
다음을 통해 공유

PropertyBag Element (Property Bag)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Specifies the properties in the property bag for the list item, file, folder, or website.


  HyperlinkBaseUrl = "Text"
  ItemIndex = "Text"
  ParentType = "PropertyBagParentTypeDefinition"
  RootWebOnly = "Text"
  Url = "Text">

  <Property  ... />
</ PropertyBag >

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.





Optional **Text**. Specifies an absolute URL to use as the base URL for hyperlinks.


Optional **Text**. Specifies the ID of the list item. This attribute is used only when **ParentType** is "ListItem".


Required **PropertyBagParentTypeDefinition** enumeration. Must be one of **File**, **Folder**, **ListItem**, or **Web**. Specifies the kind of object to which the property bag belongs.


Optional **TRUE/FALSE**. Indicates whether the parent object must be the site collection's top-level site when the **ParentType** attribute is "Web". This attribute is not used with any other **ParentType** value.


Optional **Text**. The site-relative URL of the parent object to which the property bag belongs, except when **ParentType** is "ListItem". In that case, this attribute specifies the site-relative URL of the list, not the list item.

Child elements


Parent elements



Minimum: 0

Maximum: Unbounded


For an example of how this element is used, see Property Bag Schema.