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Entity Element in Entities (SolutionManifestDefinitions Schema)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Defines the external content type that this context definition is associated with.

Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/05/BusinessApplications/Manifest

Schema: SolutionManifestDefinitions

<Entity EntityTypeName="String"

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
EntityTypeName Required. The name of the external content type as defined in the BDC model. Attribute type: String
EntityTypeNamespace Required. The namespace this external content type belongs to, as defined in the BDC model. Attribute type: String
Name Required. The name of the external content type in the solution manifest. This value can be different from the name defined in the BDC model and is used to identify the external content type only within the scope of the solution manifest. Attribute type: String
Description Optional. A description for the external content type. Attribute type: String

Child elements

Element Description
View Element in EntityInstanceDefinition (SolutionManifestDefinitions Schema) Specifies the SpecificFinder method instance of the external content type that should be run to get the external data.

Parent elements

Element Description
Entities Element in ContextDefinition (SolutionManifestDefinitions Schema) Contains this external content type.