다음을 통해 공유

Multiplayer Server


Create Build Alias

Creates a multiplayer server build alias.

Create Build With Custom Container

Creates a multiplayer server build with a custom container.

Create Build With Managed Container

Creates a multiplayer server build with a managed container.

Create Build With Process Based Server

Creates a multiplayer server build with the server running as a process.

Create Remote User

Creates a remote user to log on to a VM for a multiplayer server build.

Create Title Multiplayer Servers Quota Change

Creates a request to change a title's multiplayer server quotas.

Delete Asset

Deletes a multiplayer server game asset for a title.

Delete Build

Deletes a multiplayer server build.

Delete Build Alias

Deletes a multiplayer server build alias.

Delete Build Region

Removes a multiplayer server build's region.

Delete Certificate

Deletes a multiplayer server game certificate.

Delete Container Image Repository

Deletes a container image repository.

Delete Remote User

Deletes a remote user to log on to a VM for a multiplayer server build.

Delete Secret

Deletes a multiplayer server game secret.

Enable Multiplayer Servers For Title

Enables the multiplayer server feature for a title.

Get Asset Download Url

Gets a URL that can be used to download the specified asset. A sample pre-authenticated url - https://sampleStorageAccount.blob.core.windows.net/gameassets/game...

Get Asset Upload Url

Gets the URL to upload assets to. A sample pre-authenticated url - https://sampleStorageAccount.blob.core.windows.net/gameassets/gameserver.zip?sv=2015-04-05&ss...

Get Build

Gets a multiplayer server build.

Get Build Alias

Gets a multiplayer server build alias.

Get Container Registry Credentials

Gets the credentials to the container registry.

Get Multiplayer Server Details

Gets multiplayer server session details for a build.

Get Multiplayer Server Logs

Gets multiplayer server logs after a server has terminated.

Get Multiplayer Session Logs By Session Id

Gets multiplayer server logs after a server has terminated.

Get Remote Login Endpoint

Gets a remote login endpoint to a VM that is hosting a multiplayer server build.

Get Title Enabled For Multiplayer Servers Status

Gets the status of whether a title is enabled for the multiplayer server feature.

Get Title Multiplayer Servers Quota Change

Gets a title's server quota change request.

Get Title Multiplayer Servers Quotas

Gets the quotas for a title in relation to multiplayer servers.

List Archived Multiplayer Servers

Lists archived multiplayer server sessions for a build.

List Asset Summaries

Lists multiplayer server game assets for a title.

List Build Aliases

Lists details of all build aliases for a title. Accepts tokens for title and if game client access is enabled, allows game client to request list of builds with...

List Build Summaries V2

Lists summarized details of all multiplayer server builds for a title. Accepts tokens for title and if game client access is enabled, allows game client to requ...

List Certificate Summaries

Lists multiplayer server game certificates for a title.

List Container Images

Lists custom container images for a title.

List Container Image Tags

Lists the tags for a custom container image.

List Multiplayer Servers

Lists multiplayer server sessions for a build.

List Party Qos Servers

Lists quality of service servers for party.

List Qos Servers For Title

Lists quality of service servers for the title. By default, servers are only returned for regions where a Multiplayer Servers build has been deployed.

List Secret Summaries

Lists multiplayer server game secrets for a title.

List Title Multiplayer Servers Quota Changes

List all server quota change requests for a title.

List Virtual Machine Summaries

Lists virtual machines for a title.

Request Multiplayer Server

Request a multiplayer server session. Accepts tokens for title and if game client access is enabled, allows game client to request a server with player entity t...

Request Party Service

Request a party session.

Rollover Container Registry Credentials

Rolls over the credentials to the container registry.

Shutdown Multiplayer Server

Shuts down a multiplayer server session.

Untag Container Image

Untags a container image.

Update Build Alias

Creates a multiplayer server build alias.

Update Build Name

Updates a multiplayer server build's name.

Update Build Region

Updates a multiplayer server build's region. If the region is not yet created, it will be created

Update Build Regions

Updates a multiplayer server build's regions.

Upload Certificate

Uploads a multiplayer server game certificate.

Upload Secret

Uploads a multiplayer server game secret.