
다음을 통해 공유

Row element (dsQueryResponse)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Represents a row of data from the list. The fields and metadata properties of the list item that the row contains are represented by attributes of the Row element. Some fields, depending on their data type, may be represented by additional attributes that present the field's value in a different format.

  some_field="type appropriate to the field"
  some_date_time_field.="unlocalized DateTime"
  some_date_time_field.ISO8601="ISO8601 compliant DateTime"
  some_date_time_field.MonthDayOnly="month and day"
  some_date_time_field.MonthYearOnly="month and year"

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
Attachments Required. 1 if the list item has one or more attachments; otherwise, 0.
ContentTypeId Required. The GUID of the content type of the list item in the format Ox GUID_without_hyphens.
File_x0020_Type Required, but ignored if the list is not a document library. The type of files in a document library. Empty string when the list is not a document library.
FileLeafRef Required, but ignored if the list is not a document library. The server-relative URL of the document. This is the folder name, followed by "_.", followed by the file name. An example is QuarterlySummaries_.Quarter1.docx. This attribute value is the concatenation of the values of the FileLeafRef.Name attribute and the FileLeafRef.Suffix attribute with a "." separator character.
FileLeafRef.Name Required, but ignored if the list is not a document library. The name of the folder that contains the document, followed by an underscore character; for example, QuarterlySummaries_.
FileLeafRef.Suffix Required, but ignored if the list is not a document library. The name of the document file; for example, Quarter1.docx.
FSObjType Required. 1 if the list item is a folder; otherwise, 0.
HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type.File_x0020_Type.mapall Optional. The value that is returned by a call of the MapToAll function during the XSLT transformation. For more information, see MapToAll Element (View) and SharePoint Data View web part Extension Functions in the ddwrt Namespace.
HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type.File_x0020_Type.mapcon Optional. The value that is returned by a call of the MapToControl function during the XSLT transformation. For more information, see MapToControl(SPWeb, String, String), MapToControl element (View), and SharePoint Data View web part Extension Functions in the ddwrt Namespace.
HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type.File_x0020_Type.mapico Optional. The value that is returned by a call of the MapToIcon function during the XSLT transformation. For more information, see Icon(), MapToIcon Element (View), and SharePoint Data View web part Extension Functions in the ddwrt Namespace.
ID Required. The ID of the list item.
PermMask The permissions mask for the list item.
some_field Required for every non-hidden field in the list item. For each such field, there is an attribute that has the same name as the internal name of the field.
some_field Optional. The currency, number, and lookup field types in SharePoint Foundation may have a low-level formatting even before any HTML formatting is applied. For example, a negative currency value is enclosed in parentheses. The attribute of each such field is immediately followed by another attribute that has the same name, to which a "." character is appended. This attribute provides the field value as raw unformatted data. For example, a negative currency value is proceeded by a minus sign ("-") and is not in parentheses.
some_booleanField .Value Optional. Every Boolean attribute in the list item is followed by another attribute that has the same name, to which ".Value" is appended. This attribute gives the raw unlocalized form of the field value (1 or 0), whereas the main attribute for the Boolean field gives the value relativized to the website's locale.
some_date_time_field .ifnew Optional. 1 if the date time value is recent enough to define the list item as new; otherwise, 0. This attribute appears only if the some_date_time_field is "Created_x0020_Date".
some_date_time_field Optional. If there is an attribute for a datetime field whose value is localized, there is also an attribute that has the same name, to which a "." character is appended. This attribute provides the raw value of a datetime field as stored in the content database in ISO8601 format.
some_date_time_field .DateOnly Optional. The value of a DateTime field with only the date. Used only on blog-related lists.
some_date_time_field .TimeOnly Optional. The value of a DateTime field with only the time of day. Used only on blog-related lists.
some_date_time_field .ISO8601 Optional. The value of a DateTime field formatted in compliance with ISO8601. Used only on blog-related lists.
some_date_time_field .MonthDayOnly Optional. The value of a DateTime field with only the month and day of month. Used only on blog-related lists.
some_date_time_field .MonthYearOnly Optional. The value of a DateTime field with only the month and year. Used only on blog-related lists.
some_user_field .id Optional. If any attribute represents a User type field, there is another attribute that has the same name, to which ".id" is appended. This is the site-relative ID number of the user.
some_user_field .title Optional. If any attribute represents a User type field, there is another attribute that has the same name, to which ".title" is appended. This is the name of the user, for example "Michiyo Sato". Note that the value of the main attribute, some_user_field, is the HTML span markup for the user, including, for example, presence information. See the code excerpt below the table for an example.
some_user_field .span Optional. If any attribute represents a User type field, there is another attribute that has the same name, to which ".span"is appended. This is a plainer version of the HTML markup for the user. See the code excerpt below the table for an example.
some_url_field .desc Optional. If any attribute represents a URL field, there is another attribute that has the same name, to which ".desc" is appended. This provides a description of the URL.

This markup is used to render the field when the FreeForm flag of the ListViewWebPart.ViewFlags property is not set; otherwise the value of the some_user_field .span attribute is used.

<span class="ms-imnSpan">
  <a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'>
    <img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12'
         alt='No presence information'
         id='imn_1,type=smtp' />
  <a onclick="GoToLink(this);return false;" href="/sites/Contoso/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=1">Michiyo Sato</a>

This markup is used to render the field when the FreeForm flag of the ListViewWebPart.ViewFlags property is set; otherwise the value of the some_user_field .title attribute is used.

    <a onclick="GoToLink(this);return false;" href="/sites/Contoso/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=1">Michiyo Sato</a>
    <img border="0" height="1" width="3" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"/><a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'>
    <img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12'
         alt='No presence information'
         sip='MichiyoS@Contoso.com' id='imn_2,type=smtp'/></a>

Child elements


Parent elements


  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: the value of the RowLimit attribute of the parent dsQueryResponse element


For an example, see Examples of Input and Result Node Trees in XSLT Transformations.