다음을 통해 공유


Compares two bookmarks.

STDMETHOD ( Compare )( 
   HCHAPTER /* hReserved */, 
   DBBKMARK cbBookmark1, 
   const BYTE* pBookmark1, 
   DBBKMARK cbBookmark2, 
   const BYTE* pBookmark2, 
   DBCOMPARE* pComparison  

매개 변수

See IRowsetLocate::Compare in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference.


Either of the bookmarks can be a standard OLE DB-defined standard bookmark (DBBMK_FIRST, DBBMK_LAST, or DBBMK_INVALID). The value returned in pComparison indicates the relationship between the two bookmarks:

  • DBCOMPARE_LT (cbBookmark1 is before cbBookmark2.)

  • DBCOMPARE_EQ (cbBookmark1 is equal to cbBookmark2.)

  • DBCOMPARE_GT (cbBookmark1 is after cbBookmark2.)

  • DBCOMPARE_NE (The bookmarks are equal and not ordered.)

  • DBCOMPARE_NOTCOMPARABLE (The bookmarks cannot be compared.)

요구 사항

Header: atldb.h

참고 항목


IRowsetLocateImpl 클래스