Microsoft to improve the product.
telephonyMode Indicates which audio capabilities are possible for this user; for example, audioVideo or phoneAudio.This is an advanced API that indicates more granular capabities including whether the user can make a PSTN call.
useLocationForE911Only It must be either true or false. If true, location is sent only inE911 call o.w. we may choose to publish location with presenceinformation
videoOnlyOnWifi The videoOnlyOnWifi policy.
voicemailUri The URI to call to check the user's voicemail.

This resource can have the following relationships.

Link Description
self The link to the current resource.

Azure Active Directory scopes for online applications

The user must have at least one of these scopes for operations on the resource to be allowed.

Scope Permission Description
User.ReadWrite Read/write Skype user information Allows the app to read and update presence, photo, location, note, call forwarding settings of the signed-in user
Contacts.ReadWrite Read/write Skype user contacts and groups Allows the app to read and write Skype user contacts and groups
Conversations.Initiate Initiate conversations and join meetings Allows the app to initiate instant messages, audio, video, and desktop sharing conversations; and join meetings on-behalf of the signed-in user
Conversations.Receive Receive conversation invites Allows the app to receive instant messages, audio, video, and desktop sharing invitations on-behalf of the signed-in user
Meetings.ReadWrite Create Skype Meetings Allows the app to create Skype meetings on-behalf of the signed-in user



Resource Priority Sender Reason
policies Medium policies Indicates that the policies resource has been updated.

Sample of returned event data. This sample is given only as an illustration of event syntax. The semantic content is not guaranteed to correspond to a valid scenario. { "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://sample:80/ucwa/v1/applications/appId/events?ack=1" }, "next" : { "href" : "http://sample:80/ucwa/v1/applications/appId/events?ack=2" } }, "sender" : [ { "rel" : "policies", "href" : "https://fe1.contoso.com:443/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies", "events" : [ { "link" : { "rel" : "policies", "href" : "https://fe1.contoso.com:443/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies" }, "type" : "updated" } ] } ] }



Returns a representation of the admin policies that can apply to a user's application.

Request body


Response body

The response from a GET request contains the properties and links shown in the Properties and Links sections at the top of this page.

Synchronous errors

The errors below (if any) are specific to this resource. Generic errors that can apply to any resource are covered in Generic synchronous errors.

Error Code Subcode Description
ServiceFailure 500 ProvisioningDataUnavailable Failed to retrieve policies.
ServiceFailure 500 InvalidExchangeServerVersion Invalid exchange server version.The exchange mailbox of the server might have moved to an unsupported version for the required feature.
Conflict 409 AlreadyExists The already exists error.
Conflict 409 TooManyGroups The too many groups error.
Conflict 409 None Un-supported Service/Resource/API error.
Gone 410 CannotRedirect Cannot redirect since there is no back up pool configured.


JSON Request

Get https://fe1.contoso.com:443/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer cwt=PHNhbWw6QXNzZXJ0aW9uIHhtbG5...uZm8
Host: fe1.contoso.com
Accept: application/json

JSON Response

This sample is given only as an illustration of response syntax. The semantic content is not guaranteed to correspond to a valid scenario.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1121
  "rel" : "policies",
  "allowDeviceContactsSync" : "Disabled",
  "audioOnlyOnWifi" : "Disabled",
  "callLogArchiving" : "Disabled",
  "customerExperienceImprovementProgram" : "Disabled",
  "emergencyDialMask" : "555",
  "emergencyDialString" : "911",
  "emergencyNumbers" : [
  "emergencyServiceDisclaimer" : "samplevalue",
  "emoticons" : "Disabled",
  "encryptAppData" : "Disabled",
  "clientExchangeConnectivity" : "Disabled",
  "exchangeUnifiedMessaging" : "Disabled",
  "helpEnvironment" : "samplevalue",
  "htmlMessaging" : "Disabled",
  "locationRefreshInterval" : 53,
  "locationRequired" : "Yes",
  "logging" : "Enabled",
  "loggingLevel" : "Full",
  "messageArchiving" : "Enabled",
  "messagingUrls" : "Disabled",
  "multiViewJoin" : "Disabled",
  "onlineFeedbackUrl" : "samplevalue",
  "photos" : "Enabled",
  "saveCallLogs" : "Disabled",
  "saveCredentials" : "Disabled",
  "saveMessagingHistory" : "Disabled",
  "sendFeedbackUrl" : "samplevalue",
  "sharingOnlyOnWifi" : "Disabled",
  "softwareQualityMetrics" : "Disabled",
  "telephonyMode" : "AudioVideo",
  "useLocationForE911Only" : "Disabled",
  "videoOnlyOnWifi" : "Disabled",
  "voicemailUri" : "sip:jdoe@contoso.com;opaque=app:voicemail",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies"

XML Request

Get https://fe1.contoso.com:443/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer cwt=PHNhbWw6QXNzZXJ0aW9uIHhtbG5...uZm8
Host: fe1.contoso.com
Accept: application/xml

XML Response

This sample is given only as an illustration of response syntax. The semantic content is not guaranteed to correspond to a valid scenario.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 2030
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resource rel="policies" href="/ucwa/v1/applications/192/policies" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/rtc/2012/03/ucwa">
  <property name="rel">policies</property>
  <property name="allowDeviceContactsSync">Disabled</property>
  <property name="audioOnlyOnWifi">Disabled</property>
  <property name="callLogArchiving">Disabled</property>
  <property name="customerExperienceImprovementProgram">Disabled</property>
  <property name="emergencyDialMask">555</property>
  <property name="emergencyDialString">911</property>
  <propertyList name="emergencyNumbers">
  <property name="emergencyServiceDisclaimer">samplevalue</property>
  <property name="emoticons">Disabled</property>
  <property name="encryptAppData">Disabled</property>
  <property name="clientExchangeConnectivity">Disabled</property>
  <property name="exchangeUnifiedMessaging">Disabled</property>
  <property name="helpEnvironment">samplevalue</property>
  <property name="htmlMessaging">Disabled</property>
  <property name="locationRefreshInterval">0</property>
  <property name="locationRequired">Yes</property>
  <property name="logging">Enabled</property>
  <property name="loggingLevel"> Light</property>
  <property name="messageArchiving">Enabled</property>
  <property name="messagingUrls">Disabled</property>
  <property name="multiViewJoin">Disabled</property>
  <property name="onlineFeedbackUrl">samplevalue</property>
  <property name="photos">Enabled</property>
  <property name="saveCallLogs">Disabled</property>
  <property name="saveCredentials">Disabled</property>
  <property name="saveMessagingHistory">Disabled</property>
  <property name="sendFeedbackUrl">samplevalue</property>
  <property name="sharingOnlyOnWifi">Disabled</property>
  <property name="softwareQualityMetrics">Disabled</property>
  <property name="telephonyMode">AudioVideo</property>
  <property name="useLocationForE911Only">Disabled</property>
  <property name="videoOnlyOnWifi">Disabled</property>
  <property name="voicemailUri">sip:jdoe@contoso.com;opaque=app:voicemail</property>