models Package
APIError |
Error information returned by the API. |
APIErrorException |
Server responded with exception of type: 'APIError'. |
Address |
Address details. |
Body |
Body. |
BodyModel |
BodyModel. |
Candidate |
OCR candidate text. |
Classification |
The classification details of the text. |
ClassificationCategory1 |
The category1 score details of the text. Click here for more details on category classification. |
ClassificationCategory2 |
The category2 score details of the text. Click here for more details on category classification. |
ClassificationCategory3 |
The category3 score details of the text. Click here for more details on category classification. |
Content |
Content. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateReviewBodyItem |
Schema items of the body. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateReviewBodyItemMetadataItem |
CreateReviewBodyItemMetadataItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItem |
Schema items of the body. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemMetadataItem |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemMetadataItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItem |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItemMetadataItem |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItemMetadataItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItemReviewerResultTagsItem |
CreateVideoReviewsBodyItemVideoFramesItemReviewerResultTagsItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
DetectedLanguage |
Detect language result. |
DetectedTerms |
Detected Terms details. |
Email Address details. |
Error |
Error body. |
Evaluate |
Evaluate response object. |
Face |
Coordinates to the found face. |
FoundFaces |
Request object the contains found faces. |
Frame |
Video frame property details. |
Frames |
The response for a Get Frames request. |
IP Address details. |
Image |
Image Properties. |
ImageAdditionalInfoItem |
ImageAdditionalInfoItem. |
ImageIds |
Image Id properties. |
ImageList |
Image List Properties. |
Job |
The Job object. |
JobExecutionReportDetails |
Job Execution Report Values. |
JobId |
JobId. |
JobListResult |
The list of job ids. |
KeyValuePair |
The key value pair object properties. |
Match |
The match details. |
MatchResponse |
The response for a Match request. |
Contains the text found in image for the language specified. |
Personal Identifier Information details. |
Phone |
Phone Property details. |
RefreshIndex |
Refresh Index Response. |
Review |
The Review object. |
Detected SSN details. |
Screen |
The response for a Screen text request. |
Status |
Status properties. |
Tag |
Tag details. |
TermList |
Term List Properties. |
Terms |
Terms properties. |
TermsData |
All term Id response properties. |
TermsInList |
Terms in list Id passed. |
TermsPaging |
Paging details. |
TranscriptModerationBodyItem |
Schema items of the body. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
TranscriptModerationBodyItemTermsItem |
TranscriptModerationBodyItemTermsItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
VideoFrameBodyItem |
Schema items of the body. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
VideoFrameBodyItemMetadataItem |
VideoFrameBodyItemMetadataItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
VideoFrameBodyItemReviewerResultTagsItem |
VideoFrameBodyItemReviewerResultTagsItem. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
Azure SDK for Python