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The latest version of this topic can be found at ConvertProjectToAttributed.

Converts an ATL nonattributed project to attributed.


function ConvertProjectToAttributed( );  

Return Value

true if the project was converted successfully; otherwise false.


Call this function to convert an ATL project from nonattributed to attributed. See Attributed Programming for more information.


// Create a function called CheckAddtoProject.  
function CheckAddtoProject(oProj)  
// Is the project attributed already?  
      if (!IsAttributedProject(wizard))  
         // If the project is not converted to attributed, return false.  
         if (!ConvertProjectToAttributed(oProj))  
            return false;  
   catch (e)  
      var L_ErrMsg1_Text = "Error in CheckAddtoProject: ";  
      wizard.ReportError( L_ErrMsg1_Text + e.description);  
      return false;  
   return true;  

See Also

Customizing C++ Wizards with Common JScript Functions
JScript Functions for C++ Wizards
Creating a Custom Wizard
Designing a Wizard