
다음을 통해 공유

AssociationReference element in AssociationGroup

(BDCMetadata Schema)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Specifies an AssociationReference in an AssociationGroup.

Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2007/BusinessDataCatalog

Schema: BDCMetadata

<AssociationReference EntityNamespace = "String" EntityName = "String" AssociationName = "String" Reverse = "Boolean"> </AssociationReference>

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.






The namespace of the external content type where the **Association** is defined. If **EntityName** is specified, **EntityNamespace** is required.

Attribute type: **String**



The name of the external content type where the **Association** is defined. If **EntityNamespace** is specified, **EntityName** is required.

Attribute type: **String**



The name of the **Association**.

Attribute type: **String**



Specifies that the referenced **Association** has its source and destination reversed. This would indicate the **Association** is working in the opposite direction compared to other associations in the same **AssociationGroup**.

For example, if the **AssociationGroup** references an **Association** "GetOrdersForCustomer", returning Order items for the given Customer item, the **AssociationGroup** is in the direction of Customer to Order. The other **AssociationReference**, referencing another association "GetCustomerForOrder", must be marked as reverse, because this association is in the direction of Order to Customer.

Default value: **false**

Attribute type: **Boolean**

Child elements


Parent elements

Element Description
AssociationGroup element in AssociationGroups (BDCMetadata Schema) The AssociationGroup that this AssociationReference belongs to.