다음을 통해 공유



Get Route Operations Result

Get the result of an asynchronous operation by its operation ID.

Get Route Operations Status

Get the status of an asynchronous operation by its operation ID.

Post Route Directions

Use to get the best route between an origin and destination for automobile, commercial trucks and walking routes.

Post Route Directions Batch

Use to send a batch of queries to the Route Directions API in a single synchronous request.

Post Route Matrix

The Route Matrix API is an HTTP POST request that allows calculation of a matrix of route summaries for a set of routes defined by origin and destination locati...

Post Route Matrix Async

The Route Matrix Async API is an HTTP POST request that allows calculation of a matrix of route summaries for a set of routes defined by origin and destination ...

Post Route Range

The Route Range API creates a polygon that depicts the area reachable from a given location within a certain threshold based on the specified time or distance b...

Post Route Range Batch

The Route Range Batch API sends batches of up to 100 queries as a single call to the Route Range API.

[> !Important] By using this feature, you agree to the preview...

Post Snap To Roads

The Snap to Roads API accepts GPS point data, represented as longitude and latitude coordinates, and generates points that aligns with existing roadways on a ma...

Post Snap To Roads Batch

The Snap To Roads Batch API sends batches of up to 100 queries as a single call to the Snap To Roads API.

[> !Important] By using this feature, you agree to the pre...