
다음을 통해 공유

Coercion element

(Coercions element) (WorkflowInfo element) (Action4)

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013

Specifies a coercion for converting data from one form to another.


        <Coercion />

Element information

Information Location
Element Type
Schema File Actions4.xsd


    <xs:element name="Coercion"      minOccurs="0"     maxOccurs="unbounded"    >
                <xs:element name="Parameters"      type="coercionParametersType" minOccurs="0"     maxOccurs="1"    >
            <xs:attribute name="Name"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="Assembly"   type="s:string"     />
            <xs:attribute name="DisplayName"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="CatchAll"   type="s:boolean"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="RankDefault"   type="s:integer"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="SourceType"   type="s:string"     />
            <xs:attribute name="SourceFieldType"   type="s:string"     />
            <xs:attribute name="DestinationType"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="DestinationFieldType"   type="s:string"     />
            <xs:attribute name="ClassName"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="Id"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />
            <xs:attribute name="SourceProperty"   type="s:string"      use="required"     />

Elements and attributes

If the schema defines specific requirements, such as sequence, minOccurs, maxOccurs, and choice, see the definition section.

Parent elements





Child elements







Attribute Type Required Description Possible values
Assembly s:string optional Specifies the binary file in which the coercion is implemented. Values of the s:string type.
CatchAll s:boolean required Set to true to show the coercion in scenarios in which either the DestinationType or the DestinationFieldType allows it, regardless of SourceType or SourceFieldType values. Set to false to show the coercion only in scenarios in which SourceType or SourceFieldType specifies that it should be shown. Values of the s:boolean type.
ClassName s:string required Uniquely identifies the class in the binary file that is specified by the Assembly value. Values of the s:string type.
DestinationFieldType s:string optional The output field type of the coercion. If the destination cannot handle this type, the coercion is not displayed. Values of the s:string type.
DestinationType s:string required The output class type of the coercion value. If the destination cannot handle this type, the coercion is not displayed. Values of the s:string type.
DisplayName s:string required Specifies the display name of the coercion. Values of the s:string type.
Id s:string required Unique guid identifier of the coercion. Values of the s:string type.
Name s:string required The internal name for the coercion. Values of the s:string type.
RankDefault s:integer required Specifies a sort value for the list of coercions. Values of the s:integer type.
SourceFieldType s:string optional The field type to use to determine whether to show the coercion. If set, the client shows the coercion only when the previous value is of the matching type unless SourceFieldType or CatchAll specifies otherwise. Values of the s:string type.
SourceProperty s:string required The name of the argument in the activity that is to be used to bind to the input. Values of the s:string type.
SourceType s:string optional A class type from which the data is converted. If set, the client shows the coercion only when the previous value is of the matching type unless SourceFieldType or CatchAll specifies otherwise. Values of the s:string type.

Sample coercion definition

In the following example coercion definition, the coercion with the name AsDNGuidFromString uses the activity Microsoft.Activities.Expressions.ParseGuid and the ParseGuid.Value InArgument to accept input from other activities.

    <Coercion Name="AsDNGuidFromString"
          DisplayName="As Guid"
          Assembly="Microsoft.Activities, Version=,
              Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"