Call this function within your control's DoPropExchange member function to serialize or initialize a data path property of type CDataPathProperty.
BOOL PX_DataPath(
CPropExchange* pPX,
LPCTSTR pszPropName,
CDataPathProperty& dataPathProperty
BOOL PX_DataPath(
CPropExchange* pPX,
CDataPathProperty& dataPathProperty
매개 변수
Pointer to the CPropExchange object (typically passed as a parameter to DoPropExchange).pszPropName
The name of the property being exchanged.dataPathProperty
Reference to the variable where the property is stored (typically a member variable of your class).
반환 값
Nonzero if the exchange was successful; 0 if unsuccessful.
Data path properties implement asynchronous control properties. The property's value will be read from or written to the variable referenced by dataPathProperty, as appropriate.
요구 사항
Header: afxctl.h