
다음을 통해 공유

MobileDocViewers element (Mobile Document Viewer)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Specifies the document-viewing page for one or more types of documents.

</MobileDocViewers >

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child elements

Element Description
Configures redirection for a specific type of document.

Parent elements



The MobileDocViewers element persists in a file named mdocview_*.xml, where the asterisk (*) is some string of valid file name characters. We recommend using your company name or some other string that is not likely to duplicate the name that is used by other document viewer providers. The page is deployed to %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\Config on all front-end web servers.


The following example shows this element in use.

  <MobileDocViewer Name="docx" FilePath="/_layouts/mobile/mWord.aspx" FeatureId="8DFAF93D-E23C-4471-9347-07368668DDAF" QueryId="doc" AppendSourceUrl="true" >
    <BrowserCondition Id="overrideMobileDocViewerRedirection" Value="true">
      <Override FilePath="/_layouts/MobileDocHandler.ashx" AppendSourceUrl="false" />

See also