Player Item Management - Revoke Inventory Items
NOTE: This is a Legacy Economy API, and is in bugfix-only mode. All new Economy features are being developed only for version 2. Revokes access for up to 25 items across multiple users and characters.
Request Header
Name | Required | Type | Description |
X-SecretKey | True |
string |
This API requires a title secret key, available to title admins, from PlayFab Game Manager. |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Items | True |
Array of player items to revoke, between 1 and 25 items. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK | ||
400 Bad Request |
This is the outer wrapper for all responses with errors |
This API requires a title secret key, available to title admins, from PlayFab Game Manager.
Name | Description |
Api |
The basic wrapper around every failed API response |
Generic |
Revoke |
Revoke |
In cases where the inventory item in question is a "crate", and the items it contained have already been dispensed, this will not revoke access or otherwise remove the items which were dispensed. |
Revoke |
Revoke |
The basic wrapper around every failed API response
Name | Type | Description |
code |
integer |
Numerical HTTP code |
error |
string |
Playfab error code |
errorCode |
integer |
Numerical PlayFab error code |
errorDetails |
object |
Detailed description of individual issues with the request object |
errorMessage |
string |
Description for the PlayFab errorCode |
status |
string |
String HTTP code |
Value | Description |
APIClientRequestRateLimitExceeded | |
APIConcurrentRequestLimitExceeded | |
APINotEnabledForGameClientAccess | |
APINotEnabledForGameServerAccess | |
APINotIncludedInTitleUsageTier | |
APIRequestLimitExceeded | |
APIRequestsDisabledForTitle | |
AccountAlreadyLinked | |
AccountBanned | |
AccountDeleted | |
AccountNotFound | |
AccountNotLinked | |
ActionGroupNotFound | |
AddonAlreadyExists | |
AddonDoesntExist | |
AggregationTypeNotAllowedForMultiColumnStatistic | |
AllAdPlacementViewsAlreadyConsumed | |
AllowNonUniquePlayerDisplayNamesDisableNotAllowed | |
AmazonValidationError | |
AnalysisSubscriptionFailed | |
AnalysisSubscriptionFoundAlready | |
AnalysisSubscriptionManagementInvalidInput | |
AnalysisSubscriptionNotFound | |
AnalyticsSegmentCountOverLimit | |
ApiDisabledForMigration | |
ApiNotEnabledForTitle | |
ApiNotIncludedInAzurePlayFabFeatureSet | |
AppleNotEnabledForTitle | |
AsyncExportNotFound | |
AsyncExportNotInFlight | |
AsyncExportRateLimitExceeded | |
AuthTokenAlreadyUsedToResetPassword | |
AuthTokenDoesNotExist | |
AuthTokenExpired | |
AutomationInvalidInput | |
AutomationInvalidRuleName | |
AutomationRuleAlreadyExists | |
AutomationRuleLimitExceeded | |
AutomationRuleNotFound | |
AzureResourceConcurrentOperationInProgress | |
AzureResourceManagerNotSupportedInStamp | |
AzureTitleCreationInProgress | |
BadPartnerConfiguration | |
BillingInformationRequired | |
BodyTooLarge | |
BuildAlreadyExists | |
BuildNotAvailable | |
BuildNotFound | |
BuildPackageDoesNotExist | |
CannotEnableMultiplayerServersForTitle | |
CannotEnablePartiesForTitle | |
CatalogApiNotImplemented | |
CatalogBadRequest | |
CatalogClientIdentityInvalid | |
CatalogConfigInvalid | |
CatalogEntityInvalid | |
CatalogFeatureDisabled | |
CatalogItemIdInvalid | |
CatalogItemMetadataInvalid | |
CatalogItemTypeInvalid | |
CatalogNotConfigured | |
CatalogOneOrMoreFilesInvalid | |
CatalogPlayerIdMissing | |
CatalogSearchParameterInvalid | |
CatalogTitleIdMissing | |
CatalogTooManyRequests | |
CharacterNotFound | |
CloudScriptAPIRequestCountExceeded | |
CloudScriptAPIRequestError | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsArgumentSizeExceeded | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsEventHubRequestError | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsExecutionTimeLimitExceeded | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsHTTPRequestError | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsQueueRequestError | |
CloudScriptAzureFunctionsReturnSizeExceeded | |
CloudScriptExecutionTimeLimitExceeded | |
CloudScriptFunctionArgumentSizeExceeded | |
CloudScriptFunctionNameSizeExceeded | |
CloudScriptHTTPRequestError | |
CloudScriptNotFound | |
CloudScriptUnableToDeleteProductionRevision | |
ConcurrentEditError | |
ContainerKeyInvalid | |
ContainerNotOwned | |
ContentNotFound | |
ContentQuotaExceeded | |
ContentS3OriginBucketNotConfigured | |
CopilotDisabled | |
CopilotInvalidRequest | |
CouponAlreadyRedeemed | |
CouponCodeNotFound | |
CreateSegmentRateLimitExceeded | |
CustomAnalyticsEventsNotEnabledForTitle | |
CustomIdNotFound | |
CustomIdNotLinked | |
DAULimitExceeded | |
DataIntegrityError | |
DataLengthExceeded | |
DataUpdateRateExceeded | |
DatabaseThroughputExceeded | |
DeleteKeyConflict | |
DeleteSegmentRateLimitExceeded | |
DeviceAlreadyLinked | |
DeviceNotLinked | |
DownstreamServiceUnavailable | |
DuplicateColumnNameFound | |
DuplicateDropTableId | |
DuplicateEmail | |
DuplicateKeys | |
DuplicateLinkedStatisticColumnNameFound | |
DuplicatePurchaseTransactionId | |
DuplicateRoleId | |
DuplicateStatisticName | |
DuplicateStudioName | |
DuplicateTitleName | |
DuplicateTitleNameForPublisher | |
DuplicateUsername | |
EconomyServiceInternalError | |
EconomyServiceUnavailable | |
ElasticSearchOperationFailed | |
EmailAddressNotAvailable | |
EmailClientCanceledTask | |
EmailClientTimeout | |
EmailConfirmationTokenDoesNotExist | |
EmailConfirmationTokenExpired | |
EmailMessageFromAddressIsMissing | |
EmailMessageToAddressIsMissing | |
EmailRecipientBlacklisted | |
EmailReportAlreadySent | |
EmailReportRecipientBlacklisted | |
EmailTemplateInvalidSyntax | |
EmailTemplateMissing | |
EmailTemplateMissingCallback | |
EmailTemplateMissingDefaultVersion | |
EncryptedRequestNotAllowed | |
EncryptionKeyBroken | |
EncryptionKeyDisabled | |
EncryptionKeyMissing | |
EntityAPIKeyCreationDisabledForEntity | |
EntityAPIKeyLimitExceeded | |
EntityAPIKeyNotFound | |
EntityAPIKeyOrSecretInvalid | |
EntityAPIKeysNotSupported | |
EntityBlockedByGroup | |
EntityFileOperationPending | |
EntityIsAlreadyMember | |
EntityLineageBanned | |
EntityProfileConstraintValidationFailed | |
EntityProfileVersionMismatch | |
EntityTokenExpired | |
EntityTokenInvalid | |
EntityTokenMissing | |
EntityTokenRevoked | |
EntityTypeMismatchWithStatDefinition | |
ErrorCreatingStream | |
EvaluationModePlayerCountExceeded | |
EvaluationModeTitleCountExceeded | |
EventEntityNotAllowed | |
EventNamespaceNotAllowed | |
EventNotFound | |
EventSamplingInvalidEventName | |
EventSamplingInvalidEventNamespace | |
EventSamplingInvalidRatio | |
EventSamplingRatioNotFound | |
EventSinkAadNotFound | |
EventSinkConnectionInvalid | |
EventSinkConnectionUnauthorized | |
EventSinkContainerNotFound | |
EventSinkDatabaseNotFound | |
EventSinkInsufficientRoleAssignment | |
EventSinkLimitExceeded | |
EventSinkNameInvalid | |
EventSinkNotFound | |
EventSinkRegionInvalid | |
EventSinkSasTokenInvalid | |
EventSinkSasTokenPermissionInvalid | |
EventSinkSecretInvalid | |
EventSinkTenantIdInvalid | |
EventSinkTenantNotFound | |
EventSinkTitleUnauthorized | |
ExperimentInvalidId | |
ExperimentationClientTimeout | |
ExperimentationExclusionGroupCannotDelete | |
ExperimentationExclusionGroupInsufficientCapacity | |
ExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidName | |
ExperimentationExclusionGroupInvalidTrafficAllocation | |
ExperimentationExclusionGroupNotFound | |
ExperimentationExperimentDeleted | |
ExperimentationExperimentNeverStarted | |
ExperimentationExperimentNotFound | |
ExperimentationExperimentRunning | |
ExperimentationExperimentSchedulingInProgress | |
ExperimentationExperimentStopped | |
ExperimentationInvalidDuration | |
ExperimentationInvalidEndDate | |
ExperimentationInvalidStartDate | |
ExperimentationInvalidVariableConfiguration | |
ExperimentationInvalidVariantConfiguration | |
ExperimentationMaxDurationExceeded | |
ExperimentationMaxExperimentsReached | |
ExperimentationNoScorecard | |
ExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentDisabled | |
ExperimentationTreatmentAssignmentFailed | |
ExpiredAuthToken | |
ExpiredContinuationToken | |
ExpiredGameTicket | |
ExpiredXboxLiveToken | |
ExplicitContentDetected | |
ExplorerBasicCreateQueryError | |
ExplorerBasicDeleteQueryError | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateProperty | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryAggregateType | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryConditions | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryDescription | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryEndDate | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryGroupBy | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryName | |
ExplorerBasicInvalidQueryStartDate | |
ExplorerBasicLoadQueriesError | |
ExplorerBasicLoadQueryError | |
ExplorerBasicSavedQueriesLimit | |
ExplorerBasicSavedQueryNotFound | |
ExplorerBasicUpdateQueryError | |
ExportAmazonBucketDoesNotExist | |
ExportBlobContainerDoesNotExist | |
ExportCannotDetermineEventQuery | |
ExportCannotParseQuery | |
ExportCantEditPendingExport | |
ExportControlCommandsNotAllowed | |
ExportCouldNotCreate | |
ExportCouldNotDelete | |
ExportCouldNotUpdate | |
ExportInsightsV1Deprecated | |
ExportInvalidBlobStorage | |
ExportInvalidPartitionStatusModification | |
ExportInvalidPrefix | |
ExportInvalidQuerySchemaModification | |
ExportInvalidStatusUpdate | |
ExportInvalidStorageType | |
ExportKustoConnectionFailed | |
ExportKustoException | |
ExportLimitEvents | |
ExportLimitExports | |
ExportNoBackingDatabaseFound | |
ExportNotFound | |
ExportQueryMissingTableReference | |
ExportQuerySchemaMissingRequiredColumns | |
ExportUnknownError | |
ExpressionInvokeFailure | |
ExpressionParseFailure | |
ExpressionTooLong | |
ExternalEntityNotAllowedForTier | |
FacebookAPIError | |
FacebookInstantGamesAuthNotConfiguredForTitle | |
FacebookInstantGamesIdNotLinked | |
FailedByPaymentProvider | |
FailedLoginAttemptRateLimitExceeded | |
FailedToConsumeEntitlement | |
FailedToGetEntitlements | |
FeatureNotConfiguredForTitle | |
FileNotFound | |
FileTooLarge | |
ForbiddenByEntityPolicy | |
FreeTierCannotHaveVirtualCurrency | |
GameCenterAuthenticationFailed | |
GameModeNotFound | |
GameNotFound | |
GameSaveBadRequest | |
GameSaveBaseVersionNotAvailable | |
GameSaveConflictUpdatingManifest | |
GameSaveDataStorageQuotaExceeded | |
GameSaveFileAlreadyExists | |
GameSaveFileExceededReportedSize | |
GameSaveFileNotUploaded | |
GameSaveManifestNotFound | |
GameSaveManifestUpdatesNotAllowed | |
GameSaveManifestVersionAlreadyExists | |
GameSaveManifestVersionNotFinalized | |
GameSaveManifestVersionQuarantined | |
GameSaveNewerManifestExists | |
GameSaveOperationNotAllowed | |
GameSaveUnknownFileInManifest | |
GameServerBuildCountLimitExceeded | |
GameServerBuildSizeLimitExceeded | |
GameServerHostCountLimitExceeded | |
GameTicketDoesNotMatchLobby | |
GetPlayersInSegmentRateLimitExceeded | |
GetSegmentsRateLimitExceeded | |
GoogleAPIServiceUnavailable | |
GoogleAPIServiceUnknownError | |
GoogleOAuthError | |
GoogleOAuthNoIdTokenIncludedInResponse | |
GoogleOAuthNotConfiguredForTitle | |
GoogleServiceAccountFailedAuth | |
GoogleServiceAccountInvalid | |
GoogleServiceAccountParseFailure | |
GroupApplicationNotFound | |
GroupInvitationNotFound | |
GroupNameNotAvailable | |
GuildNotFound | |
IdentifierAlreadyClaimed | |
IdentifierNotLinked | |
InsightsManagementDatabaseNotFound | |
InsightsManagementErrorPendingOperationExists | |
InsightsManagementGetOperationStatusInvalidParameter | |
InsightsManagementGetStorageUsageInvalidParameter | |
InsightsManagementNewActiveEventExportLimitInvalid | |
InsightsManagementOperationNotFound | |
InsightsManagementSetPerformanceLevelInvalidParameter | |
InsightsManagementSetPerformanceRateLimited | |
InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionAboveMaximum | |
InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionBelowMinimum | |
InsightsManagementSetStorageRetentionInvalidParameter | |
InsightsManagementTitleNotInFlight | |
InsightsV1Deprecated | |
InsufficientFunds | |
InsufficientGuildRole | |
InternalServerError | |
InvalidAPIEndpoint | |
InvalidAccount | |
InvalidAdPlacementAndReward | |
InvalidAttributeStatisticsSpecified | |
InvalidAuthToken | |
InvalidBaseTimeForInterval | |
InvalidBundleID | |
InvalidBuyerInfo | |
InvalidCatalogItemConfiguration | |
InvalidCertificateForAad | |
InvalidCharacterStatistics | |
InvalidContainerItem | |
InvalidContentType | |
InvalidContinuationToken | |
InvalidCurrencyCode | |
InvalidDeveloper | |
InvalidDeviceID | |
InvalidDisplayNameRandomSuffixLength | |
InvalidDropTable | |
InvalidEmailAddress | |
InvalidEmailOrPassword | |
InvalidEntityId | |
InvalidEntityType | |
InvalidEnvironmentForReceipt | |
InvalidEventContents | |
InvalidEventField | |
InvalidEventName | |
InvalidExternalEntityId | |
InvalidFacebookInstantGamesSignature | |
InvalidFacebookToken | |
InvalidGameCenterAuthRequest | |
InvalidGameCenterId | |
InvalidGameTicket | |
InvalidGooglePlayGamesServerAuthCode | |
InvalidGoogleToken | |
InvalidHostForTitleId | |
InvalidIdentityProviderId | |
InvalidItemId | |
InvalidItemIdInTable | |
InvalidItemProperties | |
InvalidJSONContent | |
InvalidKongregateToken | |
InvalidLocalizedPushNotificationLanguage | |
InvalidNamespaceMismatch | |
InvalidNintendoSwitchAccountId | |
InvalidOrderInfo | |
InvalidPSNAuthCode | |
InvalidPSNIssuerId | |
InvalidParams | |
InvalidPartnerResponse | |
InvalidPassword | |
InvalidPaymentProvider | |
InvalidPlatform | |
InvalidPlayerAccountPoolId | |
InvalidProductForSubscription | |
InvalidPublicKey | |
InvalidPublisherId | |
InvalidPurchaseTransactionStatus | |
InvalidPushNotificationToken | |
InvalidReceipt | |
InvalidRegion | |
InvalidReportDate | |
InvalidRequest | |
InvalidScheduledTaskName | |
InvalidScheduledTaskParameter | |
InvalidScheduledTaskType | |
InvalidSearchTerm | |
InvalidSegment | |
InvalidServiceConfiguration | |
InvalidServiceLimitLevel | |
InvalidSessionId | |
InvalidSessionTicket | |
InvalidSharedGroupId | |
InvalidSharedSecretKey | |
InvalidSignature | |
InvalidSignatureTime | |
InvalidStatistic | |
InvalidStatisticName | |
InvalidStatisticScore | |
InvalidSteamTicket | |
InvalidSteamUsername | |
InvalidTaskSchedule | |
InvalidTicket | |
InvalidTitleForDeveloper | |
InvalidTitleId | |
InvalidTokenResultFromAad | |
InvalidTwitchToken | |
InvalidTypeInBody | |
InvalidUserStatistics | |
InvalidUsername | |
InvalidUsernameOrPassword | |
InvalidVirtualCurrency | |
InvalidVirtualCurrencyCode | |
InvalidXboxLiveToken | |
InventoryApiNotImplemented | |
InventoryCollectionDeletionDisallowed | |
IpAddressBanned | |
ItemNotAffordable | |
ItemNotFound | |
ItemNotOwned | |
ItemNotRecycleable | |
JavascriptException | |
KeyLengthExceeded | |
KeyNotOwned | |
LeaderboardColumnLengthMismatch | |
LeaderboardColumnLengthMismatchWithStatDefinition | |
LeaderboardColumnsNotSpecified | |
LeaderboardCountLimitExceeded | |
LeaderboardDefinitionModificationNotAllowedWhileLinked | |
LeaderboardMaxSizeTooLarge | |
LeaderboardNameConflict | |
LeaderboardNotFound | |
LeaderboardSizeLimitExceeded | |
LeaderboardUpdateNotAllowedWhileLinked | |
LeaderboardVersionNotAvailable | |
LegacyMultiplayerServersDeprecated | |
LimitNotAnUpgradeOption | |
LimitNotAvailableViaAPI | |
LimitNotFound | |
LimitedEditionItemUnavailable | |
LinkedAccountAlreadyClaimed | |
LinkedDeviceAlreadyClaimed | |
LinkedIdentifierAlreadyClaimed | |
LinkedStatisticColumnMismatch | |
LinkedStatisticColumnNotFound | |
LinkedStatisticColumnRequired | |
LinkingStatsNotAllowedForEntityType | |
LobbyBadRequest | |
LobbyCurrentOwnerStillConnected | |
LobbyCurrentPlayersMoreThanMaxPlayers | |
LobbyDifferentServerAlreadyJoined | |
LobbyDoesNotExist | |
LobbyDoesNotUseConnections | |
LobbyIsNotClientOwned | |
LobbyMemberCannotRejoin | |
LobbyMemberIsNotOwner | |
LobbyNewOwnerMustBeConnected | |
LobbyNotJoinable | |
LobbyPlayerAlreadyJoined | |
LobbyPlayerMaxLobbyLimitExceeded | |
LobbyPlayerNotPresent | |
LobbyRateLimitExceeded | |
LobbyServerAlreadyJoined | |
LobbyServerMismatch | |
LobbyServerNotFound | |
ManageEventNameInvalid | |
ManageEventNamespaceInvalid | |
ManageEventsInvalidRatio | |
ManagedEventInvalid | |
ManagedEventNotFound | |
MatchmakingAlreadyJoinedTicket | |
MatchmakingAttributeInvalid | |
MatchmakingBadRequest | |
MatchmakingEntityInvalid | |
MatchmakingMatchNotFound | |
MatchmakingMemberProfileInvalid | |
MatchmakingNotEnabled | |
MatchmakingNumberOfPlayersInTicketTooLarge | |
MatchmakingPlayerAttributesInvalid | |
MatchmakingPlayerAttributesTooLarge | |
MatchmakingPlayerHasNotJoinedTicket | |
MatchmakingQueueConfigInvalid | |
MatchmakingQueueLimitExceeded | |
MatchmakingQueueNotFound | |
MatchmakingRateLimitExceeded | |
MatchmakingRequestTypeMismatch | |
MatchmakingTicketAlreadyCompleted | |
MatchmakingTicketMembershipLimitExceeded | |
MatchmakingTicketNotFound | |
MatchmakingUnauthorized | |
MaxActionDepthExceeded | |
MaxQueryableVersionsValueNotAllowedForTier | |
MaximumSegmentBulkActionJobsRunning | |
MembershipDefinitionInUse | |
MembershipNameTooLong | |
MembershipNotFound | |
MisconfiguredIdentityProvider | |
MissingAmazonSharedKey | |
MissingLocalizedPushNotificationMessage | |
MissingTitleGoogleProperties | |
MultiplayerServerBadRequest | |
MultiplayerServerBuildAliasReferencedByMatchmakingQueue | |
MultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByBuildAlias | |
MultiplayerServerBuildReferencedByMatchmakingQueue | |
MultiplayerServerConflict | |
MultiplayerServerError | |
MultiplayerServerForbidden | |
MultiplayerServerInternalServerError | |
MultiplayerServerNoContent | |
MultiplayerServerNotFound | |
MultiplayerServerTitleQuotaCoresExceeded | |
MultiplayerServerTooManyRequests | |
MultiplayerServerUnauthorized | |
MultiplayerServerUnavailable | |
MultipleLinkedStatisticsNotAllowed | |
NameNotAvailable | |
NamespaceMismatch | |
NintendoSwitchDeviceIdNotLinked | |
NintendoSwitchNotEnabledForTitle | |
NoActionsOnPlayersInSegmentJob | |
NoContactEmailAddressFound | |
NoEntityFileOperationPending | |
NoGameModeParamsSet | |
NoLeaderboardForStatistic | |
NoLinkedStatisticToLeaderboard | |
NoMatchingCatalogItemForReceipt | |
NoPartnerEnabled | |
NoPushNotificationARNForTitle | |
NoRealMoneyPriceForCatalogItem | |
NoRemainingUses | |
NoSecretKeyEnabledForCloudScript | |
NoSharedSecretKeyConfigured | |
NoSuchMod | |
NoValidCertificateForAad | |
NoValidIdentityForAad | |
NoWritePermissionsForEvent | |
NonPositiveValue | |
NotAuthenticated | |
NotAuthorized | |
NotAuthorizedByTitle | |
NotImplemented | |
NullTokenResultFromAad | |
OperationCanceled | |
OperationNotSupportedForPlatform | |
OutstandingApplicationAcceptedInstead | |
OutstandingInvitationAcceptedInstead | |
OverLimit | |
PIIContentDetected | |
PSNInaccessible | |
PaidInsightsFeaturesNotEnabled | |
PartialFailure | |
PartitionedEventCountOverLimit | |
PartitionedEventInvalid | |
PartyBadRequest | |
PartyConflict | |
PartyError | |
PartyForbidden | |
PartyInternalServerError | |
PartyNoContent | |
PartyNotFound | |
PartyRequests | |
PartyRequestsThrottledFromRateLimiter | |
PartySerializationError | |
PartyTooManyRequests | |
PartyUnauthorized | |
PartyUnavailable | |
PartyVersionNotFound | |
PaymentPageNotConfigured | |
PerEntityEventRateLimitExceeded | |
PhotonApplicationIdAlreadyInUse | |
PhotonApplicationNotAssociatedWithTitle | |
PhotonApplicationNotFound | |
PhotonNotEnabledForTitle | |
PlayStreamConnectionFailed | |
PlayerAccountPoolDeleted | |
PlayerAccountPoolNotFound | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesDuplicatePropertyName | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesPropertyCountTooHigh | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesPropertyDoesNotExist | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesPropertyNameIsInvalid | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesPropertyNameTooLong | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesStringPropertyValueTooLong | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesValueIsInvalidType | |
PlayerCustomPropertiesVersionMismatch | |
PlayerIdentityLinkNotFound | |
PlayerNotInGame | |
PlayerSecretAlreadyConfigured | |
PlayerSecretNotConfigured | |
PlayerTagCountLimitExceeded | |
PrizeTableHasMissingRanks | |
PrizeTableHasNoRanks | |
PrizeTableHasOverlappingRanks | |
PrizeTableRankStartsAtZero | |
ProfaneDisplayName | |
ProfileDoesNotExist | |
PubSubConnectionHandleInvalid | |
PubSubConnectionNotFoundForEntity | |
PubSubFeatureNotEnabledForTitle | |
PubSubSubscriptionLimitExceeded | |
PubSubTooManyRequests | |
PublisherDeleted | |
PublisherNotFound | |
PublisherNotSet | |
PurchaseDoesNotExist | |
PurchaseInitializationFailure | |
PushNotEnabledForAccount | |
PushNotificationTemplateAndroidPayloadMissingNotificationBody | |
PushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidAndroidPayload | |
PushNotificationTemplateContainsInvalidIosPayload | |
PushNotificationTemplateInvalidPayload | |
PushNotificationTemplateInvalidSyntax | |
PushNotificationTemplateIosPayloadMissingNotificationBody | |
PushNotificationTemplateMissingDefaultVersion | |
PushNotificationTemplateMissingName | |
PushNotificationTemplateMissingPlatformPayload | |
PushNotificationTemplateNoCustomPayloadForV1 | |
PushNotificationTemplateNotFound | |
PushNotificationTemplatePayloadContainsInvalidJson | |
PushServiceError | |
QueryRateLimitExceeded | |
ReceiptAlreadyUsed | |
ReceiptCancelled | |
ReceiptContainsMultipleInAppItems | |
ReceiptDoesNotContainInAppItems | |
RegionAtCapacity | |
RegistrationIncomplete | |
RegistrationSessionNotFound | |
ReportDataNotRetrievedSuccessfully | |
ReportNotAvailable | |
RequestAlreadyRunning | |
RequestMultiplayerServersThrottledFromRateLimiter | |
RequestViewConstraintParamsNotAllowed | |
ReservedEventName | |
ReservedWordInBody | |
ResetIntervalCannotBeModified | |
ResettableStatisticVersionRequired | |
ResourceNameUpdateNotAllowed | |
RestrictedEmailDomain | |
RevisionNotFound | |
RoleDoesNotExist | |
RoleIsGroupAdmin | |
RoleIsGroupDefaultMember | |
RoleNameNotAvailable | |
ScheduledTaskCreateConflict | |
ScheduledTaskNameConflict | |
SecretKeyNotFound | |
SegmentManagementInvalidInput | |
SegmentManagementInvalidSegmentId | |
SegmentManagementInvalidSegmentName | |
SegmentManagementNoExpressionTree | |
SegmentManagementSegmentCountOverLimit | |
SegmentManagementTitleNotInFlight | |
SegmentManagementTriggerActionCountOverLimit | |
SegmentNotFound | |
ServerFailedToStart | |
ServiceLimitLevelInTransition | |
ServiceUnavailable | |
SessionLogNotFound | |
SignedRequestNotAllowed | |
SmtpAddonNotEnabled | |
SmtpServerAuthenticationError | |
SmtpServerCommunicationError | |
SmtpServerGeneralFailure | |
SmtpServerInsufficientStorage | |
SmtpServerLimitExceeded | |
SnapshotNotFound | |
SpecifiedVersionLeaderboardNotFound | |
StatDefinitionAlreadyLinkedToLeaderboard | |
StateShareCreatedStatesLimitExceeded | |
StateShareForbidden | |
StateShareIdMissingOrMalformed | |
StateShareLinkNotFound | |
StateShareStateNotFound | |
StateShareStateRedemptionLimitExceeded | |
StateShareStateRedemptionLimitNotUpdated | |
StateShareTitleNotInFlight | |
StatisticAlreadyHasPrizeTable | |
StatisticChildNameInvalid | |
StatisticColumnLengthMismatch | |
StatisticCountLimitExceeded | |
StatisticDefinitionHasNullOrEmptyVersionConfiguration | |
StatisticDefinitionModificationNotAllowedWhileLinked | |
StatisticNameConflict | |
StatisticNotFound | |
StatisticUpdateInProgress | |
StatisticValueAggregationOverflow | |
StatisticVersionAlreadyIncrementedForScheduledInterval | |
StatisticVersionClosedForWrites | |
StatisticVersionIncrementRateExceeded | |
StatisticVersionInvalid | |
SteamApplicationNotOwned | |
SteamNotEnabledForTitle | |
SteamUserNotFound | |
StoreNotFound | |
StreamAlreadyExists | |
StreamNotFound | |
StudioActivated | |
StudioCreationInProgress | |
StudioCreationRateLimited | |
StudioDeactivated | |
StudioDeleted | |
StudioNotFound | |
SubscriptionAlreadyTaken | |
Success | |
TaskInstanceNotFound | |
TaskNotFound | |
TelemetryIngestionKeyNotFound | |
TelemetryIngestionKeyPending | |
TelemetryKeyAlreadyExists | |
TelemetryKeyCountOverLimit | |
TelemetryKeyDeactivated | |
TelemetryKeyInvalid | |
TelemetryKeyInvalidName | |
TelemetryKeyLongInsightsRetentionNotAllowed | |
TelemetryKeyNotFound | |
TemplateVersionNotDefined | |
TemplateVersionTooOld | |
TenantShardMapperShardNotFound | |
TitleActivated | |
TitleActivationInProgress | |
TitleActivationRateLimited | |
TitleCleanupInProgress | |
TitleConfigNotFound | |
TitleConfigSerializationError | |
TitleConfigUpdateConflict | |
TitleConstraintsPublisherDeletion | |
TitleContainsUserAccounts | |
TitleCreationInProgress | |
TitleCreationRateLimited | |
TitleDataOverrideNotFound | |
TitleDeactivated | |
TitleDefaultLanguageNotSet | |
TitleDeleted | |
TitleDeletionPlayerCleanupFailure | |
TitleNameConflicts | |
TitleNewsDuplicateLanguage | |
TitleNewsInvalidLanguage | |
TitleNewsItemCountLimitExceeded | |
TitleNewsMissingDefaultLanguage | |
TitleNewsMissingTitleOrBody | |
TitleNewsNotFound | |
TitleNotActivated | |
TitleNotEnabledForParty | |
TitleNotOnUpdatedPricingPlan | |
TitleNotQualifiedForLimit | |
TitlePublisherUpdateNotAllowed | |
TokenSigningKeyNotFound | |
TooManyKeys | |
TotalDataSizeExceeded | |
TradeAcceptedCatalogItemInvalid | |
TradeAcceptedCatalogItemIsNotTradable | |
TradeAcceptedItemIsBundle | |
TradeAcceptedItemIsStackable | |
TradeAcceptedItemsMismatch | |
TradeAcceptingUserNotAllowed | |
TradeAllowedUsersInvalid | |
TradeAlreadyFilled | |
TradeCancelled | |
TradeDoesNotExist | |
TradeInventoryItemDoesNotExist | |
TradeInventoryItemExpired | |
TradeInventoryItemInvalidStatus | |
TradeInventoryItemIsAssignedToCharacter | |
TradeInventoryItemIsBundle | |
TradeInventoryItemIsConsumed | |
TradeInventoryItemIsNotTradable | |
TradeInventoryItemIsStackable | |
TradeMissingOfferedAndAcceptedItems | |
TradeStatusNotValidForAccepting | |
TradeStatusNotValidForCancelling | |
TradeWaitForStatusTimeout | |
TransactionAlreadyApplied | |
TrueSkillActiveModelLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillBadPlayerIdInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillConditionKeyLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillConditionSetNotInModel | |
TrueSkillConditionStateIsRequired | |
TrueSkillConditionValuePerKeyLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillDuplicateCondition | |
TrueSkillDuplicateEvent | |
TrueSkillDuplicatePlayerInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillEndTimeBeforeStartTime | |
TrueSkillEndTimeMissingInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillEventLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillEventStateIsRequired | |
TrueSkillInvalidAnomalyThreshold | |
TrueSkillInvalidBotIdInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillInvalidConditionAffinityWeight | |
TrueSkillInvalidConditionKey | |
TrueSkillInvalidConditionRank | |
TrueSkillInvalidConditionValue | |
TrueSkillInvalidEntityKey | |
TrueSkillInvalidEventCount | |
TrueSkillInvalidEventName | |
TrueSkillInvalidJobId | |
TrueSkillInvalidMaxIterations | |
TrueSkillInvalidMetadataId | |
TrueSkillInvalidModelId | |
TrueSkillInvalidModelName | |
TrueSkillInvalidPlayerId | |
TrueSkillInvalidPlayerIds | |
TrueSkillInvalidPlayerSecondsPlayedInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillInvalidPlayers | |
TrueSkillInvalidPreMatchPartyInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillInvalidRanksInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillInvalidScenarioId | |
TrueSkillInvalidScenarioName | |
TrueSkillInvalidSquadSize | |
TrueSkillInvalidTimestamp | |
TrueSkillInvalidTimestampInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillInvalidTitleId | |
TrueSkillJobAlreadyExists | |
TrueSkillJobNotFound | |
TrueSkillMatchResultAlreadySubmitted | |
TrueSkillMatchResultCreated | |
TrueSkillMissingBuildVerison | |
TrueSkillMissingRequiredCondition | |
TrueSkillMissingRequiredEvent | |
TrueSkillModelIsNotActive | |
TrueSkillModelStateInvalidForOperation | |
TrueSkillNoModelInScenario | |
TrueSkillNoPlayerInMatchResultTeam | |
TrueSkillNoTeamInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillNoWinnerInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillNotEnoughTeamsInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillNotSupportedForTitle | |
TrueSkillOperationCanceled | |
TrueSkillPlayersInMatchResultExceedingLimit | |
TrueSkillScenarioConfigDoesNotExist | |
TrueSkillScenarioContainsActiveModel | |
TrueSkillStartTimeMissingInMatchResult | |
TrueSkillTotalModelLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillTotalScenarioLimitExceeded | |
TrueSkillTrueSkillPlayerNull | |
TrueSkillUnauthorized | |
TrueSkillUnauthorizedForJob | |
TrueSkillUnauthorizedToQueryOtherPlayerSkills | |
TrueSkillUnknownConditionKey | |
TrueSkillUnknownConditionValue | |
TrueSkillUnknownEventName | |
TrueSkillUnknownInitialModelId | |
TrueSkillUnknownModelId | |
TwitchResponseError | |
TwoFactorAuthenticationTokenRequired | |
UnableToConnectToDatabase | |
UnknownError | |
UnkownError | |
UpdateInventoryRateLimitExceeded | |
UpdateSegmentRateLimitExceeded | |
UpdatingStatisticsUsingTransactionIdNotAvailableForFreeTier | |
UserAlreadyAdded | |
UserIsNotPartOfDeveloper | |
UserNotFriend | |
UserisNotValid | |
UsernameNotAvailable | |
UsersAlreadyFriends | |
ValueAlreadyExists | |
VariableNotDefined | |
VersionIncrementRateExceeded | |
VersionNotFound | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaCreateError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaDeleteError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaGetError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaInitialDepositSaveError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaRestoreError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaSaveConflict | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaSaveError | |
VirtualCurrencyBetaUpdateError | |
VirtualCurrencyCannotBeDeleted | |
VirtualCurrencyCannotBeSetToOlderVersion | |
VirtualCurrencyCodeExists | |
VirtualCurrencyCountLimitExceeded | |
VirtualCurrencyCurrentlyUnavailable | |
VirtualCurrencyMustBeWithinIntegerRange | |
WasNotCreatedWithCloudRoot | |
WriteAttemptedDuringExport | |
WrongPrice | |
WrongSteamAccount | |
WrongVirtualCurrency | |
XboxBPCertificateFailure | |
XboxInaccessible | |
XboxRejectedXSTSExchangeRequest | |
XboxServiceTooManyRequests | |
XboxXASSExchangeFailure |
Name | Type | Description |
CharacterId |
string |
Unique PlayFab assigned ID for a specific character owned by a user |
ItemInstanceId |
string |
Unique PlayFab assigned instance identifier of the item |
PlayFabId |
string |
Unique PlayFab assigned ID of the user on whom the operation will be performed. |
In cases where the inventory item in question is a "crate", and the items it contained have already been dispensed, this will not revoke access or otherwise remove the items which were dispensed.
Name | Type | Description |
Items |
Array of player items to revoke, between 1 and 25 items. |
Name | Type | Description |
Errors |
Collection of any errors that occurred during processing. |
Name | Type | Description |
Error |
Specific error that was encountered. |
Item |
Item information that failed to be revoked. |
Error Codes
Name | Code |
ItemNotFound | 1047 |