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Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common Namespace


The Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Common namespace provides numerous interfaces, enumerations, and classes for working with users, mail accounts, shared folders, and various environment settings.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AddUserPropertiesCompletedEventArgs

Represents the arguments for the AddUserPropertiesCompleted event.

System_CAPS_pubclass AppHelper

Collection of helper/support functions

System_CAPS_pubclass BalloonToolTip

Represents a balloon tooltip.

System_CAPS_pubclass BubbleWindow

Describes a bubble window.

System_CAPS_pubclass EmailAccount

Represents the arguments returned by the GetAvailableEmailAccountsCompletedEventArgs class.

System_CAPS_pubclass FilterableListView

Represents a Windows filterable list view control.

System_CAPS_pubclass FilterBox

Describes a filter box UI.

System_CAPS_pubclass FontConverter

Converts fonts.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetAllUserRolesCompletedEventArgs

Represents the arguments for the GetAllUserRolesCompleted event.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetAvailableEmailAccountsCompletedEventArgs

Represents the arguments for the callback of GetAvailableEmailAccountsAsync.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetUserPropertiesCompletedEventArgs

Represents the arguments for the GetUserPropertiesCompleted event.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetUserPropertiesCompletedEventArgs2

Represents the arguments for the GetUserPropertiesCompleted event.

System_CAPS_pubclass HighContrastVisibleButton

Descrobes a high contrast visible button.

System_CAPS_pubclass ImageConversionHelper

Contains methods to convert an image from one format to another.

System_CAPS_pubclass InterfaceHelper

Represents a helper class for creating instances of extension interfaces.

System_CAPS_pubclass LocHelper

Contains a helper class for managing localized strings.

System_CAPS_pubclass LogWrapper

Wraps the WSSG log functionality.

System_CAPS_pubclass MailboxExtensionConflictException

The exception that is thrown for a conflict that involves a mailbox extension.

System_CAPS_pubclass MailboxExtensionEventArgs<TResult>

Provides data for the EventHandler<TEventArgs> event handler to be used with asynchronous methods in the IMailboxExtension interface.

System_CAPS_pubclass MailboxExtensionException

The exception that is thrown for a mailbox extension.

System_CAPS_pubclass MailboxExtensionInvalidException

The exception that is thrown when a mailbox extension is not valid.

System_CAPS_pubclass MailboxExtensionNotFoundException

The exception that is thrown when a mailbox extension cannot be found.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResourceHandler

Contains methods for reading resources from resource-only dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).

System_CAPS_pubclass ScrollingHelper

Contains functionality to adjust the scrolling behavior in a control.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServerSettings

Provides information about the server settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass SupportedPlatformAttribute

Represents an attribute that is designed to restrict an add-in from running on unsupported or unlicensed platforms. This class cannot be inherited.

System_CAPS_pubclass TextFormat

Contains methods that are used to format text.

System_CAPS_pubclass UserExtensionException

Exception that is thrown when a user extension error occurs.

System_CAPS_pubclass UserExtensionMethodCompletedEventArgs

Base class that provides data for the method completed events of the IUserExtension class.

System_CAPS_pubclass WatermarkTextBox

Describes the watermark for a text box.

System_CAPS_pubclass WindowsServerSolutionsEnvironment

Collection of helper/support functions for the Windows Server Solutions environment.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IFolderPropertyExtension

Interface for extending shared folder property dialog.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMailbox

Contains the properties of a mailbox.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMailboxExtension

Exposes methods that are used to extend user mailboxes.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IMiscStrings

Extension point for various product strings.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserExtension

Extension point for user properties in the product.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserExtension2

The extension point for user properties in the product.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserExtension2Properties

Represents the user extension properties for a particular user.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserExtensionErrorRecord

Represents the error record that provides more details about an UserExtensionException.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserExtensionProperties

Represents the user extension properties for a particular user.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IUserRole

Represents a user extension property.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum LegibleSizeFormat

Specifies the format that is used in some of the LegibleSize methods in the TextFormat class.

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