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Migrate the internal website for Windows SBS 2011 Standard migration

Published: January 28, 2011

Updated: March 17, 2011


If you do not have an internal website for your organization, skip this section and continue with Move fax data for Windows SBS 2011 Standard migration.

For migrations to Windows SBS 2011 Standard networks containing more than one server, the following terms are used to distinguish new Destination Servers.

  • Primary Server: The first server on a Windows SBS 2011 Standard network that contains more than one server.

  • Second Server: The second server on a Windows SBS 2011 Standard network. The Second Server runs the Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on.


The following procedures are for migrating your internal website from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 running on Windows SBS 2008 to a Destination Server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Standard or to a Second Server that is running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on. If you are migrating from SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows SBS 2011 Standard, follow the steps in Move all SharePoint Foundation 2010 databases for Windows SBS 2011 Standard to another server.

Before you begin the migration, run the pre-upgrade checker on the Source Server. The checker is a function of the Stsadm command line tool. Run the pre-upgrade checker in a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 environment to find potential issues for the upgrade and to review recommendations and best practices. The pre-upgrade checker report includes the names of all content databases. If you have multiple web applications, you should note which content databases are attached to which web applications.

The checker is available with the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2. You can download and install it from the following site:

October 2009 Cumulative Update Packages for SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

To run the pre-upgrade checker on the Source Server

  1. On the Source Server Click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue. A Command Prompt window opens.

  3. At the command prompt, type cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN, and then press ENTER.

  4. To check the current Sharepoint Companyweb environment type stsadm -o preupgradecheck, and then press ENTER.

  5. After the upgradecheck is done it automatically launches a webpage with the results of the scan and in case of any errors advice on how to solve this. Correct these errors and run the command again before continuing to the next step

To migrate the internal website

  1. In the Migration Wizard, on the Migration Wizard Home page, click Migrate SharePoint website, and then click Next.

  2. If you do not want to migrate your internal website, click Skip Task, and then click Next.

  3. If you want to migrate your internal website, perform the steps in the following procedures.

    1. Back up the content database. See To back up the content database for the internal website (CompanyWeb).

    2. Restore the content database to the Destination Server or a Second Server. See To restore the content database on the Destination Server or To restore content database to Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on

    3. Grant read permissions. See To grant read permissions on the Destination Server.

    4. Mount the database. See To mount the content database.

    5. Enable SharePoint Foundation 2010 features. See To enable SharePoint Foundation 2010 features.

    6. Configure Search. To configure Search for “CompanyWeb”.

To back up the content database for the internal website (CompanyWeb)

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005, click SQL Server Management Studio Express, and then click run as Administrator.

  2. For the Server Name, type \\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query.

  3. In SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), in the navigation pane, expand Databases.

  4. Right-click the content database for the internal website, click Tasks, and then click Back Up.


By default, the content database for the internal website is named SharedWebDb. Perform the following step if the database has another name.

To find out the name of the content database for the internal website, Click **Start**, click **Administrative Tools**, click **SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration**. Choose **Application Management**. Choose content databases under **SharePoint Web Application Management**. Choose the Windows SBS SharePoint web application. You can see the content database in the list.
  1. In the Back Up Database dialog box, do the following:

    1. Leave the defaults in the Source and Backup set sections.

    2. In the Destination section, set Backup to Disk, then add the <full path location>.bak for the backup set (for example, c:\backup\Companyweb.bak).

    3. Click OK to create the backup set.

    4. Click OK in the Backup completed successfully dialog box.

    5. Copy the backup file to a removable storage device.


If you are migrating your internal website to a Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on, continue with the procedure To restore content database to Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on.

To restore the content database on the Destination Server

  1. Copy your backup files of the content database for the Windows SBS SharePoint web application to the new server.

  2. Remove SharedwebDb, which is associated with current Windows SBS 2011 Standard Companyweb.

    1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

    2. On the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

    3. Click Manage content database under application management.

    4. Click ShareWebDb.

    5. Check Remove content database and click Yes. Click OK to close the page.


If your database is more than 10G after restore, you will not be able to restore it to SQL Server Express 2008 R2. We recommend that you migrate to Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on, which runs SQL Server 2008 R2. Skip the following steps until To restore content database to Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on.

  1. Perform the following steps to delete the original ShareWebDb database on the Destination Server and restore the ShareWebDb database from the Source Server.

    1. Click Start, Click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, and then click SQL Server Management Studio Express. Run it as Administrator.

    2. Enter <server name>\SharePoint as server name and click connect.

    3. Expand Databases, right-click ShareWebDb, and then click Delete. Select Close existing connections. Clear the Delete backup and restore history option if it is selected, and then click OK.

    4. Right-click Databases, and then click Restore Database. The Restore Database dialog box appears.

    5. In the Restore Database dialog box, on the General page, type ShareWebDb.

    6. In the To a point in time text box, retain the default (Most recent possible).

    7. To specify the source and location of the backup sets to restore, click From device, and then click to select the backup file.

    8. In the Specify Backup dialog box, in the Backup media box, be sure that File is selected.

    9. In the Backup location area, click Add.

    10. In the Locate Backup File dialog box, select the file that you want to restore, click OK, and then, in the Specify Backup dialog box, click OK.

    11. In the Restore Database dialog box, under Select the backup sets to restore grid, select the Restore check box next to the most recent full backup.

    12. In the Restore Database dialog box, under Select a page click the Options page. Under Restore options, select the Overwrite the existing database check box.

    13. If you have moved the data storage location for SharePoint, restore the database to the new location.

    14. Click OK to start the restore process.

If you are not migrating the website to a Second Server, skip the following procedure and continue with To mount the content database.

To restore content database to Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on

  1. Logon to the Second Server running Windows SBS 2011 Premium Add-on. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, then click SQL Server Management Studio. Run it as Administrator.

  2. Enter <server name>\<instance name> as server name and click Connect. An instance is created during SQL Server setup.

  3. Right-click Databases, and then click Restore Database. The Restore Database dialog box appears.

  4. In the Restore Database dialog box, on the General page, type ShareWebDb.

  5. In the To a point in time text box, retain the default (Most recent possible).

  6. To specify the source and location of the backup sets to restore, click From device, and then click Browse to select the backup file.

  7. In the Specify Backup dialog box, in the Backup media box, be sure that File is selected.

  8. In the Backup location area, click Add.

  9. In the Locate Backup File dialog box, select the file that you want to restore, click OK, and then, in the Specify Backup dialog box, click OK.

  10. In the Restore Database dialog box, under Select the backup sets to restore grid, select the Restore check box next to the most recent full backup.

  11. In the Restore Database dialog box, on the Options page, under Restore options, select the Overwrite the existing database check box.

  12. Click OK to start the restore process.

To mount the content database

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell. Run it as Administrator. Use the following command to mount your restored content database to company web.

    Mount-SPContentDatabase –Name “ShareWebDb" –WebApplication <web app url>

    An example URL is “https://sites:987”

    1. Go to https://companyweb. Click Site Action, choose Site Settings, and choose Reset to site definition under Site Actions.

    2. Go back to https://companyweb. Click Site Action, choose Visual Upgrade and click Update All sites.

If you want new SharePoint Foundation 2010 functionality and features, you must reset any customized pages to use the template by performing the steps in the following procedure. Resetting the page basically discards the customizations and attaches your page to the appropriate master page. Any customizations you want can then be transferred to the master page instead of being stored in individual pages.

To enable SharePoint Foundation 2010 features

  1. Go to https://companyweb. Click Site Action, choose Site Settings, and choose Reset to site definition under Site Actions.

  2. Go back to https://companyweb. Click Site Action, choose Visual Upgrade and click Update All sites.

To configure Search for “CompanyWeb”

  1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. Choose Manage Services on Server under System Setting.

  3. Click Stop on the right of SharePoint Foundation Search and confirm.

  4. Then click Start on the right of SharePoint Foundation Search.

  5. Choose to search every 5 minutes in the configuration page. Click OK.

  6. Go to Administration home page and click Manage content database under application management.

  7. Click ShareWebDb.

  8. Choose your server as search server and click OK.


You can use the free SharePoint Designer 2010 product to do advanced customization of your SharePoint Foundation 2010 website.
SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit)
SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-bit)

To grant read permissions on the Destination Server

  1. On the Destination Server, run Internet Explorer, and type https://companyweb in the address bar, and then press Enter.

  2. Click Site Action and choose Site Permissions.

  3. Click Grant Permissions. Enter the information below into the dialog box:

    • In Users/Groups, type NT Authority\System and click Check Name icon.

    • In Grant Permissions, select Read.

    • Unselect the check box for send welcome e-mail to new users.

  4. Click OK.