다음을 통해 공유


Player Inventory Management APIs. Inventory operations work on an eventually consistent system against a cache of the Catalog. It can take a few moments for changes to propagate. In general for Inventory APIs, Read APIs are limited to 100 requests in 60 seconds for Player Entities while Title Entities are limited to 10000 requests in 10 seconds. For Write APIs, Player Entities are limited to 30 requests in 90 seconds and Title Entities are limited to 1000 requests in 10 seconds.


Add Inventory Items

Add inventory items. Up to 10,000 stacks of items can be added to a single inventory collection. Stack size is uncapped.

Delete Inventory Collection

Delete an Inventory Collection. More information about Inventory Collections can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/gaming/playfab/features/econom...

Delete Inventory Items

Delete inventory items

Execute Inventory Operations

Execute a list of Inventory Operations. A maximum list of 50 operations can be performed by a single request. There is also a limit to 300 items that can be mod...

Execute Transfer Operations

Transfer a list of inventory items. A maximum list of 50 operations can be performed by a single request. When the response code is 202, one or more operations ...

Get Inventory Collection Ids

Get Inventory Collection Ids. Up to 50 Ids can be returned at once (or 250 with response compression enabled). You can use continuation tokens to paginate throu...

Get Inventory Items

Get current inventory items.

Get Inventory Operation Status

Get the status of an inventory operation using an OperationToken. You can check on the operation status at anytime within 1 day of the request by passing the Tr...

Get Microsoft Store Access Tokens

Gets the access tokens.

Get Transaction History

Get transaction history for a player. Up to 250 Events can be returned at once. You can use continuation tokens to paginate through results that return greater ...

Purchase Inventory Items

Purchase an item or bundle. Up to 10,000 stacks of items can be added to a single inventory collection. Stack size is uncapped.

Redeem Apple App Store Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Redeem Google Play Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Redeem Microsoft Store Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Redeem Nintendo E Shop Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Redeem Play Station Store Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Redeem Steam Inventory Items

Redeem items.

Subtract Inventory Items

Subtract inventory items.

Transfer Inventory Items

Transfer inventory items. When transferring across collections, a 202 response indicates that the transfer did not complete within the timeframe of the request....

Update Inventory Items

Update inventory items