다음을 통해 공유


Specifies the command that will be used to create the rowset when using the CCommand class. Accepts only string types matching the specified application type (ANSI or Unicode).


It is recommended that you use DEFINE_COMMAND_EX instead of DEFINE_COMMAND.

DEFINE_COMMAND(x, szCommand )

매개 변수

  • x
    [in] The name of the user record (command) class.

  • szCommand
    [in] The command string that will be used to create the rowset when using CCommand.


The command string that you specify will be used as the default if you do not specify command text in the CCommand::Open method.

This macro accepts ANSI strings if you build your application as ANSI, or Unicode strings if you build your application as Unicode. It is recommended that you use DEFINE_COMMAND_EX instead of DEFINE_COMMAND, because the former accepts Unicode strings, regardless of the ANSI or Unicode application type.



요구 사항

헤더: atldbcli.h

참고 항목

기타 리소스

OLE DB 소비자 템플릿에 대한 매크로 및 전역 함수