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Synchronize IPAM and VMM


Applies To: Windows Server 2012 R2

Deploy IPAM VMM Integration > Configure IPAM VMM Integration > Synchronize IPAM and VMM

Using the IPAM network service with System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), virtualized IP address space in IPAM is automatically updated when changes are made to logical networks in VMM. Logical networks are also added to VMM when you create them in IPAM. However, you must specify certain custom fields in IPAM so that the new logical networks can be correctly provisioned in VMM.

For information about adding the IPAM network service to VMM, see Configure IPAM VMM Integration. The IPAM network service must be configured before performing the procedures in this topic.

Detailed, step by step instructions are provided below for adding a logical network to VMM and then viewing it in IPAM, and for adding a logical network to IPAM with attributes that are required for the logical network to be also added to VMM.


IPAM can be used to add and manage logical networks on multiple instances of VMM by specifying unique values for the Managed By field in IPAM.

See the following sections in this topic:

Membership in the Administrators group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete the following procedures. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477).

Add a logical network using VMM

Use the following procedures to add a logical network using the VMM console and then view the logical network in IPAM.

To create a logical network in VMM

  1. In the Fabric workspace, expand the Networking node and then click Logical Networks.

  2. Right-click Logical Networks, and click Create Logical Network.

  3. In the Create Logical Network Wizard, next to Name, type a name for the logical network, for example Contoso Logical Network.

  4. Click Next, and under Network sites, next to Network site name, type a site name, for example Contoso 1.

  5. Click Insert row, type the network ID under IP subnet, for example,, select the All Hosts checkbox, click Next, and then click Finish.

  6. Verify that the new logical network appears in VMM. See the following example.

To view VMM logical networks in IPAM

  1. Refresh the IPAM console view, and verify that the new logical network is displayed under Provider IP Address Space. See the following example.


You can also click Create IP Pool to add an IP address range to the logical network and also synchronize it with IPAM. Although an IP address range is required when synchronizing from IPAM to VMM, it is not a requirement to add logical networks from VMM to IPAM.

Add a logical network using IPAM

Use the following procedures to add a logical network using the IPAM console and then view the logical network in VMM.

To create a logical network in IPAM

  1. In the IPAM console, click VIRTUALIZED IP ADDRESS SPACE in the upper navigation pane, right-click Provider IP Address Space in the lower navigation pane, and then click Add IP Address Space.

  2. In the Add IP Address Space dialog box, next to Name, type a name for the logical network address space, for example Woodgrove Address Space.

  3. Next to Type of IP address space, choose Provider IP Address Space, and click OK.

  4. On the Server Manager menu bar, click Manage, click IPAM Settings, and then click Configure Custom Fields.

  5. Under Step 1, scroll through the list of Custom Field Names and then click on the built-in name VMM Logical Network. Note: If you have already configured other logical networks, these names will be displayed under Step 2.

  6. Under Step 2, click the blank line at the bottom of the list under Custom Field Value, and type the name for the new logical network, for example Woodgrove Logical Network. Note: If you are not able to type spaces in the name, try typing the name without spaces first, and then adding spaces afterward. This is a bug in some versions of IPAM. See the following example.

  7. Click OK and click OK again when you are notified that custom field mapping is updated.

  8. Click Configure Custom Fields again, and under Step 1, click the built-in custom field of Network Site.

  9. Under Step 2, click the blank line at the bottom of the list under Custom Field Value and type the name for the new network site, for example Woodgrove 1, and then click OK twice.

  10. In the IPAM Settings dialog box, click Configure Custom Field Associations.

  11. Under Custom field association list, if VMM Logical Network is already associated to Network Site, click VMM Logical Network and then click Edit.

  12. If VMM Logical Network is not currently displayed under Custom field association list, click New and then choose VMM Logical Network under Custom Field 1 and choose Network Site under Custom Field 2. Select the appropriate associations for each field, and then click Add Association.

  13. The following example displays how to edit the VMM Logical Network/Network Site association to add a new association for Woodgrove after an association for Contoso is already configured. To edit the custom field association, click Update Association.

  14. Click OK, and then click Close.

  15. In the IPAM console lower navigation pane, right-click the name of the new address space, for example: Woodgrove Address Space, and click Edit IP Address Space.

  16. Click Custom Configurations, next to Custom field, choose VMM Logical Network, next to Value choose the logical network value that you created, for example Woodgrove Logical Network, and click Add.

  17. Next to Custom field, choose Network Site, next to Value choose the network site value that you created, for example Woodgrove 1, click Add and then click OK. See the following example

  18. In the lower navigation pane, right-click the provider IP address space, for example, Woodgrove Address Space, and click Add IP Address Subnet.

  19. Next to Name, type a name for the subnet, for example

  20. Next to Network ID, type the network ID for the subnet, for example

  21. Next to Prefix length, type the number of bits in the subnet mask, for example 24.

  22. Under IP Address Subnet Virtualization Properties, choose Provider and select the appropriate address space next to Provider IP address space, for example Woodgrove Address Space.

  23. Next to Logical Network and Network site, choose the logical network and network site values you specified, for example Woodgrove Logical Network and Woodgrove 1.

  24. Under Custom Configurations, next to Custom field, choose Managed by Service and next to Value choose VMM, then click Add.

  25. Next to Custom field, choose Service Instance and next to Value choose the FQDN of the server running VMM, for example scvmm1.contoso.com, click Add and then click OK.

  26. Verify that the subnet is displayed in the IPAM console display pane under the correct provider address space, VMM logical network, and network site. See the following example.

  27. In the lower navigation pane, right-click the network site, for example Woodgrove 1, and then click Add IP Address Range.

  28. Next to Network ID, type the network ID, for example

  29. Next to Prefix length, type the network prefix length, for example 24.

  30. Next to Managed by service, select VMM.

  31. Next to Service instance, select the FQDN of the server running VMM, for example scvmm1.contoso.com.

  32. Next to Use IP address range for, choose Provider.

  33. Next to Provider IP address space, choose the appropriate address space, for example Woodgrove Address Space.

  34. Click OK and verify that the IP address range was added by choosing IP Address Ranges next to Current view in the I{PAM console display pane.

To view IPAM logical networks in VMM

  1. In the Fabric workspace, expand the Networking node and then click Network Service.

  2. Under Network Services, right-click the IPAM network service and then click Refresh.

  3. Verify that the logical network is created and displayed in VMM. See the following example.

See also

Install IPAM Server