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Prepare a Windows PE Image

The following procedure demonstrates how to use the PEImg tool to prepare a Windows PE image for deployment. After you customize your image, the peimg /prep command will optimize the image for size by removing non-installed packages from the base image. This operation cannot be reverted, and, after the /prep option is run, the /install, /uninstall, /import, and /list commands will not function.

You can still add drivers and language packs by using the /inf and /lang commands, respectively. The tool will prompt you before executing the command. You can suppress the prompt using the /f option.


It is recommended that you recapture and save a copy of the image before running the /prep option. This ensures that you have a custom base image that you can later modify. You can then reapply your custom base image, run the /prep option to optimize for size, and then recapture the image to a new file.

For an example on how to build custom Windows PE images, see Windows PE Walkthroughs.

To prepare a Windows PE image for deployment

  1. At a command prompt, run peimg /prep on your local Windows PE build directory. For example:

    peimg /prep c:\winpe_x86\mount\Windows
  2. After you prepare the image, you can burn the image to media. First, recapture or commit the local Windows PE directory to a .wim file by using ImageX, create an .iso file by using one of the provided tools, and then burn the .iso file to the appropriate media.

See Also


PEImg Command-Line Options