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Trigger expressions syntax in SharePoint

Learn about trigger expressions you can use to create trigger conditions to configure the web service callout in SharePoint.

Elements used in the syntax of trigger expressions

Elements that can be used in a trigger expression are:

  • Operators

  • Managed property value access

  • Literals

  • Functions

  • Constants


The string " Null" is reserved for the value Null.

Operators in trigger expression syntax

Table 1 describes the operators supported by the trigger expression language, with order of precedence being from highest to lowest. Operators in the same category have equal precedence. Several operators have two versions of their syntax.

Table 1. Supported operators for trigger expression syntax

Category Expression Description
!, NOT
Arithmetic negation
Logical negation
%, mod
String concatenation
=, ==
!=, <>
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal
Greater than or equal
Logical AND
&&, AND
Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical OR

Managed property access in trigger expressions

Managed properties in the crawled items are referenced by their name; the name is not in quotation marks ("") and is case-sensitive.

Literals in trigger expressions

The following data types can be expressed as literals: String, Int32, Double, and Boolean.

Functions in trigger expressions

A wide collection of functions ranging from mathematical functions such as Floor to functions for use with particular data types, such as Lists. You can use these functions individually or you can nest them.

  • bool? ListContains<T>(IList<T> list, T obj)

  • int? Count<TElement>(IList<TElement> list)

  • TElement Item<TElement>(IList<TElement> list, int? index)

  • bool IsInsideRange(DateTime? date, long? fromTicks, long? toTicks)

  • DateTime Now()

  • DateTime? ToDate(string date, string format)

  • int? Day(DateTime? date)

  • int? DayOfWeek(DateTime? date)

  • int? DayOfYear(DateTime? date)

  • int? GetDatePart(DateTime? date, DatePartConstant datePartConstant)

  • int? Hour(DateTime? date)

  • int? Minute(DateTime? date)

  • int? Month(DateTime? date)

  • int? Quarter(DateTime? date)

  • int? Second(DateTime? date)

  • int? Year(DateTime? date)

  • long? GetDateDiff(DateTime? occursFirst, DateTime? occursLast, DatePartConstant datePartConstant)

  • string Extension(string arg)

  • string FileName(string arg)

  • string FileName(string arg, bool? excludeExtension)

  • bool IsNull(object value)

  • bool? IsDate(string input, string format)

  • object IfThenElse(bool? condition, object thenBranch, object elseBranch)

  • decimal? Ceiling(decimal? number)

  • decimal? Floor(decimal? number)

  • double? Ceiling(double? number)

  • double? Floor(double? number)

  • double? Sqrt(double? number)

  • bool? Contains(string arg, string contained)

  • bool? EndsWith(string arg, string suffix)

  • bool? IsMatch(string input, string pattern)

  • bool? IsMatch(string input, string pattern, int? start, RegexOptionConstant options)

  • bool? IsMatch(string input, string pattern, RegexOptionConstant options)

  • bool? IsNullOrEmpty(string input)

  • bool? StartsWith(string arg, string prefix)

  • int? IndexOf(string arg, string toFind)

  • int? IndexOfRegex(string input, string regex)

  • int? LastIndexOf(string arg, string toFind)

  • int? Length(string arg)

  • string Match(string input, string pattern)

  • string Match(string input, string pattern, int? start, int? length, RegexOptionConstant options)

  • string Match(string input, string pattern, int? start, RegexOptionConstant options)

  • string Match(string input, string pattern, RegexOptionConstant options)

  • string Substring(string arg, int? start)

  • string Substring(string arg, int? start, int? length)

  • string ToLower(string arg)

  • string Trim(string value)

Constants in trigger expressions

There are two sets of constants that can be used with specific functions: DatePartConstant and RegexOptionConstant. Table 2 lists the two examples of these constants and where you can use them.

Table 2. Trigger expression constants and usage in SharePoint

Group of constants Examples Usage
Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second.
With the GetDatePart function
With the IsMatch, Match, ReplaceRegex, and IndexOfRegex functions.

See also