
다음을 통해 공유

CustomAction Element

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Defines an extension to the user interface, such as a button on a toolbar or a link on a site settings page.


  RequiredAdmin = "Delegated | Farm | Machine"
  ControlAssembly = "Text"
  ControlClass = "Text"
  ControlSrc = "Text"
  Description = "Text"
  FeatureId = "Text"
  GroupId = "Text"
  Id = "Text"
  ImageUrl = "Text"
  Location = "Text"
  RegistrationId = "Text"
  RegistrationType = "Text"
  RequireSiteAdministrator = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Rights = "Text"
  RootWebOnly = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ScriptSrc = "Text"
  ScriptBlock = "Text"
  Sequence = "Integer"
  ShowInLists = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ShowInReadOnlyContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  ShowInSealedContentTypes = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Title = "Text"
  UIVersion = "Integer">

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
RequiredAdmin Optional Text. Specifies the administrative rights that are required for the custom action to apply. This value is used to trim links in Central Administration. Possible values are:
  • Delegated
  • Farm
  • Machine
ControlAssembly Optional Text. Specifies the assembly of a control that supports the custom action.
ControlClass Optional Text. Specifies a control class that supports the custom action.
ControlSrc Optional Text. Specifies the relative URL of the .ascx file that serves as the source for the custom action, for example, ~/_controltemplates/myCustomAction.ascx.
Description Optional Text. Specifies a longer description for the action that is exposed as a tooltip or sub-description for the action.
FeatureId Optional Text. Identifies the Feature that is associated with the custom action.
GroupId Optional Text. Identifies an action group that contains the action, for example, "SiteManagement". If it is contained within a custom action group, the value of the GroupId attribute must equal the group ID of the CustomActionGroup element.

For a list of the default custom action group IDs that are used in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation, see Default Custom Action Locations and IDs.
Id Optional Text. Specifies a unique identifier for the custom action. The ID may be a GUID, or it may be a unique term, for example, "HtmlViewer".
ImageUrl Optional Text. Specifies a virtual server relative link to an image that presents an icon for the item.
Location Optional Text. Specifies the location of this custom action, for example, "Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings".

If the CustomAction element contains a CommandUIExtension child element, the Location must start with "CommandUI.Ribbon". For a list of default locations that are used with the Server ribbon, see Default Server Ribbon Customization Locations.

If the custom action is a menu item or toolbar button, the possible options include EditControlBlock, NewFormToolbar, DisplayFormToolbar, and EditFormToolbar.

If it is contained within a custom action group, the value of the Location attribute must equal the location of the CustomActionGroup element.

For a list of the default custom action locations that are used in SharePoint Foundation, see Default Custom Action Locations and IDs.
RegistrationId Optional Text. Specifies the identifier of the list or item content type that this action is associated with, or the file type or programmatic identifier (ProgID).
RegistrationType Optional Text. Specifies the registration attachment for a per-item action. Possible values include:
  • None
  • List
  • ContentType
  • ProgId
  • FileType
RequireSiteAdministrator Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the item be displayed only if the user is a site administrator; otherwise, FALSE. Using the RequireSiteAdministrator attribute for the drop-down menu of SharePoint Foundation commands that are associated with list items is not supported.
Rights Optional Text. Specifies a set of rights that the user must have for the link to be visible, for example, "ViewListItems,ManageAlerts". If it is not specified, the action always appears in the list of actions. To specify multiple rights, separate the values by using commas. The set of rights are grouped logically according to AND logic, which means that a user must have all the specified rights to see an action. For a list of possible values, see Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBasePermissions.
RootWebOnly Optional Boolean. TRUE to deploy the custom action only on root websites. This attribute applies to custom actions in a sandboxed solution.
ScriptSrc Optional Text. Specifies a file that contains script to be executed. This attribute is only applicable when the Location attribute is set to ScriptLink.
ScriptBlock Optional Text. Specifies a block of script to be executed. This attribute is only applicable when the Location attribute is set to ScriptLink.
Sequence Optional Integer. Specifies the ordering priority for actions.
ShowInLists This attribute is deprecated and should not be used.

Optional Boolean. TRUE if the custom action is only displayed for lists on the page for managing content types. The default value is FALSE.
ShowInReadOnlyContentTypes Optional Boolean. TRUE if the custom action is only displayed for read-only content types on the page for managing content types. The default value is FALSE.
ShowInSealedContentTypes Optional Boolean. TRUE if the custom action is only displayed for sealed content types on the page for managing content types. The default value is FALSE.
Title Required Text. Specifies the end-user description for this action.
UIVersion Optional Integer. Specifies the version of the user interface in which this custom action should be listed.

Child elements

Parent elements


  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: Unbounded


You can use the CustomAction element to add standard ASP.NET controls and user controls (for example, text boxes or option buttons) as custom actions in toolbars. However, you can only add controls instantiating menu items to the drop-down menus of toolbars; you cannot add web parts or arbitrary controls.


The following example is part of a Feature that replaces a button on the Server ribbon.

<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
  <CustomAction Id="Ribbon.Library.Actions.ReplacementButton"
    Title="Replace a Ribbon Button">
              <Button Id="Ribbon.Library.Actions.ConnectToClient.ReplacementButton"
                Image16by16="Insert an image URL here."
                Image32by32="Insert an image URL here."
                LabelText="Replaced Button"
                TemplateAlias="o2" />
          CommandAction="javascript:alert('This button has been replaced.');" />

See also