Call this function in your property page's DoDataExchange function to synchronize the value of a string property that exactly matches the current selection in a combo box on the property page.
void AFXAPI DDP_CBStringExact(
CDataExchange* pDX,
int id,
CString& member,
LPCTSTR pszPropName
매개 변수
Pointer to a CDataExchange object. The framework supplies this object to establish the context of the data exchange, including its direction.id
The resource ID of the combo box control associated with the control property specified by pszPropName.member
The member variable associated with the property page control specified by id and the property specified by pszPropName.pszPropName
The property name of the control property to be exchanged with the combo box string specified by id.
This function should be called before the corresponding DDX_CBStringExact function call.
요구 사항
Header: afxctl.h