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Server Groups Node

The Server Groups node is one level below the Application Virtualization System node in the Scope pane in the Application Virtualization Server Management Console. When you select this node, the Results pane displays a list of server groups. Right-click the node to display a pop-up menu that contains the following elements.

New Server Group Displays the New Server Group Wizard. This wizard consists of a single page, where you can specify a name for the server group in the Server Group Name field and then select the default provider policy from the drop-down menu of available provider policies. Select the Enable check box to enable the server group. Click Finish to add the new server group.

View Changes the appearance and content of the Results pane.

New Window from Here Opens a new management console with the selected node as the root node.

Refresh Refreshes the view of the server.

Export List Creates a tab-delimited text file that contains the contents of the Results pane. This item displays a standard File Save dialog box where you specify the location for the text file you are creating.

Help Displays the help system for the Application Virtualization Server Management Console.

If you click any server group that appears under the Server Groups node in the Scope pane, the following elements are available.

New Virtual Application Server Displays the New Virtual Application Server Wizard. Use this wizard to add a new Application Virtualization Management Server. This wizard has one page, in which you specify the server name in the Display Name field and enter a name in the DNS Host Name field. From this wizard, you can also specify a value for the server cache in the Maximum Memory Allocation (MB) field and a value for the threshold warning level in the Warn Memory Allocation (MB) field.

New Window from Here Opens a new management console with the selected node as the root node.

Delete Deletes a package from the Results pane.

Rename Changes the name of a package in the Results pane.

Refresh Refreshes the view of the server.

Properties Displays the Properties dialog box for the selected server group. The Properties dialog box has the following tabs:

  • General—Enables you to select the provider policy from the drop-down list of Provider Policies. You can also enable or disable the server by selecting or clearing the Enable check box.

  • Logging—Enables you to add, edit, and remove logging modules. When you add or edit a logging module, you can also set or change the logging level.

  • Applications—Lists the applications that are associated with the selected server group. The displayed information includes the application name, version number, and enable status.

Help Displays the help system for the Application Virtualization Server Management Console.

How to Manage Servers in the Server Management Console

Server Management Console: Server Groups Node