
다음을 통해 공유

VersionRange Element (Feature)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Specifies a range of previous versions of the Feature to which the upgrade actions should apply.


  BeginVersion = string
  EndVersion = string>
  <AddContentTypeField />
  <ApplyElementManifests> ... </ApplyElementManifests>
  <CustomUpgradeActions> ... </CustomUpgradeActions>
  <MapFile />

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



The BeginVersion and EndVersion attributes set the range of previous versions of the Feature to which the child upgrade elements are applied. The BeginVersion value is inclusive, but the EndVersion attribute is exclusive.




Optional **string**. Specifies the earliest version number to which the child upgrade elements will apply, in the format *n.n.n.n*, where each *n* can be up to four digits. If this attribute is not used, the beginning of the range is effectively; that is, every previous version of the Feature will be considered within the lower bound of the range.


Optional **string**. Specifies the *earliest* version number to which the upgrade will *not* apply. The format is *n.n.n.n*, where each *n* can be up to four digits. If this attribute is not used, every previous version of the Feature will be considered within the upper bound of the range.

Child elements

Child Elements
AddContentTypeField Element (Feature)
ApplyElementManifests Element (Feature)
CustomUpgradeAction Element (Feature)
MapFile Element (Feature)

Parent elements

UpgradeActions Element (Feature)


Minimum: 0

Maximum: Unbounded