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Microsoft.Xna.Framework Namespace

Microsoft Silverlight will reach end of support after October 2021. Learn more.

Provides classes for using 3-D graphics.


  Class Description
Public class BoundingFrustum Defines a frustum and helps determine whether forms intersect with it.
Public class ColorExtensions Performs conversions of colors and vectors.
Public class Curve Stores an arbitrary collection of 2D CurveKey points, and provides methods for evaluating features of the curve they define.
Public class CurveKey Represents a point in a multi-point curve.
Public class CurveKeyCollection Contains the CurveKeys making up a Curve.
Public class MathHelper Contains commonly used precalculated values.


  Structure Description
Public structure BoundingBox Defines an axis-aligned box-shaped 3D volume.
Public structure BoundingSphere Defines a sphere.
Public structure Color Represents a four-component color using red, green, blue, and alpha data.
Public structure Matrix Defines a matrix.
Public structure Plane Defines a plane.
Public structure Point Defines a point in 2D space.
Public structure Quaternion Defines a four-dimensional vector (x,y,z,w), which is used to efficiently rotate an object about the (x, y, z) vector by the angle theta, where w = cos(theta/2).
Public structure Ray Defines a ray.
Public structure Rectangle Defines a rectangle.
Public structure Vector2 Defines a vector with two components.
Public structure Vector3 Defines a vector with three components.
Public structure Vector4 Defines a vector with four components.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ContainmentType Indicates the extent to which bounding volumes intersect or contain one another.
Public enumeration CurveContinuity Defines the continuity of CurveKey instances on a Curve.
Public enumeration CurveLoopType Defines how the value of a Curve will be determined for positions before the first point on the Curve or after the last point on the Curve.
Public enumeration CurveTangent Specifies different tangent types to be calculated for CurveKey points in a Curve.
Public enumeration PlaneIntersectionType Describes the intersection between a plane and a bounding volume.