
다음을 통해 공유

Dataflow definition

This article provides a breakdown of the definition structure for dataflow items.

Definition parts

Definition part path type Required Description
queryMetadata.json Metadata ContentDetails (JSON) true Describes dataflow content of payload
mashup.pq Mashup ContentDetails (PQ) true Describes mashup content of payload
.platform PlatformDetails (JSON) false Describes common details of the item

Metadata ContentDetails

Describes content of payload

Name Type Description
formatVersion String Version of dataflow artifact format. The only allowed value is 202412
dataflowOptions JSON Dataflow options. See Description for dataflowOptions Contents

Description for dataflowOptions Contents

Describes the fields used to construct the dataflowOptions

Name Type Required Description
name String true The name of the mashup
documentLocale String false The locale of the document
gatewayObjectId String false The gateway object ID
fastCombine Boolean false Indicates whether or not to use fast combine. True - use fast combine. False (default) - do not use fast combine
allowNativeQueries Boolean false Indicates whether or not native queries are allowed. True (default) - allow native queries. False - do not allow native queries
skipAutomaticTypeAndHeaderDetection Boolean false Indicates whether or not to skip automatic type and header detection. True - skip detection. False (default) - do not skip detection
computeEngineSettings JSON false The compute engine settings. See Description for computeEngineSettings Contents
queryGroups Array false Query groups. See Description for queryGroups Contents
queriesMetadata JSON false Queries metadata. See Description for queriesMetadata Contents
connectionOverrides Array false Connection overrides. See Description for EvaluationConnection Contents
trustedConnections Array false Trusted connections. See Description for EvaluationConnection Contents

Description for computeEngineSettings Contents

Name Type Required Description
allowFastCopy Boolean false Indicates if fast copy is enabled or not. True (default) - allow fast copy. False - Do not allow fast copy
maxConcurrency Integer false The maximum number of concurrent evaluations to use when executing the dataflow
parametric Boolean false Indicates whether or not parametric mode is used. True - parametric mode is used. False (default) - parametric mode is not used

Description for queryGroups Contents

Name Type Required Description
id String false The ID of the query group
name String false The name of the query group
description String false The description of the query group
parentId String false The parent ID of the query group
order Integer false The order of the query group

Description for queriesMetadata Contents

Name Type Required Description
queryId String true The query ID
queryName String true The name of the query
queryGroupId String false The query group ID
isHidden Boolean false Indicates whether or not the query is hidden. True - query is hidden. False (default) - query is not hidden
loadEnabled Boolean false Indicates whether or not load is enabled. True (default) - load is enabled. False - load is not enabled

Description for EvaluationConnection Contents

Name Type Required Description
path String false The connection path
kind String false The connection type
provider String false The connection provider
authenticationKind String false The authentication kind, applicable when provider is null
environmentName String false The environment name, applicable when provider is PowerApps
apiName String false The api name, applicable when provider is PowerApps or PowerAppsConnectionParameters
connectionName String false The connection name
credentialDetails JSON false The credential details
audience String false The audience, applicable when provider is AadTokenExchange or AadAppOnlyToken
connectionParameters JSON false The connection parameters, applicable when provider is PowerAppsConnectionParameters
adfTokenUrl String false The ADF token url, applicable when provider is AdfTokenUrl
adfLinkedServiceName String false The ADF linked server name url, applicable when provider is Adf
privacyGroup String false The privacy group

Metadata ContentDetails example

  "formatVersion": "202412",
  "dataflowOptions": {
    "computeEngineSettings": {
      "allowFastCopy": true,
      "maxConcurrency": 1
    "name": "SampleDataflowGen",
    "queryGroups": [
    "documentLocale": "en-US",
    "gatewayObjectId": null,
    "queriesMetadata": {
      "publicholidays": {
        "queryId": "a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1",
        "queryName": "publicholidays",
        "queryGroupId": null,
        "isHidden": false,
        "loadEnabled": true
    "connectionOverrides": [
        "path": "Lakehouse",
        "kind": "Lakehouse",
        "provider": "DmtsFabric",
        "connectionName": "{\"ClusterId\":\"b1b1b1b1-cccc-dddd-eeee-f2f2f2f2f2f2\",\"DatasourceId\":\"c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3\"}",
        "credentialDetails": {
        "connectionParameters": {
        "privacyGroup": "None"
    "trustedConnections": [],
    "fastCombine": false,
    "allowNativeQueries": true,
    "skipAutomaticTypeAndHeaderDetection": false

Mashup ContentDetails example

[StagingDefinition = [Kind = "FastCopy"]]
section Section1;
shared publicholidays = 
let  Source = Lakehouse.Contents([]),  
#"Navigation 1" = Source{[workspaceId = "d3d3d3d3-eeee-ffff-aaaa-b4b4b4b4b4b4"]}[Data],  
#"Navigation 2" = #"Navigation 1"{[lakehouseId = "e4e4e4e4-ffff-aaaa-bbbb-c5c5c5c5c5c5"]}[Data],  
#"Navigation 3" = #"Navigation 2"{[Id = "publicholidays", ItemKind = "Table"]}[Data],  
#"Changed column type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Navigation 3", {{"normalizeHolidayName", type text}}),  
#"Lowercased text" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Changed column type", {{"countryRegionCode", each Text.Lower(_), type nullable text}}),  
#"Uppercased text" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Lowercased text", {{"normalizeHolidayName", each Text.Upper(_), type nullable text}}),  
#"Calculated text length" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Uppercased text", {{"countryOrRegion", each Text.Length(_), type nullable Int64.Type}})in  #"Calculated text length";