Returns a schema rowset.
STDMETHOD (GetRowset)(
IUnknown *pUnkOuter,
REFGUID rguidSchema,
ULONG cRestrictions,
const VARIANT rgRestrictions[],
REFIID riid,
ULONG cPropertySets,
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[],
IUnknown **ppRowset
매개 변수
[in] An outer IUnknown when aggregating; otherwise NULL.rguidSchema
[in] A reference to the requested schema rowset GUID (for example, DBSCHEMA_TABLES).cRestrictions
[in] A count of restrictions to be applied to the rowset.rgRestrictions
[in] An array of cRestrictions VARIANTs that represent the restrictions.riid
[in] The IID to request of the newly created schema rowset.cPropertySets
[in] The number of property sets to set.rgPropertySets
[in/out] An array of DBPROPSET structures to set on the newly created schema rowset.ppRowset
[out] A pointer to the requested interface on the newly created schema rowset.
This method requires the user to have a schema map in the session class. Using the schema map information, GetRowset creates a given rowset object if the rguidSchema parameter is equal to one of the map entries GUIDs. See SCHEMA_ENTRY for a description of the map entry.
See IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset in the Windows SDK.
요구 사항
Header: atldb.h
참고 항목