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DocIcons element (Document Icons)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Top-level element in the DocIcon.xml file that defines the mapping between file types and their corresponding document library icons.


Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child elements

Parent elements



  • Minimum: 0
  • Maximum: 1


In general, there are two ways that mapping can be performed: by extension (for example, the ByExtension element can be used to map .xls to the appropriate icon for a Microsoft Excel file) and by ProgID.


A ProgId is a registry entry that associates the program identifier (ProgID) of a COM object with its class identifier (CLSID). For example, the registry key HKLM\Software\Classes\Word.Document has a subkey named CLSID with a value of {F4754C9B-64F5-4B40-8AF4-679732AC0607}. In this case, the key name Word.Document is a ProgId, a shorthand way of saying {F4754C9B-64F5-4B40-8AF4-679732AC0607}. For more information, see <ProgId> Key (COM).


The following example defines file icons by both ProgIDs and file extensions, but it also sets a default icon for new documents.

    <Mapping Key="Excel.Sheet" Value="ichtmxls.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="PowerPoint.Slide" Value="ichtmppt.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="Word.Document" Value="ichtmdoc.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="doc" Value="icdoc.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="gif" Value="icgif.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="htm" Value="ichtm.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="html" Value="ichtm.gif"/>
    <Mapping Key="ppt" Value="icppt.gif"/>
    <Mapping Value="icgen.gif"/>