다음을 통해 공유

IConvertTypeImpl 클래스

Provides an implementation of the IConvertType interface.

template <class T>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE IConvertTypeImpl 
   : public IConvertType, public CConvertHelper

매개 변수

  • T
    Your class, derived from IConvertTypeImpl.


Interface Methods


Gives information on the availability of type conversions on a command or on a rowset.


This interface is mandatory on commands, rowsets, and index rowsets. IConvertTypeImpl implements the interface by delegating to the conversion object supplied by OLE DB.

요구 사항

Header: atldb.h

참고 항목


OLE DB 공급자 템플릿(C++)

OLE DB 공급자 템플릿 구조