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SharePoint site theming: JSON schema

The new SharePoint site theming features use a JSON schema to store color settings and other information about each theme. Theme settings are stored in a JSON object that contains the following keys:

  • name: The name of the theme, which appears in the theme picker UI and is also used by administrators and developers to refer to the theme in PowerShell cmdlets or calls to the SharePoint REST API.
  • isInverted: This value should be false for light themes and true for dark themes; it controls whether SharePoint uses dark or light theme colors to render text on colored backgrounds.
  • backgroundImageUri: The URI of an optional background image for the theme (value can be blank if no background image).
  • palette: The RGB color settings for the theme, stored as a nested JSON object with the following keys:
    • themePrimary
    • themeLighterAlt
    • themeLighter
    • themeLight
    • themeTertiary
    • themeSecondary
    • themeDarkAlt
    • themeDark
    • themeDarker
    • neutralLighterAlt
    • neutralLighter
    • neutralLight
    • neutralQuaternaryAlt
    • neutralQuaternary
    • neutralTertiaryAlt
    • neutralTertiary
    • neutralSecondaryAlt
    • neutralSecondary
    • neutralPrimaryAlt
    • neutralPrimary
    • neutralDark
    • black
    • white
    • primaryBackground
    • primaryText
    • bodyBackground
    • bodyText
    • disabledBackground
    • disabledText
    • error
    • accent

The colors in the palette element are specified as 6-digit or 3-digit hexadecimal RGB string values.

The following is an example of a JSON object that defines a theme.

  "name": "Blue",
  "isInverted": true,
  "backgroundImageUri": "",
  "palette": {
    "themePrimary": "#00bcf2",
    "themeLighterAlt": "#00090c",
    "themeLighter": "#001318",
    "themeLight": "#002630",
    "themeTertiary": "#005066",
    "themeSecondary": "#00abda",
    "themeDarkAlt": "#0ecbff",
    "themeDark": "#44d6ff",
    "themeDarker": "#6cdfff",
    "neutralLighterAlt": "#2e3340",
    "neutralLighter": "#353a49",
    "neutralLight": "#404759",
    "neutralQuaternaryAlt": "#474e62",
    "neutralQuaternary": "#4c546a",
    "neutralTertiaryAlt": "#646e8a",
    "neutralTertiary": "#c8c8c8",
    "neutralSecondaryAlt": "#d0d0d0",
    "neutralSecondary": "#dadada",
    "neutralPrimaryAlt": "#eaeaea",
    "neutralPrimary": "#ffffff",
    "neutralDark": "#f4f4f4",
    "black": "#f8f8f8",
    "white": "#262a35",
    "primaryBackground": "#262a35",
    "primaryText": "#ffffff",
    "bodyBackground": "#ffffff",
    "bodyText": "#333333",
    "disabledBackground": "#f4f4f4",
    "disabledText": "#c8c8c8",
    "error": "#ff5f5f",
    "accent": "#ffb900"

The SharePoint Framework includes eight built-in themes: six on light backgrounds, and two on dark backgrounds. You might find it useful to create a custom theme by starting from one of the built-in themes and adjusting it to suit your needs.

Another option is to use the Theme Generator tool to build a custom theme. It provides an interactive UI for selecting theme colors, and automatically generates the JSON, SASS, and PowerShell definitions for your custom theme.


The theme generator definitions do not currently include the following color slots and key/value pairs:

  • "primaryBackground"
  • "primaryText"
  • "bodyBackground"
  • "bodyText"
  • "disabledBackground"
  • "disabledText"
  • "error"
  • "accent"

These can be manually added to your generated definition before uploading to the tenant.

Theme Generator tool

The following is a summary of the built-in themes, including JSON definitions for the theme colors that you can use as a starting point for customization.

Teal theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Teal theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #014446 black: #000000
themeDark: #025c5f neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #026d70 neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #03787c neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #13898d neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #49aeb1 neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #98d6d8 neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
themeLighter: #c5e9ea neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #f0f9fa white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Teal theme's color palette.

  themeDarker: '#014446', 
  themeDark: '#025c5f', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#026d70', 
  themePrimary: '#03787c', 
  themeSecondary: '#13898d', 
  themeTertiary: '#49aeb1', 
  themeLight: '#98d6d8', 
  themeLighter: '#c5e9ea', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#f0f9fa', 
  black: '#000000', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
  neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  white: '#fff', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#4f6bed'

Red theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Red theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #751b1e black: #000000
themeDark: #952226 neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #c02b30 neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #d13438 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #d6494d neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #ecaaac neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #f6d6d8 neutralLighter:#f4f4f4
themeLighter: #faebeb neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #fdf5f5 white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Red theme's color palette.

  themeDarker: '#751b1e', 
  themeDark: '#952226', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#c02b30', 
  themePrimary: '#d13438', 
  themeSecondary: '#d6494d', 
  themeTertiary: '#ecaaac', 
  themeLight: '#f6d6d8', 
  themeLighter: '#faebeb', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#fdf5f5', 
  black: '#000000', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
   neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  white: '#fff', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#ca5010'

Orange theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Orange theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #6f2d09 black: #000000
themeDark: #8d390b neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #b5490f neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #ca5010 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #e55c12 neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #f6b28d neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #fbdac9 neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
themeLighter: #fdede4 neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #fef6f1 white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Orange theme's color palette.

  themeDarker: '#6f2d09', 
  themeDark: '#8d390b', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#b5490f', 
  themePrimary: '#ca5010', 
  themeSecondary: '#e55c12', 
  themeTertiary: '#f6b28d', 
  themeLight: '#fbdac9', 
  themeLighter: '#fdede4', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#fef6f1', 
  black: '#000000', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
  neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  white: '#fff', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#986f0b'

Green theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Green theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #294903 black: #000000
themeDark: #386304 neutralDark: #201f1e
themeDarkAlt: #427505 neutralPrimary: #323130
themePrimary: #498205 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3b3a39
neutralSecondary: #605e5c
neutralTertiary: #a19f9d
themeSecondary: #5a9117 neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c6c4
themeTertiary: #85b44c neutralLight: #edebe9
themeLight: #bdda9b neutralLighter: #f3f2f1
themeLighter: #dbebc7 neutralLighterAlt: #faf9f8
themeLighterAlt: #f6faf0 white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Green theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#498205', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#f6faf0', 
  themeLighter: '#dbebc7', 
  themeLight: '#bdda9b', 
  themeTertiary: '#85b44c', 
  themeSecondary: '#5a9117', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#427505', 
  themeDark: '#386304', 
  themeDarker: '#294903', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#faf9f8', 
  neutralLighter: '#f3f2f1', 
  neutralLight: '#edebe9', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#e1dfdd', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d2d0ce', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c6c4', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a19f9d', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#8a8886', 
  neutralSecondary: '#605e5c', 
  neutralPrimary: '#323130', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3b3a39', 
  neutralDark: '#201f1e', 
  black: '#000000', 
  white: '#fff', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#03787c'

Blue theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Blue theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #004578 black: #000000
themeDark: #005a9e neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #106ebe neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #0078d7 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #2b88d8 neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #71afe5 neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #c7e0f4 neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
themeLighter: #deecf9 neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #eff6fc white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Blue theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#0078d7', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#eff6fc', 
  themeLighter: '#deecf9', 
  themeLight: '#c7e0f4', 
  themeTertiary: '#71afe5', 
  themeSecondary: '#2b88d8', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#106ebe', 
  themeDark: '#005a9e', 
  themeDarker: '#004578', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  black: '#000000', 
  white: '#fff', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#8764b8'

Purple theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Purple theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #27268a black: #000000
themeDark: #3230b0 neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #5250cf neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #6b69d6 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #7a78da neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #c1c0ee neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #e1e1f7 neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
themeLighter: #f0f0fb neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #f8f7fd white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Purple theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#6b69d6', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#f8f7fd', 
  themeLighter: '#f0f0fb', 
  themeLight: '#e1e1f7', 
  themeTertiary: '#c1c0ee', 
  themeSecondary: '#7a78da', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#5250cf', 
  themeDark: '#3230b0', 
  themeDarker: '#27268a', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  black: '#000000', 
  white: '#fff', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#038387'

Gray theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Gray theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #323130 black: #000000
themeDark: #403e3d neutralDark: #212121
themeDarkAlt: #53504e neutralPrimary: #333
themePrimary: #5d5a58 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3c3c3c
neutralSecondary: #666666
neutralTertiary: #a6a6a6
themeSecondary: #6d6a67 neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c8c8
themeTertiary: #bbb9b8 neutralLight: #eaeaea
themeLight: #dfdedd neutralLighter: #f4f4f4
themeLighter: #efeeee neutralLighterAlt: #f8f8f8
themeLighterAlt: #f7f7f7 white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Gray theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#5d5a58', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#f7f7f7', 
  themeLighter: '#efeeee', 
  themeLight: '#dfdedd', 
  themeTertiary: '#bbb9b8', 
  themeSecondary: '#6d6a67', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#53504e', 
  themeDark: '#403e3d', 
  themeDarker: '#323130', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#f8f8f8', 
  neutralLighter: '#f4f4f4', 
  neutralLight: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a6a6a6', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  neutralSecondary: '#666666', 
  neutralPrimary: '#333', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3c3c3c', 
  neutralDark: '#212121', 
  black: '#000000', 
  white: '#fff', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#0078d4'

Periwinkle theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Periwinkle theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #383966 black: #000000
themeDark: #3D3E78 neutralDark: #201f1e
themeDarkAlt: #444791 neutralPrimary: #323130
themePrimary: #5B5FC7 neutralPrimaryAlt: #3b3a39
neutralSecondary: #605e5c
neutralTertiary: #a19f9d
themeSecondary: #7579EB neutralTertiaryAlt: #c8c6c4
themeTertiary: #7F85F5 neutralLight: #edebe9
themeLight: #AAB1FA neutralLighter: #f3f2f1
themeLighter: #B6BCFA neutralLighterAlt: #faf9f8
themeLighterAlt: #C5CBFA white: #fff

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Periwinkle theme's color palette.

  themeDarker: '#383966', 
  themeDark: '#3D3E78', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#444791', 
  themePrimary: '#5B5FC7', 
  themeSecondary: '#7579EB', 
  themeTertiary: '#7F85F5', 
  themeLight: '#AAB1FA', 
  themeLighter: '#B6BCFA', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#C5CBFA', 
  black: '#000000', 
  neutralDark: '#201f1e', 
  neutralPrimary: '#323130', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#3b3a39', 
  neutralSecondary: '#605e5c', 
  neutralTertiary: '#a19f9d', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#c8c6c4', 
  neutralLight: '#edebe9', 
  neutralLighter: '#f3f2f1', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#faf9f8', 
  white: '#fff', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#dadada', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#767676', 
  primaryBackground: '#fff', 
  primaryText: '#333',
  accent: '#5B5FC7'

Dark Yellow theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Dark Yellow theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #fff171 black: #f8f8f8
themeDark: #ffed4b neutralDark: #f4f4f4
themeDarkAlt: #ffe817 neutralPrimary: #ffffff
themePrimary: #fce100 neutralPrimaryAlt: #eaeaea
neutralSecondary: #dadada
neutralTertiary: #c8c8c8
themeSecondary: #e3cc00 neutralTertiaryAlt: #6d6d6d
themeTertiary: #6a5f00 neutralLight: #3f3f3f
themeLight: #322d00 neutralLighter: #313131
themeLighter: #191700 neutralLighterAlt: #282828
themeLighterAlt: #0d0b00 white: #1f1f1f

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Dark Yellow theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#fce100', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#0d0b00', 
  themeLighter: '#191700', 
  themeLight: '#322d00', 
  themeTertiary: '#6a5f00', 
  themeSecondary: '#e3cc00', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#ffe817', 
  themeDark: '#ffed4b', 
  themeDarker: '#fff171', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#282828', 
  neutralLighter: '#313131', 
  neutralLight: '#3f3f3f', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#484848', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#4f4f4f', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#6d6d6d', 
  neutralTertiary: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondary: '#dadada', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralPrimary: '#ffffff', 
  neutralDark: '#f4f4f4', 
  black: '#f8f8f8', 
  white: '#1f1f1f', 
  primaryBackground: '#1f1f1f', 
  primaryText: '#ffffff', 
  error: '#ff5f5f',
  accent: '#ffc83d'

Dark Blue theme

The following table shows the color palette used by the Dark Blue theme.

Theme colors Neutral colors
themeDarker: #6cdfff black: #f8f8f8
themeDark: #44d6ff neutralDark: #f4f4f4
themeDarkAlt: #0ecbff neutralPrimary: #ffffff
themePrimary: #00bcf2 neutralPrimaryAlt: #eaeaea
neutralSecondary: #dadada
neutralTertiary: #c8c8c8
themeSecondary: #00abda neutralTertiaryAlt: #646e8a
themeTertiary: #005066 neutralLight: #404759
themeLight: #002630 neutralLighter: #353a49
themeLighter: #001318 neutralLighterAlt: #2e3340
themeLighterAlt: #00090c white: #262a35

The following code shows how to define a dictionary in PowerShell for the Dark Blue theme's color palette.

  themePrimary: '#00bcf2', 
  themeLighterAlt: '#00090c', 
  themeLighter: '#001318', 
  themeLight: '#002630', 
  themeTertiary: '#005066', 
  themeSecondary: '#00abda', 
  themeDarkAlt: '#0ecbff', 
  themeDark: '#44d6ff', 
  themeDarker: '#6cdfff', 
  neutralLighterAlt: '#2e3340', 
  neutralLighter: '#353a49', 
  neutralLight: '#404759', 
  neutralQuaternaryAlt: '#474e62', 
  neutralQuaternary: '#4c546a', 
  neutralTertiaryAlt: '#646e8a', 
  neutralTertiary: '#c8c8c8', 
  neutralSecondaryAlt: '#d0d0d0', 
  neutralSecondary: '#dadada', 
  neutralPrimaryAlt: '#eaeaea', 
  neutralPrimary: '#ffffff', 
  neutralDark: '#f4f4f4', 
  black: '#f8f8f8', 
  white: '#262a35', 
  primaryBackground: '#262a35', 
  primaryText: '#ffffff',
  error: '#ff5f5f',
  accent: '#3a96dd'

See also