ResultReason Enum
Specifies the possible reasons a recognition result might be generated.
Canceled |
DeletedVoiceProfile |
EnrolledVoiceProfile |
EnrollingVoiceProfile |
NoMatch |
RecognizedIntent |
RecognizedKeyword |
RecognizedSpeaker |
RecognizedSpeakers |
RecognizedSpeech |
RecognizingIntent |
RecognizingKeyword |
RecognizingSpeech |
ResetVoiceProfile |
SynthesizingAudio |
SynthesizingAudioCompleted |
SynthesizingAudioStarted |
TranslatedInstantMessage |
TranslatedParticipantInstantMessage |
TranslatedParticipantSpeech |
TranslatedSpeech |
TranslatingParticipantSpeech |
TranslatingSpeech |
VoicesListRetrieved |
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Azure SDK for Python